Washington's Rookies > Yours

Hostile said:
Art is out of his league without the Mod powers. That's been proven over and over.

He'd probably wind up gettin' frustrated, and threaten to "beat me unto death"...

silverbear said:
Then have him come on over and give me a try... but first, lemme tell you that he did that over on another board a couple-three years back, and he did NOT have a pleasant experience... in fact, he got punked, by your friendly local Bear...

Rather like you're being punked by that same Bear right now... LOL...

I remember that. I don't know if I would call it punked though. Art didn't hang around long enough for a major melt, he kind of slinked away like a puppy with his tail between his leg.

I think CT back in the rant days is the only one who argued with you effectively. Evelyn Wood classes be damned, it still took six hours to read the post, reply and counter-reply.
StanleySpadowski said:
I remember that. I don't know if I would call it punked though. Art didn't hang around long enough for a major melt, he kind of slinked away like a puppy with his tail between his leg.

I think CT back in the rant days is the only one who argued with you effectively. Evelyn Wood classes be damned, it still took six hours to read the post, reply and counter-reply.

Saw UHF on Friday. Pretty good movie.
silverbear said:
Ahhh, but it ain't just MY opinion-- it's the opinion of virtually everybody else except you and the author...

And if my opinion is so flawed, rebut it... you haven't even TRIED to do that, instead you just lob a few juvenile insults...

Yeah, it's too bad that the best "expert" that NFL.com could come up with was the GM Jr. website...

It is not held in particularly high regard by most pundits OR draftaholics... for one thing, it seems like half their profiles start out with "this was a frustrating player to try to grade"...

For another thing, in the analysis of Bobby Carpenter you provided from them, they claim that he struggles trying to cover the TE, basically that he's a liability in coverage... they claim part of the reason for that is he lacks instincts...

The problem is, this runs contrary to what most RESPECTED draft sites say about him... consider this quote from NFL Draft Countdown:

The Draft Stock website says:

The Fantasy Football Toolbox website says:

Over on Fox Sports' website, they say:

They also say:

ALL of these websites refute the claims made by the folks at GM Jr....

Now, YOU might prefer to believe that your sources are superior, if only because they're saying what you want to hear, but a THINKING man would look at one source saying one thing, and everybody else saying the opposite, and conclude that it's highly likely the one source is WRONG...

And now that I've demonstrated that the GM Jr. website is a bit less than authoritative, that spares me the need to go look up comments that counter the ones they made about Anthony Montgomery... I reckon all I need to do is offer this one, comical quote from them:

Yeah, he was the 153rd player taken... shows you how much those folks know about talent evaluation... ROTFLMAO...

LOL... listening to you talk about "real" football fans is comical, when you're running around spewing such completely uninformed garbage...

Try again. GM Jr. is a reliable resource and is used by CBS Sportsline. Russ Lande, unlike many of these "scouts," has been on the inside as a scout for the Browns and Rams. He does a thorough analysis including talking to position coaches, talking to the players, and checking out the players for himself. I find Sporting News to be the only source with more comprehensive information than GM Jr. Dick Vermeil has stated, "Russ’s ability to evaluate talent and report on what he sees accurately is outstanding!!" Many other coaches and league personnel have praised Lande's guide as well.
silverbear said:
You just don't know that, and in fact the consensus among the pundits was that he was a late second, even early 3rd round type... and in point of fact, exactly ONE other linebacker was taken between where Rocky was picked (at pick 35), and where the Skins were originally scheduled to pick (pick 53)... that other LB was one the Skins were also highly interested in, one a good deal faster and more athletic than McIntosh (that would be Thomas Howard, from UTEP)...

So, there was no more "run" on linebackers after that, and the one team that DID draft Thomas Howard at pick 38 (the Raiders) would have been unlikely to prefer McIntosh there... Al Davis loves SPEED, and Howard is MUCH faster than Rocky is... for that matter, Al probably would have picked Jon Alston before he went for McIntosh...

Kind of contradicing yourself eh?
StanleySpadowski said:
I remember that. I don't know if I would call it punked though. Art didn't hang around long enough for a major melt, he kind of slinked away like a puppy with his tail between his leg.

I think CT back in the rant days is the only one who argued with you effectively. Evelyn Wood classes be damned, it still took six hours to read the post, reply and counter-reply.

CounterTrey is my bud now, and he can definitely hang in an argument... don't always agree with him, but I have immense respect for him...

As for Art's leaving, I flatter myself that I played at least a small part in makin' him decide to hide where he can control all the ground rules... I rather doubt he'll be exporting his particular brand of lunacy to any other football boards, particularly any other Cowboys boards...

It just frustrates him that he can't ORDER me to post EXACTLY what he says, or face banning... :rolleyes:
method man said:
Try again. GM Jr. is a reliable resource

Yeah, like the guy who wrote the puff piece on Montgomery is a "definitive source"...

Seems like your definition of "reliable" is "anybody who says something I agree with, particularly if they're on the Commanders' jock"...

Well, too bad for you that virtually every other CREDIBLE resource strongly disagrees with their take on Carpenter... so, I guess you want us to ignore everybody else, and accept uncritically the word of the guys who are purveying opinions at odds with the rest of the world...

Problem is, you haven't explained how GM Jr could comment on how Carpenter has problems handling TEs on pass patterns, while source after source after source says that's actually one of his strong suits...

I knock down each of your arguments with factual rebuttal, and all you EVER offer in response is more obviously biased opinions, substantiated by little to nothing... in a formal debate, the one who brings the most FACTS to the table to support their arguments always win... each and every time you've made an assertion of fact, I have rebutted it with factual documentation, and each and every time I do so, you come back with... well, NOTHING, really...

Your problem is, you seem to have read the NFL.com website and virtually no other draft websites... meanwhile, I just counted, I have no fewer than 31 different websites dedicated to the draft bookmarked... inevitably, the man factoring as many possible differing viewpoints as possible is better informed than the man who (like you) carefully censors his input, limiting it to those folks who tell him what he wants to hear...

Which is why (to revisit your accusations of my allegedly inferior football knowledge) I've just had another article published in a football magazine over in England... it was a piece analyzing the Cowboys' draft plans, discussing specific players who might be their targets, and I had the pick of Bobby Carpenter in the 1st round... I also had the Boys taking Pat Watkins, though honesty compels me to admit I saw them drafting him in the 3rd round, when he actually fell to the 5th... that's pretty good, I'd say, for a guy you seem curiously eager to depict as clueless on the subject of football...

That's just a LITTLE taste of my credentials as a student of the game... I could offer you many more just like it, but instead I'll simply ask:

What do YOU have that compares to that, to demonstrate YOUR football knowledge... I ask because it's pretty clear that I have better knowledge of the players you guys drafted, and signed after the draft, than you do... so, how many magazines have had articles featuring your byline??

A sense of decency compels me to suggest to you that at this point, your best bet is to go find somebody else to argue with, because in this particular battle of wits, you're in WAY over your head... in addition, if you knew me better, you'd know that I'm the kind who never, EVER walks away from a fight; rather, I hang in there like a bulldog with a new chew toy until my adversary decides to run for cover... I promise you, you have no chance whatsoever of gettin' over on me, not when you have no facts to back up your specious opinions...

Which is, of course, why you never bother attempting to rebut my arguments directly-- you CAN'T...
method man said:
Kind of contradicing yourself eh?

Not at all... I said "you don't KNOW that", and in the section where you claim I'm contradicting myself, I used qualifiers like "would have been unlikely", and "probably"...

IOW, I stated strongly held OPINIONS, I made no attempts to claim they were incontrovertible FACT, the way you did...

No contradiction there, but rather an inability on your part to appreciate semantic precision...
silverbear said:
. in addition, if you knew me better, you'd know that I'm the kind who never, EVER walks away from a fight; rather, I hang in there like a bulldog with a new chew toy until my adversary decides to run for cover... I promise you, you have no chance whatsoever of gettin' over on me, not when you have no facts to back up your specious opinions...

Which is, of course, why you never bother attempting to rebut my arguments directly-- you CAN'T...

for over 3 years (I think) he had a battle with a troll named Cman... and the posts got longer and longer...ah it was a fun time
Zaxor said:
for over 3 years (I think) he had a battle with a troll named Cman... and the posts got longer and longer...ah it was a fun time
You should have been around before we split the political zone to it's own website :eek:

SB's diatribes dominated the zone :D

I give SB his props he digs in harder than a tick :thumbup:
Zaxor said:
for over 3 years (I think) he had a battle with a troll named Cman... and the posts got longer and longer...ah it was a fun time

It was closer to five years, wild man... that was beyond any doubt the most determined, masochistic troll I ever met...

I sometimes wonder why he finally disappeared, it caught me entirely by surprise... you might recall he was a diehard Steelers fan, and he didn't even bother coming back in for some "I told ya so" after the last Super Bowl...
Yeagermeister said:
You should have been around before we split the political zone to it's own website :eek:

SB's diatribes dominated the zone :D

I give SB his props he digs in harder than a tick :thumbup:

More than my fair share of mouth, more than my fair share of 'tude... and what my antagonists take a while figuring out is I ENJOY this kind of thing... :p:
silverbear said:
A sense of decency compels me to suggest to you that at this point, your best bet is to go find somebody else to argue with, because in this particular battle of wits, you're in WAY over your head... in addition, if you knew me better, you'd know that I'm the kind who never, EVER walks away from a fight; rather, I hang in there like a bulldog with a new chew toy until my adversary decides to run for cover... I promise you, you have no chance whatsoever of gettin' over on me, not when you have no facts to back up your specious opinions...

Which is, of course, why you never bother attempting to rebut my arguments directly-- you CAN'T...
This is Janet Reno versus Jessica Alba in a bikini contest, in other words, no contest at all.
Hostile said:
This is Janet Reno versus Jessica Alba in a bikini contest, in other words, no contest at all.
DUDE!!!!!!!!! Why did you have to ruin the mental image of Jessica in a bikini by mentioning Janet Reno :puke:

Yeagermeister said:
DUDE!!!!!!!!! Why did you have to ruin the mental image of Jessica in a bikini by mentioning Janet Reno :puke:


There's a terrific politically incorrect off color joke about Parkinson's and Reno in a bikini in there somewhere. I'll let you figure it out.
Yeagermeister said:
DUDE!!!!!!!!! Why did you have to ruin the mental image of Jessica in a bikini by mentioning Janet Reno :puke:

I was going to mention the Hogettes, but I figured it would still causing some up chuckage.
Yeagermeister said:
You should have been around before we split the political zone to it's own website :eek:

SB's diatribes dominated the zone :D

I give SB his props he digs in harder than a tick :thumbup:

I was there just didn't post... Heck I was a good 2 years on usenet before Bear showed up but had like a total of 1 post...that I have the post count here that I have is unreal
silverbear said:
It was closer to five years, wild man... that was beyond any doubt the most determined, masochistic troll I ever met...

I sometimes wonder why he finally disappeared, it caught me entirely by surprise... you might recall he was a diehard Steelers fan, and he didn't even bother coming back in for some "I told ya so" after the last Super Bowl...

I remember Chuck well ...

I remember the GOBN ...

I remember the Monty Python threads...ding dong bring out your dead

I remember the suicide rats...

I remember the Spike and Bear stuff because Cman...

I remember Will turning it into a political board and that is the main reason I am here now...

It was a great time I believe I started on there in what 1993 with a 14400 baud modem or was it 9600 baud? anyway there was lots of great people I really wish would find there way here like Phil Yewdal, Kim Cole, Barry Wong and a host of others...of course usenet can keep there King consultant and Blake and all the other knuckleheads...

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