Wade gives team off today/Monday


Vegetarians are so stupid.
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I don't have a problem with it. The team needs it after a hard fought win.

Give them a day of to rest/recuperate then get back to it on Tuesday and have a kick-*** week getting ready for the best team in the NFC.


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ladiewolve;2377731 said:
The Defense deserved the day off. The Offense should be working.

The defense doesn't deserve crap considering they took off the past 18+ games....


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c0wb0y_m0nkey;2377738 said:
I don't have a problem with it. The team needs it after a hard fought win.

Give them a day of to rest/recuperate then get back to it on Tuesday and have a kick-*** week getting ready for the best team in the NFC.

all they do is rest under coach cupcake!!!!!!!!


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bbailey423;2377721 said:
The initial injury report said he would be out UP to 4 weeks...this Sunday will be 3 weeks. Romo tried to play in St Loius. So no, I don't know for sure, but I strongly believe that if Sunday was a playoff game that Romo would play based on those FACTS I just laid out. So that leads me to believe that the Cowboys are not treating this game as a MUST WIN GAME. If they win, gravy...if they lose, well that just means they feel they can win 5 or 6 of their last 7 games. That is why I said what I said. You fall behind the Giants 3 games with 7 games to go...you pretty much have conceded the division....and I think this team is focusing on getting healthy and grabbing a wild card spot. I for one am not that naieve to think teams don't do a cost/benefit analysis when approaching the season from big picture perspective. Wheter or not that is smart is another story...but with the momentum we have on defense...and they morale boost the weapons on this offense would get...I think Romo should play.

Based on what? He tried to throw before the Rams game and couldn't grip the ball when he gets the ball before he can even attempt to throw it he has he has to reposition the ball so that he can, that according to Romo whom I think would know alot more about his own situation. You can't do that with a pass rush coming at you, you can't have any timing with your WR when you do that. He is not playing because he can't, if he could he would he has said this himself now who should I believe you are Tony Romo?


Pixel Pusher
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He always does this. He gave the team two days off after one of the loses.


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Wade's an idiot.... yeah, lets give the team a day off so they can pat themsevles on the back for playing the way they are SUPPOSED to play. No way the offense should have a day off and who really trusts this defense to play like they did this weekend consistantly? Anyone that does is kidding themselves. This team has shown nothing of consistancy on D.. They need to get to work and continue fixing this mess.....one game does not make a team. Wade's a joke....


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Doomsday101;2377746 said:
Based on what? He tried to throw before the Rams game and couldn't grip the ball when he gets the ball before he can even attempt to throw it he has he has to reposition the ball so that he can, that according to Romo whom I think would know alot more about his own situation. You can't do that with a pass rush coming at you, you can't have any timing with your WR when you do that. He is not playing because he can't, if he could he would he has said this himself now who should I believe you are Tony Romo?
I am not convinced that he won't...patiently awaiting Wed practice. Because we might as well rest a lot of people if we are going with Brad. Marion Barber might be in a coffin by week 10 with the way this has come to Marion and the gang!


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stiletto;2377756 said:
Wade's an idiot.... yeah, lets give the team a day off so they can pat themsevles on the back for playing the way they are SUPPOSED to play. No way the offense should have a day off and who really trusts this defense to play like they did this weekend consistantly? Anyone that does is kidding themselves. This team has shown nothing of consistancy on D.. They need to get to work and continue fixing this mess.....one game does not make a team. Wade's a joke....

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


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bbailey423;2377757 said:
I am not convinced that he won't...patiently awaiting Wed practice. Because we might as well rest a lot of people if we are going with Brad. Marion Barber might be in a coffin by week 10 with the way this has come to Marion and the gang!

If during practice they feel he can go and be effective then there is a chance however right now that would be very slim at this time and with a bye week coming up to allow that finger to be fully healed I think Dallas will be cautions about putting Romo in and rightfully so. Having Romo out there just for the sake of having him out there is not going to benifet the team or him. He has to be able to do the job

Canadian BoyzFan

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jterrell;2377594 said:
It never fails to amaze me how slow people can be to recognize the obvious.

Right now our team is beat up physically and mentally drained by having the strain of non-stop drama(pac-man, injuries, wade on hot seat, t.o. not happy...).

This team won Sunday with pure grit. The Dallas Cowboys minus Romo, Witten, Newman, F Jones, Pacman, Henry, Kosier, RW38, Spencer, Hurd... is not exactly the most talented team in the NFL. We heard all last week about facing adversity and manning up but not a word now about it after they did just that.

They deserved the day off. They played hard and got the job done. It was the first real heart-laced effort in quite some time.

BTW, Wade called a great game and made some huge decisions with key calls on both offense and defense. He also deserves some credit and it was cool JJ gave him a game-ball.

Great posting.
Nuff said.


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DaBoys4Life;2377739 said:
The defense doesn't deserve crap considering they took off the past 18+ games....
I never said they deserved anything untill today. Today they should rest because they will need to be fresh for sunday and hopefully step up again.
Man you are negative....


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ladiewolve;2377779 said:
I never said they deserved anything untill today. Today they should rest because they will need to be fresh for sunday and hopefully step up again.
Man you are negative....

With good reason....no reason for one win to go to our heads...we did go we're not perfect and we still need to be working on things...I want more!!!!!!


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Last week I was pissed they didn't practice on Monday.

But, after a win, I can understand it this week.

Same thing with Brad Johnson. I was somewhat miffed he was not replaced w/ Bollinger for the Bucs game...But, because they won, I'll understand and expect Johnson to start against the Giants as well.

When the team wins, "dont fix what ain't broke". For better or worse thats the style that Philips has...


What's it going to be then, eh?
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It does seem like a bad message.

Our biggest divisional game thus far is coming up.


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ladiewolve;2377731 said:
The Defense deserved the day off. The Offense should be working.

I agree. The defense was on the field a lot. They need the rest because they are going to be relied on heavily again next week.

Noodle arm should be out there working with the WR's.

Our team knows the Giants. We know what we have to do to stop them, they need to be physically ready to do that.

Working them hard all week is not going to get them to that point.


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aikemirv;2377834 said:
I agree. The defense was on the field a lot. They need the rest because they are going to be relied on heavily again next week.

Noodle arm should be out there working with the WR's.

Our team knows the Giants. We know what we have to do to stop them, they need to be physically ready to do that.

Working them hard all week is not going to get them to that point.

full pads double secessions !!!!! never let up....they can have off on saturday.....


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Most teams do have Monday off except for players needing treatment from the training staff. Tuesday is film room and meetings with Wed, Thrusday as practice days and Friday they go through the walk through and or practice.


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tomson75;2377716 said:
Did it ever occur to you that the reason could be that if we were playing a playoff game, and we lost, he would have had nothing to lose. If he re-injures it during a playoff game and we lose, he has the entire off season to heal it. If we win, we likely wouldn't have if he hadn't played. He's not jeopardizing nearly as much by playing in a playoff game than he is midway through the season.

Exactly....Can't people understand that? Romo does not want to jeopardize the remaining games of the season. If it's a playoff game right now, he WILL take the risk cos he has the entire offseason to heal.


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romoluv;2377847 said:
Exactly....Can't people understand that? Romo does not want to jeopardize the remaining games of the season. If it's a playoff game right now, he is willing to take the risk cos he has the entire offseason to heal.

Chances are that if he waits til the Skins game he will be 100% and be ready to make a run. NY is going to hit the QB. He would not have it easy and I think it would be 50/50 that he would make it worse and delay him coming back.

If this team goes into NY and pulls out a win - I don't care how ugly, without Romo it will be a GOOD thing.


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bbailey423;2377733 said:
of course that occured to me...but did it ever occur to you that many other players have played with injuries FAR WORSE! It will have been 3 weeks...Brad give us ZERO chance. ZERO! So if we felt that we NEEDED this game.....Romo would play. My opinion, I am entitled to it...and I am sticking with it!

you're right. Flozel Adams played with an injured arm for a game and we all know how that turned out. but in case you didn't get the memo, our OLine got eaten alive and our starting QB got beaten down and injured. here are some facts for you:

1. when a QB's throwing hand is injured, it hinders his throwing ability

2. it's better to lose one game and let your #1 QB fully recover from an injury. then the team can play for a possible wildcard spot.

3. if Romo were to play the Giants game and further injure his hand, this season is over. period.

4. the Giants were a wildcard team last year and won the superbowl.

5. we all understand this is your opinion and you're sticking with it, which is why we all feel sorry for you.