Wade gives team off today/Monday

Bob Sacamano

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having them take a day off is kind of disturbing because we seem to be one of the most unfocused teams in the league

but I understand that they probably need it being beat up and all

I just hope and pray that they all don't get lax


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This is ridiculous. Don't the players get Tuesdays off anyway?

So two days in a row? I'd rather give them just Monday off and then continue on Tuesday.


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bbailey423;2378313 said:
anyone care to weigh in now? I think it being tossed around that the Jerry Jones came on the Micheal Irvin show today and basically conceded the game Sunday. Now in my original post I said I don't think the Cowboys care if they lose SUnday...I was crucified. But here is what I will say further...if you don't care if you win or lose Sunday, then why not go with Bollinger?

Jerry never came on the show today and it was simply Clarence Hill using conjecture on his part and came to that conclusion because Jerry had told him that the Tampa game was a must win game. Hill then told Irvin, that to him that was Jerry's way of saying he was conceding the Giants game. Irvin told him that Jerry explicitly would never concede any game. That's just not Jerry's style. Irvin would know better than any writer in Dallas ,and certainly better than the many Jerry bashing , intellectually challenged, so called football experts who dwell in absurdity. Anyone who has followed the Cowboys since he bought the team would know JJ wouldn't concede a half eaten hot dog if it pertained to the Cowboys, much less a freakin' regular season game. Come on people use your common sense here.


Vet Min Plus
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At the very least they should be playing Madden with Brooks Bollinger as the QB.:pencil:


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ndanger;2379496 said:
Jerry never came on the show today and it was simply Clarence Hill using conjecture on his part and came to that conclusion because Jerry had told him that the Tampa game was a must win game. Hill then told Irvin, that to him that was Jerry's way of saying he was conceding the Giants game. Irvin told him that Jerry explicitly would never concede any game. That's just not Jerry's style. Irvin would know better than any writer in Dallas ,and certainly better than the many Jerry bashing , intellectually challenged, so called football experts who dwell in absurdity. Anyone who has followed the Cowboys since he bought the team would know JJ wouldn't concede a half eaten hot dog if it pertained to the Cowboys, much less a freakin' regular season game. Come on people use your common sense here.

Thank you for setting this straight and I absolutely did not think Jerry would concede anything even before you posted this. It just kills me that learned fans in here that have whatever issues Jones would eagerly post this stuff knowing it really doesn't make sense. Why not wait until more came out about these Clarence Hill, Jr. comments.

It is like last week, some made a huge uproar of Jones purportedly going to Wade and telling him what to do about getting his offense straightened out. The Jones critics implied he had no business doing this, and basically bullied for changes, which Wade denied. Did Jones talk to Wade about the defense issues and even encouraging Wade to step up? More than likely. Shouldn't Jerry be able to do since he is the GM?

I don't think it is a coincidence that Wade took matters more in his own hands after their meeting. It probably just reaffirmed to Wade that he has to get more involved and it paid off. What I don't like is some of the hypocracy over Jones. So he gets skewered for meddling in the defense, it works and then the critics conveniently shut up or don't acknowledge it. Sure Wade, the players deserve most of the credit but there may be no denying that Jones was a positive catalyst.

Also I wonder if Clarence has an axe to grind with Valley Ranch considering the heat that has come on Stewart?