Wade gives team off today/Monday


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Another point of perspective here and this one from Jerry's standpoint.

He gave up a 1st,3rd and 6th for Roy Willimas, who, more than likely have been a FA at the end of the year. This was a trade for the Super Bowl THIS year. That is the only reason that trade has value!

If Romo is out for the year then that trade becomes the biggest mistake he could have made because not only would we have gotten him for free at the end of the year (probably), Romo being out and our draft position becoming worse makes the trade evn more problematic.

So in essence, Jerry can't let him play just for 1 win, period. The bigger picture has to come into focus.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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Doomsday101;2377839 said:
Most teams do have Monday off except for players needing treatment from the training staff. Tuesday is film room and meetings with Wed, Thrusday as practice days and Friday they go through the walk through and or practice.

Tuesday is the players' day off.


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c0wb0y_m0nkey;2377738 said:
I don't have a problem with it. The team needs it after a hard fought win.

Give them a day of to rest/recuperate then get back to it on Tuesday and have a kick-*** week getting ready for the best team in the NFC.

They have Tuesday off as well! It's mandatory in the NFL. So two days off...with the SB champs...and then two weeks off. Because they played SO HARD. It's there job....and it shows you that the defense should play that way every week!!!!

Anybody up for a trip to Cabo???? lol


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Aven8;2377544 said:
I heard last night on Newy that Wade was giving the team off today. I know it's only a watch film, stretch type day, but I think it's a mistake. He finally gets something out of this team for the first time in a month, then he let's off the gas.

Drew Pearson said that they can take there break during the bye week, but now is the time to really push the team to let them stay focused.

Maybe it's not a big deal....but after all the team, and Wade have been through, it just seems like a bad time to take a day off when you have the SB champs this week on the road.

Got Charmin?

You cant be serious Wade. My god. :bang2:


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jterrell;2377594 said:
It never fails to amaze me how slow people can be to recognize the obvious.

Right now our team is beat up physically and mentally drained by having the strain of non-stop drama(pac-man, injuries, wade on hot seat, t.o. not happy...).

This team won Sunday with pure grit. The Dallas Cowboys minus Romo, Witten, Newman, F Jones, Pacman, Henry, Kosier, RW38, Spencer, Hurd... is not exactly the most talented team in the NFL. We heard all last week about facing adversity and manning up but not a word now about it after they did just that.

They deserved the day off. They played hard and got the job done. It was the first real heart-laced effort in quite some time.

BTW, Wade called a great game and made some huge decisions with key calls on both offense and defense. He also deserves some credit and it was cool JJ gave him a game-ball.



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Audiman;2377880 said:
you're right. Flozel Adams played with an injured arm for a game and we all know how that turned out. but in case you didn't get the memo, our OLine got eaten alive and our starting QB got beaten down and injured. here are some facts for you:

1. when a QB's throwing hand is injured, it hinders his throwing ability

2. it's better to lose one game and let your #1 QB fully recover from an injury. then the team can play for a possible wildcard spot.

3. if Romo were to play the Giants game and further injure his hand, this season is over. period.

4. the Giants were a wildcard team last year and won the superbowl.

5. we all understand this is your opinion and you're sticking with it, which is why we all feel sorry for you.
go back and read my original post...I SAID that if the Cowboys thought this was a must win game...ROmo would be playing...therefore, I don't think the Cowboys care that much if they lose this game.


NFL Historian
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The downside of blogs/Internet.

Now we have fans freaking out over the tiniest minutiae.


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He didn't give them off he just told them that they have a choice. They can show up and watch film, or they can stay home. How much do you want to bet that a majority of the team is there watching film?


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bbailey423;2378031 said:
go back and read my original post...I SAID that if the Cowboys thought this was a must win game...ROmo would be playing...therefore, I don't think the Cowboys care that much if they lose this game.

and? it's NOT a must win game. everyone would like for us to win the game, but it's not a must win and Romo needs to heal. what about this don't you understand?

Chuck 54

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After all the negativity, I think these guys need the days off, physically and emotionally...they have plenty of time to get ready for NY.

It may also give the coaches more time to get the exact game plan together that they want and to make other important decisions.

I just want us to be competitive on Sunday, and I think we can do that.


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anyone care to weigh in now? I think it being tossed around that the Jerry Jones came on the Micheal Irvin show today and basically conceded the game Sunday. Now in my original post I said I don't think the Cowboys care if they lose SUnday...I was crucified. But here is what I will say further...if you don't care if you win or lose Sunday, then why not go with Bollinger?


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Ummm guys article XL of the CBA requires teams to give players "at least" 4 days off per month. So basically 1 per week. We like most other teams in the NFL give them monday off


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DaBoys4Life;2377726 said:
So what....push them more!!!!!!!! don't let the intensity and fire and drive from yesterday's game die down it's not as if we are at the position to be resting plays either.....We should have came out in full pads double sessions and went to work!!!!!!!!!!

that act gets old too. good coaches know when to push and when to ease up on the team. by wednesday they should be back in the grind. all they miss is the film session since they don't hit on mondays and tuesdays are off all the time. like some other poster mentioned, it doesn't mean some of them show up anyway.


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bbailey423;2378313 said:
anyone care to weigh in now? I think it being tossed around that the Jerry Jones came on the Micheal Irvin show today and basically conceded the game Sunday. Now in my original post I said I don't think the Cowboys care if they lose SUnday...I was crucified. But here is what I will say further...if you don't care if you win or lose Sunday, then why not go with Bollinger?

You can say what you want about Jerry but conceding a loss to the Giants is not one of them. This is the guy who gets criticized by some for standing on the sidelines cheering his team on. The body language in the booth yesterday showed he is not different than we fans. Heck a few days ago he was accused of trying to win so bad he was meddling with the head coach and the defense. I swear critical media and fans make a bale of hay out of one Jerry Jones straw.

I think a little subterfuge is going on if anything. The coaches are being coy about Brad starting. There are reports of Valley Ranch insiders stating that Bollinger may play in this upcoming game. The offensive effort was the worst in 3 decades. Brad Johnson at this juncture is the anti-quarterback.

I think if there is a possible opportunity to have the Giants a little off balance this could be it. They know we are wounded trying to get airborne. If we beat the Giants we psychologically re-set ourselves for a dominating run the rest of the way. Now that is a big if, and I am not a pipe dreamer. This team could still be crushed by the Giants.

Technically this is not the absolute must game from a win-loss record standpoint. But beating the Giants would be enormously pivotal.


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i just wish people would keep in perspective that.....the other teams have got to play their games too.. i guess everyone is assuming that they(other teams) will go undefeated. who knows what will happen...anybody can beat anybody!!!


That Guy
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bbailey423;2378031 said:
go back and read my original post...I SAID that if the Cowboys thought this was a must win game...ROmo would be playing...therefore, I don't think the Cowboys care that much if they lose this game.
I know you may be surprised to hear this but there is actually a lot of room between calling a game a "must win," and saying we "don't care if we lose a game."

About the only time you don't care about losing a game is in Week 17 or maybe 16 if you're eliminated from the playoffs.

This game isn't a must win. But I guarantee you that there's no one at Valley Ranch who doesn't care if we win or lose it.