I think it's a case of something working in one medium, the graphic novel that doesn't work as well on TV.
In addition the GN Negan has a much different look and a different personality.
Finally there's a feeling in the GN of less Neganese between the introduction of the character and the start of the war. On TV, as we've all noticed, the Negan thing has been drawn out and out due to the presence of all the "bottle" episodes.
Agreed for the most part except personality. I think Morgan has displayed the exact personality of Negan from the comic.
The big difference is that Negan is a much larger, more imposing, individual in the comic then Morgan is on the TV show. I think that hurts the way Negan is played, to some degree, as well. The comic Negan is a big, strong, looking dude that looks like he might seriously F you up if you tried to fight with him.
That's part of why I think they've cut the couple of fights with him and Rick out to this point, that were in the comic.
They're caught in that endless loop of "Find safe haven, kill a few zombies, get threatened by non-zombie group, kill a few zombies, eradicate non-zombie threat, again have safe haven... Oh and kill a few zombies."
I think the only time that cycle is going to be broken is at the end of the TV series when the group finds their permanent safe haven.
Disagree again. If they follow the comic arc, and I believe they will, there is a permanent safe haven that is much larger then what they've got going on right now. Yes there will be another group that threatens their way of life, eventually, but it's different from what they've faced even to this point. I don't want to give away to much from what I think they're going to lead this too though for those who don't read the graphic novel.
That's too bad, I was hoping that as a reader of the comics, you'd tell me that there was change on the horizon.
If the 'lather, rinse, repeat', that you refer to is all we ever get, this thing will go downhill fast.
The comics group never quests to Washington, D.C.?
They are on a quest to get to DC for a while until they found out that Eugene was lying about being a scientist. They were headed that way and part of why they wound up staying in Alexandria and the area they were in is that Eugene lied about being able to fix it and they had runners find out if anything was in DC or not. They reported back that there wasn't, and that the city was worse than Atlanta in terms of being over-run by the dead.