Walking Dead Season 7 **merged**

Based on some tidbits I've picked up I don't think we're going to see much in the way of a "war" till the very end of the season... Seems like there are several season-stretching episodes in the 2nd half of the season– just like we had in the first half of the season.

Why do you watch?

Even though the story and the pace of the story may disappoint me from time to time there are characters that I really enjoy like Rick's, Daryl's and Carol's. I'm even starting to warm up to Negan's character... The flashes of comedy have me intrigued.
Even though the story and the pace of the story may disappoint me from time to time there are characters that I really enjoy like Rick's, Daryl's and Carol's. I'm even starting to warm up to Negan's character... The flashes of comedy have me intrigued.

I know I'm just messing with ya.
I feel similar to how you do... I just decided... if this thing is gonna continue... then... whatever pace they decide... it is.
I think they're just milking it until the next high point which would be the begging of the war.

The guy that plays Negan is signed for seasons 7 & 8 and aren't going to rush the present story-line.

Makes sense. This half season just reminded me of all the walking on train tracks. Some decent nuggets but a lot of dull.

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