Was on the Phone with Boston During the Game


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Thank you for this post! Validates exactly what most of us know and have seen happening to our Cowboys at the behest of the officials and the league under Goodell. Certain teams are favored and helped by the crooked officials. The NFL game is rigged.

doesnt really validate anything. His friend is a pats fan, not anyone of consequence. We’ve all said at one time or another “the league has to protect its golden boy!” But they also persecuted him and went to war with the patriots.

was a bad call, one of thousands. Could it have been intentional to protect the patriots from going 9-2? I guess. I’d imagine rescuing the Cowboys (the most marketable team in the league) at zero expense to the Pats, would be much more beneficial


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I don’t know about a fix but I thought it was odd how vehemently Pereilla was arguing the tripping call with Troy.

That was crazy to me too because normally Pereilla doesn't do that, especially when you look at it and u don't see any evidence of tripping. The first call the dude almost took tyron smith leg out so tyron moved his leg back. That looked like an mcl sprain waiting to happen.


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I truly believe that the game officials determine who wins the big games the fix has been in for a long time now its not just the cowboys but other teams that get the calls they determine who wins and who loses games the nfl has come out now and said there was no tripping those calls should not of been made but its to llittle to late right now the cowboys have so many bad things going on in the coaching the head clown sucks and so does all of his other clowns they have taken a team with a roster that should have 9 or 10 wins and are 6 and 5


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NFL officiating is disgraceful! They are hands down by far the worst in all professional sports and maybe even beyond and I'm not just talking about the Cowboys many teams have become victims at the hands of the officials. The worst part about it is nobody is ever held accountable (other than the occasional we're sorry letter). Someone really needs to step up and call these guys out where there is a significant impact so the league does something about it.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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What if #128 Ramon George the umpire who threw the two flags for tripping and holding call on Tyron Smith is an Eagles fan?

Maybe his "Linked-in" avatar with Dak Prescott is there to throw us off. He's also a "wealth management banker". LMAO you can't make this sh** up.




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I also hate the fact that these networks even let retired officials into their broadcast booth! Why do we need another official like this Pierea clown telling us that his fellow official made a good call when clearly it was a horrible call!


Cowboys Diehard
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I don't doubt what the OP's friend has a sound opinion of what's happening in NE and the NFL these days. I'm seeing a general trend whereby the home teams enjoy a bigger margin of favoritism than ever before, largely due to the number of flags that occur. It's a situation that appears to be supported by the popularity of the Pats in their area of the country. Tom Brady attested to their regional popularity, himself, recently in his pre-game statements.
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With a business associate who is a huge Pats fan - but, a reasonable one and a genuine student of the game. When Dallas had the ball with 2:38 left, a full compliment of time outs and needing to score a TD to win - I made the remark that, "If Dak wants the money, all he's gotta do is go win it."

My friend said, and I quote; "There's no way the league will allow that to happen. The refs will see to it that Tom gets this win. It's been going on for years up here and we all know it. It's to the point where it's almost embarrassing." Three plays later the phantom tripping call -

His next remark was .. "See, I told ya. Dallas couldn't have come in here with a Hall of Fame team and won. It's really not any fun watching them play here in Foxboro .. the outcome is a foregone conclusion."

I officiated many seasons at the NCAA level and left because pressure was applied to, "ensure we had a good, entertaining game." I'll just leave it at that. I've always felt like the pros were above that because it's all about the money with no pretense but, it seems now there are other things at play ... personal agendas, manipulating outcomes for whatever reason.

After 53 years .. I'm just about done.

Now, I don't care what you think about this post as to its validity or my friends sincerity or whatever - all I'm doing is relaying an actual conversation.

but wait he was on the phone with a business associate in Boston thats a huge NE fan
it must be correct

reminds me of when I was on the phone with a business associate whos a Rams fan in the NO/Rams game that said no way NO gets the win. The refs wont allow it. After the no call on the pass interference he said "see I told you"


To The Moon
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Why did the refs let Baltimore beat the crap out of the Patsies?
Baltimore is not Dallas. Baltimore is not America’s Team. Baltimore does not hail from a southern, red state. Baltimore does not have a storied past like the Cowboys, or a legion of fans. I could go on.


Cowboys Diehard
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If there's a viable clue as to the advantage that regional popularity has on the NFL, Vegas says we're 6.5 point favorites vs. Buffalo. In former years, against a team that has enjoyed their level of success, we'd possibly be 3.5 point home favorites, imho. I see them as almost equal to us in their level of competency. To their betterment, they've seemingly enjoyed a somewhat easier schedule to augment their record, imho.
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What's it going to be then, eh?
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We don't need the referees or the league helping out though. We do plenty to screw up all by ourselves.

I guess that is why it seems even more punitive.


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I live in Michigan. If you talk to 10 lions fans up here, 9 of them will tell you that the 2014 wildcard game with the disputed pass interference call against Hitchens was a “rigged” game. Are they right? Would we be saying the same if that call had gone against us?

Look I’m not disputing that the tripping calls were terrible. They were clearly phantom calls that were blown in horrific fashion. I also don’t disputed the Pats get more calls than any team in the league other than possibly the Steelers. The league has their favorites, it’s pretty crystal clear and I don’t even think it’s debatable so I agree with you on that

End of the day though we are talking about two penalties that didn’t happen anywhere near the red zone on a day where all we could muster was three field goals total.

Our defense played well enough that 14 points would’ve won us the game. Instead all we scored was 9

While those calls certainly didn’t help, the way our offense played the odds are still low that we would have gone down and scored touchdowns on those drives . Our offense was an abominable bag of dog crap yesterday and that’s the reason we lost the game. That and maybe one of the worst special teams performances I’ve ever seen by any NFL team, ever
who knows..but you cannot deny time and time again..the calls go against us.


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On one of the Patsies early drives the Cowboys defense hit Brady late and there was no call. They ended up with 3 rather than 7. If the refs are so hell-bent on making sure NE wins, they could have made that call. Brady almost always gets that call, but somehow it was missed for the 1st time in 15 years.

I believe the OP's story, but I have a very hard time believing in conspiracy theories. 50 years later and a few people are still convinced NASA never landed on the moon.
All conspiracy theories are not equal. To use NASA and the moon as Ur lone standard makes Ur argument a hasty generalization. Which is a fallacious statement. The reason. Conspiracy theories exist is because ppl. Conspire. All ppl. Conspire at points in their lives, sometimes in good ways( surprise birthday parties) but sometimes bad( robbing banks.) Detectives send ppl. To prison everyday who conspired to commit crime. Just because it's a theory means it's unproven, but also, doesn't mean it didn't happen. JFK assassination might not be proven, but boy the evidence sure does everything short of proof. But proof is hard to get when the govt officials get rid of evidence and witnesses. :). A lot of conspiracies aren't conspiracies at all, but just ignorant ppl. Spouting predjudicial conjecture because they haven't spent the time to go find the evidence nor want to. These are willingly ignorant ppl. I could name some of these proven theories, but this forum won't allow for such. Anytime something is done by two or more ppl. In secret, or the in view of those who are the victim, it's a conspiracy. Ppl. That conspire. How many ppl. Are taken advantage of in business everyday by others that conspire to take advantage of them. The issue is, how likely is this theory, and then ultimately, what proof or evidence do you have.


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The point is that Romo rarely got roughing calls compared to other QBs. If I remember correctly it was like 10 to 1 with Rodgers compared to Romo regarding roughing the passer calls.

He absolutely was passed over for way too many roughing calls. Its, in a way, like the several guys who were harmed by the horse collar were passed over until it happened to a super huge name.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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So anyone want to bet on WWE or Roller derby? Because it's the same as betting on the NFL.

The league is a fraud, not sure we can point to a period in time, but since 911 the red, white and blue logo Patriots have won 6 super bowls.

I'll go out on a limb and bet everything was on the up-and-up during the 90s, though. The Cowboys titles are totally legitimate.

Only now, as season after season passes with the Cowboys having late January off, is the league corrupt. :rolleyes:


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The referees are deciding close games. With the money the league is getting off of gambling, we should not be surprised.

And yet the NFL fought legalized gambling for years. That must have been part of the ruse, just so we'd be tricked now.

Boy those guys are clever. Decades spent setting us up. Well, not all of us obviously. Some of you have figured it all out.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Thank you for this post! Validates exactly what most of us know and have seen happening to our Cowboys at the behest of the officials and the league under Goodell. Certain teams are favored and helped by the crooked officials. The NFL game is rigged.

I hope whatever you decide to do on Sundays going forward is fun and rewarding.

After all, surely you're not going to continue following a sport that is rigged (and against your favorite team, no less). That would be ridiculous.