Washington's Rookies > Yours


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile said:
This is Janet Reno versus Jessica Alba in a bikini contest, in other words, no contest at all.

Wish I would have read this AFTER I'd already eaten supper... LOL...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Zaxor said:
I remember Chuck well ...

He was the single most determined troll I've ever known... and in a curious way, he was one of the driving forces of that newsgroup... he brought us all together, united against him...

I remember the GOBN ...

Ahhhh, the Good Ol' Boys Network... created in response to one of our other trolls (I think it was Conjure), who complained about us having a good ol' boys network... well, rather than get annoyed or defensive about the accusation, I thought we should have some fun with it... and once it got going good, ol' Fred Goodwin declared me the HMFIC of that august body... LOL...

the Monty Python threads...ding dong bring out your dead

Sometimes-- especially in the offseason-- you've just gotta get a little silly... those did seem to be particularly popular threads, didn't they??

I remember the Suicide Rats

Created in response to our King of the Malapropism, Austin, trying to insult JustForFun by talkin' about the "suicide rats in Tennessee"... that was funny enough, but then Rod Parker went and wrote "The Ballad Of The Suicide Rats", sung to the tune of "The Ballad Of The Green Berets":

Rodents plummet from the sky,
They hit the ground, but they don't die...

And each "member" had to choose a name based on one of Austin's malapropisms... I was Brother Quiji, after the time he talked about us consulting a "Quiji board" for our theories... I also remember a Brother Hanus, after the time he referred to our "hanus" (heinous) activities...

What's cool about that one is after a while, even ol' Austin came to appreciate the humor in all of that...

Really, the GOBN and the Suicide Rats were just an attempt to create a sense of camaraderie among the board's regulars, and I think both were rather successful...

Those were the good old days...

I remember the Spike and Bear stuff because Cman...

That happened when I tried to give ol' Mabel a break... I thought I sensed a desire in him to try to fit in, and thought I'd try to encourage that... that annoyed Spike greatly, and in the fullness of time, it became clear that he was right, and I was wrong... that's the only time I ever remember Spike and me winding up on opposite sides of the fence...

For the newsgroup outsiders reading this, "Mabel" was an acronym/nickname that Spike hung on Cman, it stood for "Master of Abject Bull and Egregious Lies"... later on, after Mabel claimed that Cowboys fans were for the most part "baggy jeans, gold chain wearing gangbangers", I morphed Mabel into
K-Mubs (King of Mindless, Unsubstantiated BS), reasoning that it sounded a little like a rapper's name, and that would piss off Cman even more...

And then, when we organized our second boycott of Cman, he became TWNLE (the Troll Who No Longer Exists)... I was always surprised at how effective those boycotts were, how nobody would respond to anything he said... that kind of solidarity is tough to achieve on a newsgroup...

I remember Will turning it into a political board and that is the main reason I am here now...

Politics are what killed that board, but you're being too hard on ol' will... we had a LOT of guys in there (including me) who got WAY too political... Venger and TLG were the ringleaders of the right wing, will and Dave Wallen (now posting as Al Mundy) and me were the chief instigators on the left...

I'm sure Yeager will be shocked that I was in the middle of the political crap, LOL...

I thought it was OK back when the election was in full swing, but was rather shocked when it didn't die off after the elections... so I'm still a little ticked at myself for playing such a large role in crapping up a perfectly good forum...

These days, Venger and TLG don't seem to post in there any more at all... I'd like to think it's because they're embarrassed at how passionately they defended Dubya back then...

I wish there was some way we could revive the old group, that was a GREAT place to hang out, talk football, argue with trolls, and just have fun... but sadly, the old gang is either gone (can't believe Dave Zero died that young), or has lost interest...

I even got a chance to meet three of the regulars from that board, in fact I had them out to my house... Fred Goodwin, Allan Guyton and Br'er Bill Gough...good guys, every one of them... Allan and Bill showed up on football Sundays, we watched the game together...

Thanks for calling up all those memories, Zax...


Virtus Mille Scuta
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silverbear said:
He was the single most determined troll I've ever known... and in a curious way, he was one of the driving forces of that newsgroup... he brought us all together, united against him...

Ahhhh, the Good Ol' Boys Network... created in response to one of our other trolls (I think it was Conjure), who complained about us having a good ol' boys network... well, rather than get annoyed or defensive about the accusation, I thought we should have some fun with it... and once it got going good, ol' Fred Goodwin declared me the HMFIC of that august body... LOL...

Sometimes-- especially in the offseason-- you've just gotta get a little silly... those did seem to be particularly popular threads, didn't they??

Created in response to our King of the Malapropism, Austin, trying to insult JustForFun by talkin' about the "suicide rats in Tennessee"... that was funny enough, but then Rod Parker went and wrote "The Ballad Of The Suicide Rats", sung to the tune of "The Ballad Of The Green Berets":

Rodents plummet from the sky,
They hit the ground, but they don't die...

And each "member" had to choose a name based on one of Austin's malapropisms... I was Brother Quiji, after the time he talked about us consulting a "Quiji board" for our theories... I also remember a Brother Hanus, after the time he referred to our "hanus" (heinous) activities...

What's cool about that one is after a while, even ol' Austin came to appreciate the humor in all of that...

Really, the GOBN and the Suicide Rats were just an attempt to create a sense of camaraderie among the board's regulars, and I think both were rather successful...

Those were the good old days...

That happened when I tried to give ol' Mabel a break... I thought I sensed a desire in him to try to fit in, and thought I'd try to encourage that... that annoyed Spike greatly, and in the fullness of time, it became clear that he was right, and I was wrong... that's the only time I ever remember Spike and me winding up on opposite sides of the fence...

For the newsgroup outsiders reading this, "Mabel" was an acronym/nickname that Spike hung on Cman, it stood for "Master of Abject Bull and Egregious Lies"... later on, after Mabel claimed that Cowboys fans were for the most part "baggy jeans, gold chain wearing gangbangers", I morphed Mabel into
K-Mubs (King of Mindless, Unsubstantiated BS), reasoning that it sounded a little like a rapper's name, and that would piss off Cman even more...

And then, when we organized our second boycott of Cman, he became TWNLE (the Troll Who No Longer Exists)... I was always surprised at how effective those boycotts were, how nobody would respond to anything he said... that kind of solidarity is tough to achieve on a newsgroup...

Politics are what killed that board, but you're being too hard on ol' will... we had a LOT of guys in there (including me) who got WAY too political... Venger and TLG were the ringleaders of the right wing, will and Dave Wallen (now posting as Al Mundy) and me were the chief instigators on the left...

I'm sure Yeager will be shocked that I was in the middle of the political crap, LOL...

I thought it was OK back when the election was in full swing, but was rather shocked when it didn't die off after the elections... so I'm still a little ticked at myself for playing such a large role in crapping up a perfectly good forum...

These days, Venger and TLG don't seem to post in there any more at all... I'd like to think it's because they're embarrassed at how passionately they defended Dubya back then...

I wish there was some way we could revive the old group, that was a GREAT place to hang out, talk football, argue with trolls, and just have fun... but sadly, the old gang is either gone (can't believe Dave Zero died that young), or has lost interest...

I even got a chance to meet three of the regulars from that board, in fact I had them out to my house... Fred Goodwin, Allan Guyton and Br'er Bill Gough...good guys, every one of them... Allan and Bill showed up on football Sundays, we watched the game together...

Thanks for calling up all those memories, Zax...

Dave Zero is dead? missed that.... care to explain?

Bob Sacamano

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Zaxor said:
it was probably the reason ole conjure decided to go

um, I'm lost, explain yourself good sir

edit: nvm, I re-read Silverbear's post and got it, dumb me hehe


Virtus Mille Scuta
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summerisfunner said:
um, I'm lost, explain yourself good sir

edit: nvm, I re-read Silverbear's post and got it, dumb me hehe

quite all right friend it happens to us all

Bob Sacamano

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whereabouts in Germany are you stationed? I used to live in Italy for 3 years and been to Ramstein

bobbie brewskie

New Member
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im a lil late on this whole "debate" (hardly is, SB kind of destroyed method and his idea of: Washington draft class > Dallas draft class)

anyways . . .

Rocky Mcintosh was your guys' best pick and he was a reach and you traded up for him, i really liked McIntosh going into the draft and he will be a solid player in the NFL, probably. but the guy would have been there at your original pick, so since your best pick was a reach i dont know why you are argueing.

and other than this i dont recall you guys having any other picks . . . jk. but SB has already said it all, most of your picks are reaches at all points in the draft. if the player is injury prone and is drafted in the 3rd round or later, who cares, i will have to disagree with SB on this note just because injury prone players are worthy in the later rounds but not in the first 2.

and for you to compare your draft class to ours is just HOMERISM TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no way your draft compares to ours. and like Brice said before (a skins fan) you guys build through FA while cowboys build through draft . . . he knows your draft sucked just like most skins fans do.

when trolls come around it bothers me, skins fans are fine as long as they can have a solid debate and understand both the pros and cons, its awesome to debate with other teams fans but when trolls come around with their homeristic views it bothers me.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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summerisfunner said:
whereabouts in Germany are you stationed? I used to live in Italy for 3 years and been to Ramstein

I am not stationed anywhere... I got out of the military about a year and a half after that picture was taken or...was it a bit later...1992 I think...

I am around Stuttgart home of Merecedes and Porsche...


here is a picture of the king's palace (of course Germany is no longer ruled by Kings and queens...so perhaps I should say former residence of the king of baden-wurtemberg)


Virtus Mille Scuta
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and right straight down on the picture of the palace is the Koenigstrasse or King street in english



Virtus Mille Scuta
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and some pictures of the old castle



and what you might get a shot of if they had Monday night football here



Virtus Mille Scuta
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bobbie brewskie said:
yea, but how many times can you pull the, "IM FROM AMERICA" card on all the fine german girls?

To be honest I don't ever do it...

I've been all around this wonderful planet of ours and what I have found is that the ladies respond to is...

a great big smile and a Hi (in what ever language you are conversing in) try it it works :)

bobbie brewskie

New Member
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Zaxor said:
To be honest I don't ever do it...

I've been all around this wonderful planet of ours and what I have found is that the ladies respond to is...

a great big smile and a Hi (in what ever language you are conversing in) try it it works :)

haha, i was just makin a joke. my smile isnt big enough for all the ladies who want in :D, mwahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea im done making jokes, its like 2 in the morning . . .


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Zaxor said:
Dave Zero is dead? missed that.... care to explain?

Oh man, sorry to have to tell you that, I thought you already knew... I guess it was about 3-4 months back, but it might have been as long ago as 6 months... nobody had heard from Dave for several days, so his family went over to his house, and he was lying dead on his sofa... IIRC, it was a heart attack...

Shocked the living bejesus out of everybody in the newsgroup, and naturally was the dominant topic of discussion for a few days... guys from other boards, fans of other teams, were coming over to express their opinions that he was an uncommonly decent guy...

They were, of course, right...