We are no where's close to making it to the Super Bowl


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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
You must be a young one because you haven't figured out that being lucky is part of this sport. Bad luck and good luck are part of this sport. You will suffer the consequences of the bad luck so you damn well better accept the benefits of the good luck. Listen to an old man with tons of experience... We beat the Lions! Take that win and love it! We are closer to making it to the "big game" than you give us credit for. We can win playoff games with Dak and McCarthy. If you don't want to have high expectations of the 2024 Cowboys, that's up to you. It's up to you to do what's right for you.


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I defend the truth. There's a difference. I say when I think they are wrong and say when I think they're right. The problem is most times people here are whining that they're wrong when the rules support them being right. Here they screwed up and it benefitted us. The only people who'd have a problem with that are the "refs are out to get us, and only us" crowd who now have less ammo for their victim stance. Sound like anyone you know?
They only screwed it up is an opinion of everyone. Fans and media. Depending on how they look at it.
I have mine and I will stick by it.

The refs got it correct as to how Detroit tried to circumvent the rules and situation. The refs made the right call.
Dallas defense lined up according to that call.

To me this was all on Detroit.


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They only screwed it up is an opinion of everyone. Fans and media. Depending on how they look at it.
I have mine and I will stick by it.

The refs got it correct as to how Detroit tried to circumvent the rules and situation. The refs made the right call.
Dallas defense lined up according to that call.

To me this was all on Detroit.
When a ref ignores a direct question about the controversy, that's no longer opinion. Dude screwed up and knew he screwed up. Ref criticizers turned ref defenders on one of their mistakes is one of the funniest things this board saw this season. You see guys, they DO have hard jobs and deserve credit for what they do get right. Lol.


Well-Known Member
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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
Last year the Cowboys would have won the Super Bowl with a real quarterback. The Cowboys were the best team in the NFC and I believe overall, but the one glaring weakness derailed them.
This year they were not as good, still had the same issue, and the season is over.
But, add a real quarterback, mix in a couple of top d-line run stoppers, keep everything else at the quality they have had, and get a running back that can penetrate opposing defenses at the goal line, and the Cowboys might be good enough.


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We are closer to making it to the "big game" than you give us credit for. We can win playoff games with Dak and McCarthy.
Really? Did you not watch the last week - we were the #2 seed at home and got punked by the 7th seed.

Is Dak going to all of a sudden have an epiphany and not get tight in the play-offs or when facing the better teams.

Is MM suddenly going to become a Jimmy or Bill?

Just the D alone you need DTs, 2 LBs and 2 safeties...not to mention the O-line.


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And to go one step further, you can also count the embarrassment against the 9-8 Packers who took the Cowboys behind the woodshed and a good spanking, at home. Takes us back to what came first, the chicken or the egg? Dallas did, cuz they laid the egg that hatched the chicken.
More like got pulp fictioned.


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Ok 3 wins, lost to Arizona whick only had 4 wins. You get my drift. NOT GOOD!!!!
Sure, but make your point without being full of crap. You don't get to change facts. I agree we have a ways to go. I also believe we could change that in one off season.

I just don't believe we will.


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Really? Did you not watch the last week - we were the #2 seed at home and got punked by the 7th seed.

Is Dak going to all of a sudden have an epiphany and not get tight in the play-offs or when facing the better teams.

Is MM suddenly going to become a Jimmy or Bill?

Just the D alone you need DTs, 2 LBs and 2 safeties...not to mention the O-line.
Yes, really! You are an emotional mess! I know better than to try to talk sense into someone in your state of mind. Good luck with your mental health. Please step back from the ledge and get those ideas of jumping out of your mind.


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Yes, really! You are an emotional mess! I know better than to try to talk sense into someone in your state of mind. Good luck with your mental health. Please step back from the ledge and get those ideas of jumping out of your mind.
Not emotional at all - all these things I've been saying in the Game threads for a couple of years now.

Anyone paying attention wouldn't be shocked - a bit surprised maybe - but not shocked.

I already know what these next few years hold...with Jethro running things it is what it is.


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Not emotional at all - all these things I've been saying in the Game threads for a couple of years now.

Anyone paying attention wouldn't be shocked - a bit surprised maybe - but not shocked.

I already know what these next few years hold...with Jethro running things it is what it is.
Oh, not emotional but still with unstable mental health. God bless you. I'll add you to my prayer list. NYC. :thumbup:

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
This team is not winning post season squat with this leadership!


Well-Known Member
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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
Of course we are not.

JJ makes a great job of letting fans believe every year that we are.

Just wait for training camp and people will jump on his train again.


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Oh, not emotional but still with unstable mental health. God bless you. I'll add you to my prayer list. NYC. :thumbup:
What have I said that's unstable?

Do we not need DTs?

Do we not need LBs?

Do we not need safeties?

O-line - Martin getting older, Tryron is older and often injured, Biadasz a FA and Steel not the same since injury.

Does Dak not tighten up?

You may not agree with all that but I dont think most would think that all that is "unstable".