Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

Surprisingly in the graphic novel, there is only one scavenger run by Glenn (and a less important character) to DC and they report back that it's basically not worth scavenging due to the amount of zombies present.

Obviously one of the weaknesses of the TV show is the idea that northern Virginia is so incredibly isolated as far as no places to find guns and other goodies. Honestly the local of Alexandria, the Hilltop, the Kingdom and the Sanctuary.... It makes it seem like the area is out in the boonies of Pennsylvania or West Virginia.
Alexandria is directly across the Potomac from DC......it is not suburbia let alone "country"
Alexandria is directly across the Potomac from DC......it is not suburbia let alone "country"

Oh I know where it's at... My daughter lived there. LOL!

I don't think the show is trying to imply this small settlement is the Alexandria that we know.

The show's Alexandria was meant to be a safe haven incase of some sort of national calamity. It was meant to be far enough away from DC to not be influenced by what's going on there but close enough that one could drive there in a reasonable amount of time. If my mind it's a couple hours away from DC (100 miles).
Here's my own thought on 'the end' of the series, if they ever have one. And I wonder if the scenes were ever filmed.

Rick Grimes wakes up in the hospital from his long coma, to his wife and son, in a world where the zombie apocalypse never happened.

Or maybe he came out of it but he can't move or communicate and nobody can tell. He's alive, but not alive. Not unlike...a zombie.

His family and partner Shane are by his bedside. Dr Rhee was there. And the orderly who cleans out the bedpan was there but he had a crossbow and a motorcycle and was cool. The nurses were there too - Maggie and Carol and Eugene. So was the old man in the next bed, Herschel. They were all there. Whoa.

Or Dermastid Beetle infestation. Turns all the zombies to bone.
Totally agree with you. I think the show suffers from the falling out.

And again, if this 'booney world' thing keeps up, the series life will ultimately be cut short.

One of the things that first drew me to the show were those impressive urban shots, and episodes like those at the Atlanta CDC.

At some point, they have to take things out of the woods.


The whole "urban-zombie" thing was a brand new twist for the genre. And outside of the hospital-arc has been abandon after season 1.
I sure hope so. I've stuck around for 7 seasons now, so it's obvious I want to like this show.

Part of me can't help but wonder if the ratings plummet didn't speed up this process in some way? Possibly to the tune of episodes being shortened/combined or possibly even cut?

I'm optimistic that they'll give up some great action set pieces before this is all over with.

And after that, I need some 'bigger picture' storylines, instead of rehashing living arrangements and a 'big bad guy' to deal with. In 7 seasons, we've already rehashed those storylines multiple times.

I will not spoil anything for you here but if they follow the story the way I believe they're going to then we're going to get a look at a bigger picture after the war with Negan. It's part of what makes this arc special in the comic, IMO.

The ratings very well could have played a factor in all the ways you just stated. I wouldn't be shocked if they did.
Oh and that back bend he constantly does! That's hilarious!

But yeah, even in a world where I'm supposed to accept zombies walking around, expecting me to believe that this clown would exist just pushes things too far. And it's a shame because I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan is great.

I think that maybe what turns the TV fans off to the character is the fact that it's impossible for them to believe that a guy like this could exist in any world situation and stay in power. There would always be people in his group that would want to take his spot and all the things he has, let alone people outside of his group also wanting it.
I think it's a case of something working in one medium, the graphic novel that doesn't work as well on TV.

In addition the GN Negan has a much different look and a different personality.

Finally there's a feeling in the GN of less Neganese between the introduction of the character and the start of the war. On TV, as we've all noticed, the Negan thing has been drawn out and out due to the presence of all the "bottle" episodes.

Agreed for the most part except personality. I think Morgan has displayed the exact personality of Negan from the comic.

The big difference is that Negan is a much larger, more imposing, individual in the comic then Morgan is on the TV show. I think that hurts the way Negan is played, to some degree, as well. The comic Negan is a big, strong, looking dude that looks like he might seriously F you up if you tried to fight with him.

That's part of why I think they've cut the couple of fights with him and Rick out to this point, that were in the comic.

They're caught in that endless loop of "Find safe haven, kill a few zombies, get threatened by non-zombie group, kill a few zombies, eradicate non-zombie threat, again have safe haven... Oh and kill a few zombies."

I think the only time that cycle is going to be broken is at the end of the TV series when the group finds their permanent safe haven.

Disagree again. If they follow the comic arc, and I believe they will, there is a permanent safe haven that is much larger then what they've got going on right now. Yes there will be another group that threatens their way of life, eventually, but it's different from what they've faced even to this point. I don't want to give away to much from what I think they're going to lead this too though for those who don't read the graphic novel.

That's too bad, I was hoping that as a reader of the comics, you'd tell me that there was change on the horizon.

If the 'lather, rinse, repeat', that you refer to is all we ever get, this thing will go downhill fast.

The comics group never quests to Washington, D.C.?

They are on a quest to get to DC for a while until they found out that Eugene was lying about being a scientist. They were headed that way and part of why they wound up staying in Alexandria and the area they were in is that Eugene lied about being able to fix it and they had runners find out if anything was in DC or not. They reported back that there wasn't, and that the city was worse than Atlanta in terms of being over-run by the dead.
I think that maybe what turns the TV fans off to the character is the fact that it's impossible for them to believe that a guy like this could exist in any world situation and stay in power. There would always be people in his group that would want to take his spot and all the things he has, let alone people outside of his group also wanting it.

Exactly right. He's abused and wronged far too many people to still be alive. Especially, since he walks around with a baseball bat in a world of guns. I guess the premise works better on paper?
They are on a quest to get to DC for a while until they found out that Eugene was lying about being a scientist. They were headed that way and part of why they wound up staying in Alexandria and the area they were in is that Eugene lied about being able to fix it and they had runners find out if anything was in DC or not. They reported back that there wasn't, and that the city was worse than Atlanta in terms of being over-run by the dead.

Sounds both convenient and lame. Another bad decision that keeps them running around out in the woods. If things stay that way, people will lose interest fast. Things need to radically change if this show is to thrive, and eventually, even survive.
Exactly right. He's abused and wronged far too many people to still be alive. Especially, since he walks around with a baseball bat in a world of guns. I guess the premise works better on paper?

Well it does with The Saviors because in the comic they are not nearly as well armed in the guns department as they are on the TV show.

They had a lot less guns.
Sounds both convenient and lame. Another bad decision that keeps them running around out in the woods. If things stay that way, people will lose interest fast. Things need to radically change if this show is to thrive, and eventually, even survive.

It was obviously very quick, lazy, decision making on why they didn't continue into DC and see what all was there. But what comes after the All out War with Negan also did make it not nearly as important to go into the city and do anything. I'm hoping they'll go that way with this show.
Why is there such a long delay between episodes rather than continuing them without pause?
Why is there such a long delay between episodes rather than continuing them without pause?

Because over years of broadcasting, stations have figured out that people watch a LOT less network tv in December...or that use to be the case. I think also that showmakers want the holiday off and playing the shows straight through would cut into any buildup of episodes already made, forcing them to rush things more than they would like.
I think we should all take a day and talk like Negan.

You know, the step-back... Insults mixed with apologies... Everything is said slowly and with voice inflection on key words for added emphasis.

And see how long it takes before we're punched in the face.

The step back - check!
Insults - check!
Apologies - I'll try!
Say things slowly - check!
Voice inflection - check!
Added emphasis - check!

Ok... wait.... do I have Lucille when trying this?

Based on some tidbits I've picked up I don't think we're going to see much in the way of a "war" till the very end of the season... Seems like there are several season-stretching episodes in the 2nd half of the season– just like we had in the first half of the season.
Based on some tidbits I've picked up I don't think we're going to see much in the way of a "war" till the very end of the season... Seems like there are several season-stretching episodes in the 2nd half of the season– just like we had in the first half of the season.

Terminus Part III?
Based on some tidbits I've picked up I don't think we're going to see much in the way of a "war" till the very end of the season... Seems like there are several season-stretching episodes in the 2nd half of the season– just like we had in the first half of the season.
I remember some preview scenes from before the season and it looked like we might see The Whisperers. I wonder if they make an appearance.
Terminus Part III?

I think they're just milking it until the next high point which would be the begging of the war.

The guy that plays Negan is signed for seasons 7 & 8 and aren't going to rush the present story-line.

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