Wade presser on now...

TheCount;2993279 said:
Let me guess. Romo is fine. The line is fine. The offense is fine. Defense is fine. Everything is fine.

AbeBeta;2993421 said:
I was all for a change last off season. However, there is absolutely no way we change mid-season. It will not even cross Jerry's mind.

Oh yeah. We are 2-2, not 2-10

That is true. Wade is our D coordinator and good or bad we're stuck with him for the rest of the season.
Bach;2993354 said:
Wade and Campo on the sidelines together --- how fitting! Only in JerryLand

Where is the "shaking head" smiley when you need it?
Dcowboy84;2993310 said:
they asked about Hamlin missing the tackle on the Marshall catch...."well they missed tackles on us too, but i didn't think it was a poor tacking game overall" :bang2:

He said we didn't tackle well on that play, but overall we tackled pretty well. He also said that he was sure that the Broncos and Cowboys both had a player that missed a tackle.

Do you really expect him to throw our guys under the bus to the media? Honestly?
Wade also said that Gerald S. could be out up to 4 weeks
Wade (opening his lunch bag): Aw shucks, I ordered a McDouble and they forgot to put on the cheese. Oh well, I guess I'll have to just order another one later and hope the remeber to put the cheese on next time. But I'll go back to that McDonalds and look at the drive-thru tape; maybe I ordered it wrong, or something. I can't say for sure until I look at the tape. They may have had a part-time employee too. We'll see..............Hey! Where are my fries? :rolleyes:
AbeBeta;2993383 said:
So you want Parcells back?

Parcells was too old to do it. I think it was pretty clear he lost his passion for the game, at least the coaching aspect of it.

We need someone young, new to instill that type discipline and mentality. They're around if Jerry would just open his eyes. You mean the Cowboys couldn't benefit from a Rex Ryan or a Mike Singletary or even a Rob Ryan? Defensive coaches whose attitude inspires their players.

The only inspiration Wade imparts is who hurries first to the cafeteria line during lunch time.
Smith22;2993443 said:
He said we didn't tackle well on that play, but overall we tackled pretty well. He also said that he was sure that the Broncos and Cowboys both had a player that missed a tackle.

Do you really expect him to throw our guys under the bus to the media? Honestly?

No. But I do expect him to say, "I want winners. I want people who want to win and make plays when they're needed most."

Oh, wait. That guy coaches in San Francisco. Nevermind. ;)
Wade also mentioned that Barber's quad tightened up. When asked why we ran so little in the 2nd half, he mentioned we had 10 rushes for 19 yards, and of course the horrible penalty called on MartyB that negated a 17 yard run.
Seriously, why does wade need to call players out in public? What good does that do? Maybe he's a hard *** in the locker room and thats the only place it matters. It doesn't matter what he says in those press conferences or in interviews to the media. The only thing that matters is if those 53 guys and the rest of the coaches believe in him. We are fans and we can be upset, but they really aren't required to tells us anything.
We need to hear some passion like this:
AMERICAS_FAN;2993448 said:
Wade (opening his lunch bag): Aw shucks, I ordered a McDouble and they forgot to put on the cheese. Oh well, I guess I'll have to just order another one later and hope the remeber to put the cheese on next time. But I'll go back to that McDonalds and look at the drive-thru tape; maybe I ordered it wrong, or something. I can't say for sure until I look at the tape. They may have had a part-time employee too. We'll see..............Hey! Where are my fries? :rolleyes:
The30YardSlant;2993392 said:
Might as well. Being a fat, lazy, unenthusiastic, gutless waste of oxygen sure hasnt produced any results.

And who knows, maybe throwing a tantrum would get him fired quicker

You're all doing a bang up job of that so far!

Oh, you mean Wade...nevermind then.
utrunner07;2993356 said:
who is more of an idiot, the idiot that coaches or the idiot that allows an idiot to coach?


That was brilliant.

Keep Shovelin' it Wade, and Jerry. We just lost a battle to the mighty Broncos under a rookie headcoach and a mediocre QB. And your excuses certainly convince me that Dallas is on its way to a Superbowl season! Rah, rah, rah, sis, boom, bah. Doink!

So, there's our fearless leader. Inside the neat lookin' cab of that lift. Should put three more into there. Jerry, Stephen and Garrett. With Phillips the driver.

This is what Dallas has become. That more than anything is what's so upsetting to me, even if its still not obvious to some on the board.

Lack of depth, lack of cohesion, lack of consistency, lack of preparation, lack of good coaching has made this team mediocre. There is no way this team can do any better than what it's doing currently. They'll stumble to a win here and there, then lose three in a row. This is the team they are. Any expectations they can do better is wishcasting.

.500 in the last 25 games is not exceptable to a team that was a superbowl favorite last year.

Garrett is in way over his head. He should've started from the ground up and not been annointed OC until he'd paid his dues. But smoke and mirrors won the day, and some owners can't see the forest for the trees. JJ is one of them. He doesn't have hindsight, foresight, or any other kind of sight. So he listens to cooks in the kitchen that don't know how to cook. Like maybe his son, Stephen. "Jerry, get rid of TO, he's not Romo friendly. Romo doesn't need distractions like that. Get rid of TO and Romo will be the QB we all know he can be." DOINK!

Yes, he's definitely a different Romo without TO. Half the game, Romo's wearing the other team's jersey. He looks so lost, I think Jerry should notify the cops so they can put an APB out on him. Either that or loan him out to that TV show. Whatever they do, Romo can't continue to throw so poorly and keep his job. And sure, you can blame the WR to an extent, but I see an awful lot of open receivers. The trouble is, Romo looks for Witten first and then gets lost when he can't find him. By the time of his second read, our intrepid WR are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.This is where we need more experienced WR.

Jerry needs to get his idiotic, excuse-oriented head out of his caboose and make some much needed moves. Now. Or the season is gone.

Btw, you know what else is frightening? The helpless look on Wade and Tony's face toward the end of games. Almost identical. When the general looks lost, you know the battle is lost.

And yes, I'd call out players in a heartbeat. I'd throw players under the bus if they deserved it. I'd put some in the guardhouse if that would help. What I wouldn't do is shovel their mouths with more marshmallows, and hide their bone-headed mistake prone bodies under a blanket of banal hyperbole that Wade does every week with his pressors.

And if I were Jerry, I wouldn't hesitate to yank Wade tomorrow, after what the man has done to this team.

Don't wait. Just do it, Jerry. 25 games is enough to see a very, very bad trend.
The30YardSlant;2993512 said:

Yeah, the idea that Wade is not fit to coach an NFL team isnt rooted in ANY sort of fact

****utta here

The idea that we are having a crap season is NOT presently rooted in fact. We played 4 games. Only a moron would want to fire a coach 4 games into the season.
I can't imagine Wade saying anything that would've made anybody feel better. He could've portrayed a more stern persona, thrown the entire team under the bus, and it still wouldn't have mattered.

Fact of the matter is, the team lost...and lost ugly.

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