My dad wasn't around until after I was in my late teens and then we developed a relationship. He was a dolphins fan, typical for him as he thought they'd be great . . . another misjudgement by him. After I was out of HS he spent the next 24 years in Alaska.
I was raised by my maternal grandparents with my GF being the strong male presence in the family. I got a lot from him but not the Cowboy fandom. I found the Cowboys in TV in 1966 and I started watching them and soon hooked the rest of the family. Always had a couple of uncles, my grandparents, and mom around. I think they all got on board around '68 or '69. By the early '70's they were hooked. I have fond memories of my grandfather cussing Craig Morton for throwing interceptions.
So I converted the whole family to the Cowboys. When I was real young I remember them , as a family, sitting around on Saturdays watching baseball (usually the Yankees or dodgers) with PeeWee Reese and Dizzy Dean. Even though I played football was always king of my interests. In 1966 I was 12.