Wallach: The NFL filed an appeal with 5th circuit appeals before the other judge ruled

What are the legal experts saying about this? Will the 5th Circuit rule in the league's favor? I'm starting to lean towards just getting this thing over with. Although on a human level I do empathize with Zeke given the ridiculous and egregious abuse of power exhibited by Goodell and his office.
Yep, that video is ESPN disinformation propaganda. I think the folks posting that crap think they are helping further the conversation but it just dirties the water and that is ESPN's intent.

Agree it was propaganda...that report was told from the NFL side of the story with a slight acknowledgement that the ruling could possibly go against the NFL.
Can the NFL still get this handled by the courts in NY?
I'd think them jumping the gun with the 5th Circuit Filing is acknowledgement that Zeke was within his rights to file after the Arbitration hearing. (Not really, but it can't help their case).
Yes I heard that and often thought this. But I guess they go by the allegations or when it happened was after the draft. Regardless when he signed his contract, I guess he is under NFL rules. Don't sound right, but not sure why no one is really addressing this.

Other players drafted this year, they said it happens in college so no punishment. Others they did not comment on, like Lewis, his was in college, but they never said it had no bearing. Jist another double standard against Dallas.

Thanks for confirming you heard it also , and have a similar take
He was subject to their rules once he went to Draft Combine and definitely when drafted

Appreciate your take. Wonder if the timeline of allegations fits within those dates. Esiason, who definitely was on Zekes side, presented it only in light of the signing of a contract.

Thats one thing I don't like about news broadcasts or these quick discussion shows. I think each person has a script and they follow it and then move on regardless of what it shows or lacks in details


Not related to Zeke/football but recently watching our local news there was a story about a fire that burned a house and involved some animals in addition to arson charges.

Had to rewind and put on subtitles to check the end statement " and 3 dogs were arrested".... :):):)
Please excuse my ignorance on the whole process, but one thing crossed my mind today: is there still any kind of chance Zeke and his team can reach some kind of settlement with the NFL out of court?

By this, I mean can Zeke simply pay a fine for violating the Personal Conduct Policy and get away without a suspension? I know this probably isn't an option given the nuances of the new CBA, but I'm still wondering.
Don't know if this is a fact or not but on Inside the NFL Boomer E made the comment that the alleged DV occurred even before EE signed his pro contract with the cowboys.... That said if true, it at least appears to me that they took into account " allegations" of conduct when
he was a private citizen, and then to me only subject to the true court system and not the NFL policy.

Anyone else hear that, or have an opinion if indeed those are the facts...

I think it was after he was already drafted, even if he didn't officially sign his contract yet. Supposedly the act of getting drafted makes you officially part of the league and they can discipline you for what they see as violations.

Neither Zeke's team or the NFLPA brought up this issue at his hearing in Sherman, so I am assuming its a nothing burger as for as clearing Zeke.
Can the NFL still get this handled by the courts in NY?

Only if Mazzant or the 5th Circuit allow it. Mazzant would not have ruled the way he did if he was going to turn around and vacate the case. The 5th Circuit could but nearly everyone thinks that is highly unlikely. It may have been filed early but it became ripe in the middle of the initial hearing. I doubt a Texas court is going to give the case up knowing it will go the a NY court.
Please excuse my ignorance on the whole process, but one thing crossed my mind today: is there still any kind of chance Zeke and his team can reach some kind of settlement with the NFL out of court?

By this, I mean can Zeke simply pay a fine for violating the Personal Conduct Policy and get away without a suspension? I know this probably isn't an option given the nuances of the new CBA, but I'm still wondering.

Sure, but neither side is going to give in.
what are the chances Zeke serves a suspension this season? I'm thinking slim, but you never know...

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