Wade, Wade, Wade


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Kilyin;2322967 said:
I'd say it's more along the lines of bashing the guy because of a frickin press conference makes you a hater.

I'd say that criticism doesn't make anyone a 'hater'. But it's nice and neat to be able to label everyone and lump them all togetrher. Makes a lot of people more comfortable.


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Just to be clear, Parcells could hold a better PC, but it didn't make him any more successful with our team. Just because he could "think on his feet" didn't mean he won any more playoff games. I sure wouldn't call him soft either...still wasn't any better. And I remember plenty of people calling for HIS head also. Now, it seems as people look back on him like he did something great here...


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If Wade fields an aggressive, attacking defense, I'll be happy... OH yeah, and Pac-man plays...


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PBJTime;2322983 said:
Just to be clear, Parcells could hold a better PC, but it didn't make him any more successful with our team.

That depends on what your looking for. Wade's conferences are more 'academic' in the sense that he actually discusses a game from coaching stand-point. Parcells was an entertainer in his PCs...


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PBJTime;2322983 said:
Just to be clear, Parcells could hold a better PC, but it didn't make him any more successful with our team. Just because he could "think on his feet" didn't mean he won any more playoff games. I sure wouldn't call him soft either...still wasn't any better. And I remember plenty of people calling for HIS head also. Now, it seems as people look back on him like he did something great here...


But you have to admit his press conferences were better.

Must see entertainment.


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He should have just left, I don't know why he stays and puts up with this nonsense


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stasheroo;2322981 said:
I'd say that criticism doesn't make anyone a 'hater'. But it's nice and neat to be able to label everyone and lump them all togetrher. Makes a lot of people more comfortable.

What are you, some kind of martyr? Give me a break.

Might as well criticize what side of his mouth Wade chews food with primarily.. it would have about as much relevance to the success of the Cowboys as a press conference focusing on Pacman's bathroom wrestling matches.


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Kilyin;2322998 said:
What are you, some kind of martyr? Give me a break.

Might as well criticize what side of his mouth Wade chews food with primarily.. it would have about as much relevance to the success of the Cowboys as a press conference focusing on Pacman's bathroom wrestling matches.

If it's so trivial, why are you here posting in this thread?

Much ado about nothing, right?

So why are you wasting your precious time on such trivial matters?

"Defender of the Faith" I guess...

I'm not even suggesting it was that big a deal, I just get a kick out of people rallying to attack anyone who dares to criticize Phillips.


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stasheroo;2323007 said:
If it's so trivial, why are you here posting in this thread?

Much ado about nothing, right?

So why are you wasting your precious time on such trivial matters?

"Defender of the Faith" I guess...

I'm not even suggesting it was that big a deal, I just get a kick out of people rallying to attack anyone who dares to criticize Phillips.
Criticizing Wade on football matters is one thing, but criticizing him on how he handles a PC is kinda ridiculous, IMO. Especially when it's pointed out that all coaches tend to react the same way in the same situation.

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I think he kept his composure pretty well.

If people kept asking me the same stupid questions over and over and over, after I had already told them that I didn't have the facts or information to answer, I would have probably lashed back and said a few things in an effort to make them seem dense, or slow or stupid for not hearing what I already had said.

They just kept needling him, prodding him, hoping he would say something that they could take and put their spin on and blow out of proportion, and he gave them nothing.

I thought the same thing as I watched the Tank interview.

Are NFL head coaches required to talk to the media? Are players?

If not, I would not waste my time. I would find one or two reporters that had at least an inkling of what football was about and talk to them only, in a phone conference or something.

While reading through this thread, did I read where some posters are saying that because he didn't respond the way they thought he should in a PC, then that makes him a bad coach? If so that has to be some of the stupidest posts I have ever read on here. Well, I take that back because I have seen some atrociously stupid posts, but it is still pretty stupid.

Having been a coach myself, I respected the way he stuck up for his players. Tank did the same thing. Maybe this team is circling the wagons, hunkering down and preparing for a war this Sunday.


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WoodysGirl;2323015 said:
Criticizing Wade on football matters is one thing, but criticizing him on how he handles a PC is kinda ridiculous, IMO. Especially when it's pointed out that all coaches tend to react the same way in the same situation.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

It's when people have the arrogance to try to dictate that "this is important" while "that is not" is what bothers me.

If someone finds a subject unimportant or trivial, why not simply skip over it and move on to something they do feel is important or "worthy" of discussion?

I don't see where someone has the right to tell someone else what to think or what to post.


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stasheroo;2323045 said:
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.
Of course. As are you.

It's when people have the arrogance to try to dictate that "this is important" while "that is not" is what bothers me.

If someone finds a subject unimportant or trivial, why not simply skip over it and move on to something they do feel is important or "worthy" of discussion?

I don't see where someone has the right to tell someone else what to think or what to post.
I'm sorry. I must've missed that in this thread. Maybe you're speaking on a broader sense.

My opinion is that when you have a thought and choose to create a thread or post in an existing thread, then you open yourself up to responses. Some you might not like. So the OP thought his rant was important enough to post...and some of the responses have basically disagreed with the reason for his rant. It's called discussion, as far as I'm concerned.


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bigE79;2321950 said:
From what i could tell...he was PISSED...didnt come off as looking like a clown to me,imo

I agree. When I saw the press conference I saw a coach who was hacked off and not in a position to make a comment on this issue and yet continued to be pressed on it by the media. Pretty much the same thing BP did when we had the TO accidental overdoes. Wade told the press if you want to talk about how practice went today great but he had no real comment on the Jones situation. Yet we have some here claiming he was a clown? Please, Phillips did what any other HC would have done


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WoodysGirl;2323054 said:
Of course. As are you.

I'm sorry. I must've missed that in this thread. Maybe you're speaking on a broader sense.

My opinion is that when you have a thought and choose to create a thread or post in an existing thread, then you open yourself up to responses. Some you might not like. So the OP thought his rant was important enough to post...and some of the responses have basically disagreed with the reason for his rant. It's called discussion, as far as I'm concerned.

Disagreeing is one thing, but all too often people go to great lengths to trivialize opinions that differ from their own.

That's what I've seen here.

Again, if people don't believe it's an important topic, why are they posting in it?

Merely in an attempt to discredit the opinion of those that think it is important?

I don't think this press conference is the end-all, be-all for Wade Phillips, but I certainly don't think the man handled himself or represented the team well.

And I think it's a bit of information - however big or small some see it - to go into the files of the people who are having their doubts about Wade Phillips being the best coach for this team.


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stasheroo;2323105 said:
Disagreeing is one thing, but all too often people go to great lengths to trivialize opinions that differ from their own.

That's what I've seen here.

Again, if people don't believe it's an important topic, why are they posting in it?

Merely in an attempt to discredit the opinion of those that think it is important?

I don't think this press conference is the end-all, be-all for Wade Phillips, but I certainly don't think the man handled himself or represented the team well.

And I think it's a bit of information - however big or small some see it - to go into the files of the people who are having their doubts about Wade Phillips being the best coach for this team.

It just comes off as a person looking for every reason to slam Phillips. Wade did the same thing any coach would have done. Just like BP did when TO had his incident. He is not going to comment on a report of a players conduct when details where still unknown and even if they were this was a matter for Jerry to handle not Phillips.


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Doomsday101;2323121 said:
It just comes off as a person looking for every reason to slam Phillips. Wade did the same thing any coach would have done. Just like BP did when TO had his incident. He is not going to comment on a report of a players conduct when details where still unknown and even if they were this was a matter for Jerry to handle not Phillips.

In my opinion, other coaches would have handled the situation better.

Parcells would have either moved on with relevant questions or he would have left.

Wade lacks that media savvy and chooses to get defensive, use the "ask Jerry" line, or to glare at reporters, none of which helped the situation.

He needs to realize that he is in charge of that press conference, not the media.

They're all sharks in a feeding frenzy, smelling blood and looking to exploit weakness. He - like others - should be smart enough to realize that.

Needless to say, it did nothing to instill confidence in him.

And for someone having doubts about him, it's another check mark in the negative column.


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Doomsday101 said:
It just comes off as a person looking for every reason to slam Phillips. Wade did the same thing any coach would have done. Just like BP did when TO had his incident. He is not going to comment on a report of a players conduct when details where still unknown and even if they were this was a matter for Jerry to handle not Phillips.

Exactly, it's not a head coach's job to do damage control with the media regarding off the field issues. That falls on the player's agent and the owner.

I've seen countless coaches use the same approach. "I don't have all the facts, ask such and such. Do you want to talk about practice or the game this week? If not, we're done here."

I can criticize Wade for a lot of things, and I don't think the man is above criticism by any stretch, but this is grasping at straws here, plain and simple.


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stasheroo;2323136 said:
In my opinion, other coaches would have handled the situation better.

Parcells would have either moved on with relevant questions or he would have left.

Wade lacks that media savvy and chooses to get defensive, use the "ask Jerry" line, or to glare at reporters, none of which helped the situation.

He needs to realize that he is in charge of that press conference, not the media.

They're all sharks in a feeding frenzy, smelling blood and looking to exploit weakness. He - like others - should be smart enough to realize that.

Needless to say, it did nothing to instill confidence in him.

And for someone having doubts about him, it's another check mark in the negative column.

Please this in nothing more than you own personal disliking of the Coach, I have seen tons of press conferences and Wade did what any other coach would have done. He wanted to move on to football question and believe it or not the conference lasted for more than just that short exchange with the media pertaining to Pacman. Face it nothing Wade does is going to change your mind we could win the SB and somehow I get the feeling you will find any reason you can do discredit him


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Kilyin;2323142 said:
Exactly, it's not a head coach's job to do damage control with the media regarding off the field issues. That falls on the player's agent and the owner.

I've seen countless coaches use the same approach. "I don't have all the facts, ask such and such. Do you want to talk about practice or the game this week? If not, we're done here."

I can criticize Wade for a lot of things, and I don't think the man is above criticism by any stretch, but this is grasping at straws here, plain and simple.

And coaches seldom get involved with contract disputes with players, that is the job of the GM/Owner or in our case the one in the same in Jones.


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Kilyin;2323142 said:
Exactly, it's not a head coach's job to do damage control with the media regarding off the field issues. That falls on the player's agent and the owner.

I've seen countless coaches use the same approach. "I don't have all the facts, ask such and such. Do you want to talk about practice or the game this week? If not, we're done here."

I can criticize Wade for a lot of things, and I don't think the man is above criticism by any stretch, but this is grasping at straws here, plain and simple.

Exactly. And I didn't see Wade do that. Instead I saw a guy who seemed unprepared for the barrage of questions he was getting. And the media will keep asking as long as they get any sort of response.

He should have done exactly what you mentioned.

We can debate the amount of relevance this press conference should get but that's obviously a personal thing and a debate which would get us nowhere.