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In the words of the late great George Carlin, soccer is not a sport because there are dots on the ball....and because you don't use your arms; tap dancing isn't a sport, why should soccer be?
Rampage;2847610 said:
If you had 10 trys to try and score a goal on a pro goalie or to try and hit a 99 mph fastball, which one do you think will happen first?

Yessir. It's pretty much a known quantity that the hardest action in any pro sport is trying to hit a baseball. Can't guess how many times I've heard that from someone like Lincoln Kennedy or any other sports figure out there that tried it at least. Heck, I think Jordan also mentioned something about how hard it was at one point.
If you had 10 trys to try and score a goal on a pro goalie or to try and hit a 99 mph fastball, which one do you think will happen first?
That's a silly question, because only in a penalty kick situation would you ever find yourself 1-on-1 with a soccer goalie the way you would with a baseball pitcher. Soccer is not generally a 1-on-1 sport the way baseball is between the pitcher and the batter.

But to answer your question, hitting the baseball would be tougher than scoring a goal in a PK situation.

Now here's a follow-up question:

Which is tougher...

Running full speed while controlling a ball, with your feet, well enough to not only keep it right in front of you... but also well enough to elude the sharks on defense from stealing it via slide tackle ... while still keeping your eyes UP so as to spot an open teammate... then, in stride, kicking an accurate pass 40 yards across the field to a teammate...

Or anything the sport of baseball has to offer?

And please don't tell me you think hitting a curveball is tougher.
Nav22;2847626 said:
That's a silly question, because only in a penalty kick situation would you ever find yourself 1-on-1 with a soccer goalie the way you would with a baseball pitcher. Soccer is not generally a 1-on-1 sport the way baseball is between the pitcher and the batter.

But to answer your question, hitting the baseball would be tougher than scoring a goal in a PK situation.

Now here's a follow-up question:

Which is tougher...

Running full speed while controlling a ball, with your feet, well enough to not only keep it right in front of you... but also well enough to elude the sharks on defense from stealing it via slide tackle ... while still keeping your eyes UP so as to spot an open teammate... then, in stride, kicking an accurate pass 40 yards across the field to a teammate...

Or anything the sport of baseball has to offer?

And please don't tell me you think hitting a curveball is tougher.
:eek: ok we clearly disagree and nothing is gonna change that. I respect your opinion but.......you're so wrong:D
ok we clearly disagree and nothing is gonna change that. I respect your opinion but.......your so wrong
Look at it this way.

If you're a reasonably strong young man and you swung a baseball bat 1,000 times against a Major League pitcher, you'd knock a couple of balls into the outfield just by sheer luck alone. He wouldn't whiz all 1,000 by you.

But sheer luck will NEVER allow you to complete the soccer sequence I mapped out above, against professional soccer players.
It's pretty much a known quantity that the hardest action in any pro sport is trying to hit a baseball.
I don't doubt that hitting a baseball is the most difficult singular action in sports. But it's not the most difficult thing to do in sports in itself.

Let me explain.

I think we can all agree that being an NFL QB is probably the toughest job in sports, or at least one of them.

So when you consider the sequence of taking the snap from center and going back to pass while...

1) Scanning the field to go through your progressions
2) Knowing exactly where the pass rush is coming from
3) Looking off the free safety to develop a passing window to throw to your tight end
4) Stepping up in the pocket to deliver a tight, accurate pass, right before getting drilled by the defensive end whose footsteps you heard coming.

I think it's fair to say that hitting a baseball is tougher than jobs 1, 2, 3, or 4 listed above.

But is hitting a baseball tougher than doing ALL 4 jobs on the same play? Heck no, I say.
If you're watching a Soccer match do you have any clue whats going on other than people kicking a ball?

Do you know any of the rules or tactics involved?

Than in itself makes the game 10 times more interesting?

Baseball vs Soccer? Puhlease. Soccer wins easy.

Baseball games are fun to go to. Great even to drink Beer at.

But so is Soccer.

And i'd bet if any of you ever got a chance to be at the world cup you'd crap yourself.
CATCH17;2847669 said:
If you're watching a Soccer match do you have any clue whats going on other than people kicking a ball?

Do you know any of the rules or tactics involved?

Than in itself makes the game 10 times more interesting?

Baseball vs Soccer? Puhlease. Soccer wins easy.

Baseball games are fun to go to. Great even to drink Beer at.

But so is Soccer.

And i'd bet if any of you ever got a chance to be at the world cup you'd crap yourself.


I would pay someone to go to the World Cup in my place.
Nav22;2847587 said:
If you're ripping soccer, you'd better not be a baseball fan. How unfortunate for America to have baseball still referred to as the "national pasttime".

Soccer, at least, is a team game in which defense doesn't consist of standing around waiting for the ball to come to them.

In fact, for 90% of a 3 hour baseball game... outside of the pitcher, catcher, and batter... nobody does anything in baseball. The other 19 starters sit/stand and watch, like we do at home. How fun!

Soccer, on the other hand, is non-stop action. There's no standing around watching, unless if you're a goalie.

Mad about soccer players flopping? At least they're not needle-injecting cheaters like they are in baseball.
I would rather watch 24 hours of baseball than 2 minutes of soccer.
Hoofbite;2847187 said:

I don't think soccer games should ever touch football fields. While I can appreciate the athletic ability needed to play the game, I have no respect for any sport where acting has become common place.

Pretty much why I can't get that into the NBA. A whole lot of flopping.

Agreed. Soccer used to be played by men. Sadly, that's no longer the case.
Juke99;2847611 said:
In the words of the late great George Carlin, soccer is not a sport because there are dots on the ball....and because you don't use your arms; tap dancing isn't a sport, why should soccer be?
Loved that one. The Hockey one was funny too.
Soccer sucks plain and simple. I'd rather go mow the grass on Saturday afternoon than watch a second of a boring *** soccer game. There's a reason all the dorks and unathletic kids sign up for soccer. Because anyone can run around on a field chasing a ball and then kick it if it gets close to you. Thats not even to mention that scoring is not really even expected so if you never score a goal, noone really realizes how unathletic you really are. Ninety precent of the good athletes playing youth soccer in America are simply playing in order to stay in shape for their real sport - Football, Baseball, or Basketball. Soccer is nothing more than a fallback sport for those who cannot play the big three sports. Thats why it has some popularity because everyone can play soccer but very few can play the other three!
In no way do I want to get into a "soccer is better than x sport because of y" argument....

It's difficult for me in that regard because I'm a fan of Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer

I think it's unfair that I have to defend a sport I like simply because someone else doesn't

Obviously no one is going to change their mind unless they do it on their own (which is what happened with me, I hated soccer until I watched World Cup 2006... and now I'm a huge fan and a player as well)

Agreeing to disagree seems the best solution to this ordeal and "live and let live" and all that.
My soccer problem is the opposite of my basketball problem...and I have problems with both.

I can't muster up the energy to get excited about a basketball game when the score is 5-2, knowing that in the end, 200 points will be scored.

Soccer? How many games have blazing final scores like 1-0?

Gimme football any day of the week...and baseball as a very distant second to mark time until the football season begins.
Chief;2847676 said:

I would pay someone to go to the World Cup in my place.

Actually, the Euros are already complaining that the "pitch" at the new stadium is too narrow and that there's not enough room for their precious "corner kicks." Fine. Let them play at the Cotton Bowl.
To paraphrase a line from Forty Year Old Virgin...

"Soccer is great... When you're ******* six."
Chocolate Lab;2847831 said:
To paraphrase a line from Forty Year Old Virgin...

"Soccer is great... When you're ******* six."

wow. that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. got any others? you're on a roll
Kind of sad that the Cowboys couldn't of broken in the new stadium
Avaj;2847856 said:
Kind of sad that the Cowboys couldn't of broken in the new stadium

couldn't "have".. and yes, while the Cowboys being the first to break it in would have been preferred by all or most of us, it's dumb to think that Jerry Jones, who's in the business of making money, would let a functional gold mine lay dormant for an entire summer
xWraithx;2847834 said:
wow. that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. got any others? you're on a roll


Did you writhe around on the ground holding your shin as you posted that?

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