Wade, Wade, Wade


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stasheroo;2321888 said:
Wade was brought in specifically to be "Mr Fix-It" for the Dallas defense.

He's had a year and a half and hasn't 'fixed it' yet.

That's one clear criticism I feel can be made.

But if you think he's maximizing this team's potential, you're entitled to your opinion.

I think he is and an obvious sign of that is we don't play "drive down the field with 3 minutes left in the game and kick a field goal to win it fooball" anymore.

The defense does need to improve. But he has proven to have good defenses everywhere he has gone.

So at some point maybe we need to point some fingers at the players if it isn't where YOU would like it.

I just look around the league and I dont see a lot of teams playing shutdown defense.

Especially the teams like Dallas who force other teams offenses to try and keep up.

Also a lot of people who post on here like to ignore the good games we do have and harp on the bad.


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stasheroo;2321861 said:
If you consider it 'bashing', feel free.

And be sure to mention the "4-1" as the cure-all too.
I don't think you get it. When people post "4-1" they're MAKING FUN OF YOU.


Sleeps with the fishes
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Sometimes I feel sorry for Wade. He seems like he just wants to coach football, but Jerry's brought the circus to town as usual.


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tunahelper;2321764 said:
He comes across as a clown in the PC. He cannot not even handle the media asking questions about this incident?

Think on your feet Wade its not difficult to dodge their questions and he looks like a deer in the headlights.
From what i could tell...he was PISSED...didnt come off as looking like a clown to me,imo


Captain Catfish
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Alot of finger pointing at Wade, and sure thats the easy target, why not, he is the head coach of the most recognizable team in the NFL if not all sports around the world.

Its interesting to see the negativity being sprurned against this 4-1 team, and I find myself wondering if the fence supporting everyone will be strong enough to endure this much wieght in the middle.

Dont think I dont agree that going into the Cincy game that I didnt expect a dominating perfmorance of monumental proportions dished out to a vastily inferior team.

Atleast thats what the majority of Cowboys nation expected, to an extent.
But the truth is, "scheme" is only the result of proper execution, much like the game of Chess in which certain moves are only executable, when used at the proper time, because two moves prior directly attributed to the kill shot.

This team will onlly collectively get better as the season progresses, even though they are not living up to a majoritys level of expectaition, this is still a 4-1 team, that cant miss the play-offs.

Alot will be revealed this Sunday, this team is in no posistion to be looking past anyone, and Arizona is at a far superior level than Cincy.


Junior College Transfer
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THEHEREAFTER;2321781 said:
I just need him to field an attacking menacing defense.

Wade you cupcake.
If you only got half as angry with your players when they muck it up as you do with the sportwriters you might get better results with individuals.

Wade goes all out to not hurt his players' feelings and he takes it out
on the writers.

Sure, the players love you Wade. But I don't think they respect you. Or better, fear you.


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theogt;2321915 said:
I don't think you get it. When people post "4-1" they're MAKING FUN OF YOU.

Well if all the attempts are that good - let them.

Ignorance really is bliss!



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CATCH17;2321832 said:
Damn just think if we had a real coach we could have had someone who could've done a better job than 17-4 or 4-1 currently.


A lot of people want to see Dallas fail. There isn't very many unbiased opinions when it comes to Dallas.

How many people do you know that have an unbiased opinion about the Cowboys who give a rats arse about football?

So now it's the coaching that wins football games?

How about giving the players some credit.


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Wade is a wonderful coach. I hope he remains the Dallas Cowboys coach for a long long time. ;)


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CATCH17;2321904 said:
I think he is and an obvious sign of that is we don't play "drive down the field with 3 minutes left in the game and kick a field goal to win it fooball" anymore.

I think that has more to do with the guy who actually coaches the offense than it does Wade.

CATCH17 said:
The defense does need to improve. But he has proven to have good defenses everywhere he has gone.

So at some point maybe we need to point some fingers at the players if it isn't where YOU would like it.

I just look around the league and I dont see a lot of teams playing shutdown defense.

I see a few. With owners paying a lot less in terms of both money and high draft picks

CATCH17 said:
Especially the teams like Dallas who force other teams offenses to try and keep up.

Also a lot of people who post on here like to ignore the good games we do have and harp on the bad.

I'm not ignoring good games, I'm just concerned that I'm not seeing improvement - especially defensively.

And I'm worried about what I feel is a "good enough" attitude in Dallas - starting with the head coach.


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I think that if we had safeties on this team that didn't suck the defense would be a lot better. We are so afraid of giving up the big play that we have to rely on to much zone. If we had better play from the safeties it would make life easier. Of course all this goes out the window if we lose Newman and Pac Man. Make no mistake wade knows how to coach defense. I think he needs some more time to get his type of players in here. With the underachieving of the defensive line, and poor safety play though I am afraid he won't get the time he needs.


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CATCH17;2321879 said:
So Wade gives a crummy press conference? So what?

He can't coach because of his press conferences?

What is the beef with Wade? What does he do that is so bad?

What is the beef with Wade? What does he do that is so bad?


Wait, I take that back. He is responsible for the worst lost/upset in DC history, and the worst upset in the NFL since moving to this wild card format in 1992. Thats all.

Police were called. Its Pacman. Are you kidding me? Questions cant be asked and answered provided? Why not?


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dooomsday;2322156 said:
What is the beef with Wade? What does he do that is so bad?


Wait, I take that back. He is responsible for the worst lost/upset in DC history, and the worst upset in the NFL since moving to this wild card format in 1992. Thats all.

Police were called. Its Pacman. Are you kidding me? Questions cant be asked and answered provided? Why not?

So Wade is responsible for the Giants beating the Patriots in last years Super Bowl? Wow Belichick Is a god.


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Actually I'm glad Wade showed his support to his player. Wade and Co are circling the wagons. There's a higher goal for this team than being on the cover of the National Review. We are going for all the marbles baby!


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Did you notice Wade kept saying Jerry will give you the facts on pacman. Wade is Jerry's little puppet he sends out first to see what kind of questions the media is going to ask so he will have answers. If Wade would get fired up over the defense the way he did at the press conference maybe he will get more out of the players. But being the cupcake he is and knowing hes gone after this season he is just going through the motions.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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tunahelper;2321764 said:
He comes across as a clown in the PC. He cannot not even handle the media asking questions about this incident?

Think on your feet Wade its not difficult to dodge their questions and he looks like a deer in the headlights.

Wait a minute here. Phillips comes out and says Jerry Jones will address Pacman, and he is bombarded with questions about Pacman after he makes the announcement. Pardon him for being angry to the same idiotic reporters who asked him these questions after a nine point win, after a tough loss to the Commanders.

Here is part of what the man has endured this week from the clowns in the Dallas media:

"Even though you did win, wouldn't you want your team to play the whole game, especially against a winless team"?

Calvin Watkins (DMN

"Coming off the Commanders game, do you look at yourself or evaluate yourself to see if your being hard enough on the team? Do you think you need to bear down on them a little bit more? Not playing well two weeks in a row against two teams you were heavily favored against".

Tom Orsborn (San Antonio Express)

This is an insult to Phillips. People take pride in their work. The guy is 17-5 as head coach in Dallas and won the division and the number one seed in the NFC. Is that the Super Bowl? No. However, this question is basically saying your "camp cupcake" and a "push over".

"If you tell your players x,y, and z, or what needs to improve, why are you reluctant to say that in public"? "They (the players) already know".

Todd Archer (DMN)

Do you want your boss telling the world or other teams (in the NFL in this case) your weaknesses? They already have the film. Is there any need to embarrass the players in public or throw them to the wolves, in this case, the media?

"Your up 17-0, and you hit a lull. Why do you think that happened? Do you think the team relaxes"?

Todd Archer (DMN)

Again, this is another attack on Phillips being "tough enough" or "soft" on the players. It is the "camp cupcake" attack.

"You have a hard time acknowledging you won, but you didn't play well. How you win, doesn't that matter, considering that the ultimate goal is something better than a regular season record"?

Jennifer Floyd Engel (FWST)

People wonder why Phillips is so defensive and looks at things in a positive light. Well, just look at these questions. Can it get any more negative after a 9 point win in the NFL? It was the 5th game of the year. The team is hearing how bad they are after a nine point win. Phillips defends his team in public and he should. Romo throws 3 TDs but has the interception thrown right in his face, right off the bat.

This dude cuts to the chase. You don't need to read between the lines on this one, even though the theme is spread in the other questions.

"Do you worry through the media, you get the reputation of being a softy?

Steve Dennis (Dallas Local T.V. Reporter)

"Have you talked to Tony about his turn overs"? A legit question, but it is another negative question.

"How curious are you about Terrell's behavior yesterday...crying on the sideline"?

Steve Dennis

"Would you normally worry about T.O.'s frame of mind... mode... watching that is odd..in your 31 years of coaching... Curious... Want to discuss"?

"Do you think we're making it up"?

Todd Archer (DMN)

"We have video of it"?

Steve Dennis

Those were the T.O. is "crazy" questions where they seemed to put Phillips on trial. The idiots took the ESPN bait before they learned Owens suffered a death in his family.


"Is there something wrong with holding this team to a level of expectations"?

Clarance Hill (FWST)

No, Clarance. How about having fair or realistic expectations.

After the interrogation was over, Archer decided to ask two actual tactical football questions.

"What did the Bengals do that they hadn't showed before"?

"Does T.O. have a hard time getting off the line in man press"?

So, pardon Phillips for getting a little chippy with some of these negative, out to get you, excuses for reporters.


I'm Complicated
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IIRC, it was Parcells saying the same type of things about TO's "overdose" during the PC that day.

He didn't know the details, he didn't have the answers and he had to repeat it six ways from Sunday after getting the same questions asked over and over.

Was he also a clown that couldn't dodge the media, or just a coach telling it like it is?