Wallach: The NFL filed an appeal with 5th circuit appeals before the other judge ruled

What are the legal experts saying about this? Will the 5th Circuit rule in the league's favor? I'm starting to lean towards just getting this thing over with. Although on a human level I do empathize with Zeke given the ridiculous and egregious abuse of power exhibited by Goodell and his office.

Take it for what it is worth, but most of the so-called sports lawyers on Twitter seem to think the NFL will lose on the motion for a stay (no irreparable harm done to league in Zeke serving suspension later), but that the NFL will ultimately prevail due to the Brady precedent.

So Zeke can delay it, but ultimately he is going to have to serve his suspension like Brady did.............Not saying I agree with this, but that is what most of the legal experts are predicting.
I just talked with a lawyer buddy of mine and he said if the NFLPA response is scheduled for the 26th, that it usually takes 3-5 days at a minimum to get a ruling and even that is going to be pushing it. So we could be looking at the first of October before we get a ruling, meaning that Zeke could still play another couple of weeks even if the league is granted their stay.
I guess Mazzant didn't take to kindly to be given a deadline for a ruling by the NFL. I wonder if he held off making a ruling simply to make their appeal fail?
That's why lawyers make so much money. They create a system that only highly trained folks can completely understand and maneuver within.

Actually most laws are created by the government (congress or state legislatures) and most of them are non lawyers. That is part of the problem. People that are making laws really have no idea what they are doing or what the actual result of the laws will be, or how they measure up to constitutional principles.
Actually most laws are created by the government (congress or state legislatures) and most of them are non lawyers. That is part of the problem. People that are making laws really have no idea what they are doing or what the actual result of the laws will be, or how they measure up to constitutional principles.
How laws are interpreted and thus how they impact people is 100% the legal system- which has become its own culture and has its own language. Legal precedent is just as powerful as any piece of legislation.
You've been wrong every single step of the way with this thing. Your credibility in this matter is zero.

He's right here.

The league wins regardless of the outcome. If they get smacked in court they can point to the fact they wanted to ban him for 6 games but it was the legal system that undermined them.
He's right here.

The league wins regardless of the outcome. If they get smacked in court they can point to the fact they wanted to ban him for 6 games but it was the legal system that undermined them.

That's about it
He's right here.

The league wins regardless of the outcome. If they get smacked in court they can point to the fact they wanted to ban him for 6 games but it was the legal system that undermined them.

Their smoke and mirrors not fooling this Cowboy fan. They will still look like morons to me, when it's said and done.
He's right here.

The league wins regardless of the outcome. If they get smacked in court they can point to the fact they wanted to ban him for 6 games but it was the legal system that undermined them.
I'm not sure the league execs have even considered the possibility that they could lose this case. The arrogance is thick up at the top.
Regardless how the league fares, I suspect this has severely damaged Goodell. The other owners can read. They surely understand how badly the Elliott thing has been botched.

Combine that with weaker TV ratings, some of which might be attributable to the constant drama surrounding the league and its players, some of which is of the league's own making, and there has to be some trepidation about Goodell's instincts and judgement.

This is already a disaster for Goodell, in my opinion. Courts will do what they do, but fair minded people will see the unfairness and incompetence of the investigation and determination. And they will understand who is responsible.

A lot of owners will probably wonder if the next witch hunt lands at their team's door.
I'm no legal expert by far but from some of the earlier tweets discussing the cba and the ability during arbitration for the player to question "any" witness whether hostile or friendly allow for zeek to have a strong case to win seeing that he and his team were denied the right to question Thompson and Goodell?

I'm referencing this tweet


This thread reminds me that college football is far superior to the NFL.
The game, for sure. The allure of the NFL is it's the best of the best. But Goodell has done everything possible to erase that advantage.
The game, for sure. The allure of the NFL is it's the best of the best. But Goodell has done everything possible to erase that advantage.
With the exception of the Cowboys, I would watch college football over any NFL game. Especially the Longhorns and TCU.
...After a Texas federal judge issued an injunction based in large part on his contention the process enacted by the league denied Elliott “fundamental fairness” the league has filed an appeal to that ruling. Rather than their stated reasoning being part of a process to address what the judge and most Americans can clearly see the NFL made attempt to paint the itself as a victim with no example or explanation of why they feel they would be “irreparably harmed” if the injunction were not lifted. The “Trust Me” appeal.


It has become increasingly clear the NFL is not concerned with the Domestic Violence Epidemic nor the guilt or innocence of Dallas Cowboys RB Ezekiel Elliott. Rather the NFL’s actions loudly proclaim the league’s punishment of Elliot is for him being in a situation that “may” put the NFL in a bad public relations light. Guilt, innocence, they mean nothing. The league seemingly cares only that the executives and owners who live in a bubble of pomp and privilege can continue to do whatever they want, to whomever they want, in order to respond to what they think the public desires. This keeps ratings high and the samolians rolling in...


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