We are no where's close to making it to the Super Bowl


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Well first off just accept SB isn't going to happen in 24 with zero coaching or QB changes. Next step is to look forward to how far we can get. Otherwise, why watch at all. 30 teams each year do not reach SB and 31 don't win it every year.
There’s nothing to look forward to if there’s no hope of winning a SB. That’s the difference in winners and those who are looking forward to a participation trophy.


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There’s nothing to look forward to if there’s no hope of winning a SB. That’s the difference in winners and those who are looking forward to a participation trophy.
We have hope.


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Aikman used to have a quote during his playing days about how he loved the finality of the postseason. It’s a sentiment that has long since been missing.

We HAVE beaten good teams in recent years during the regular season. Sure, we will drop a game here and there, but do quite well with the marathon approach of the regular season.

But everything changes in the playoffs. And for 20 years, no matter how good our offense is in the regular season, it just doesn’t quite look the same in the postseason.


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insult? All I did was disagree. If your feelings are so sensitive that you perceive scrutiny of your comments as an insult then you are in the wrong forum. I never asked your permission to disagree because I don't need it. You are miles off, and it is fine! Now you want to call this discussion a debate? That's fine too and you are losing it. Go cry to Mommy NYC, and forget about my prayers for you!Your quote : "Oh, not emotional but still with unstable mental health. God bless you. I'll add you to my prayer list. NYC."
Your quote... "You are an emotional mess! I know better than to try to talk sense into someone in your state of mind. Good luck with your mental health. Please step back from the ledge and get those ideas of jumping out of your mind."

Your quote : "Oh, not emotional but still with unstable mental health. God bless you. I'll add you to my prayer list. NYC."

That's why I said you were trying to insult and trying to be condescending by saying god bless you and that you would pray for me.

You did not try and discuss or debate any one of my points. Notice that I did write TRYING to insult.

You saying I'm sensitive is very funny - been around these boards - as you I believe - since like 2006 and never have I've ever been perceived as "sensitive". LOL

And I never said that this "discussion was a debate".

My direct quote... "Now if you think I'm way off - thats fine - maybe if you would have addressed some points instead of just trying to insult, it might have led to a good debate/discussion." End quote.

So how you say I'm losing it I dont know.

So we really haven't had a discussion or debate of any of the points just to be clear.


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Your quote... "You are an emotional mess! I know better than to try to talk sense into someone in your state of mind. Good luck with your mental health. Please step back from the ledge and get those ideas of jumping out of your mind."

Your quote : "Oh, not emotional but still with unstable mental health. God bless you. I'll add you to my prayer list. NYC."

That's why I said you were trying to insult and trying to be condescending by saying god bless you and that you would pray for me.

You did not try and discuss or debate any one of my points. Notice that I did write TRYING to insult.

You saying I'm sensitive is very funny - been around these boards - as you I believe - since like 2006 and never have I've ever been perceived as "sensitive". LOL

And I never said that this "discussion was a debate".

My direct quote... "Now if you think I'm way off - thats fine - maybe if you would have addressed some points instead of just trying to insult, it might have led to a good debate/discussion." End quote.

So how you say I'm losing it I dont know.

So we really haven't had a discussion or debate of any of the points just to be clear.
Wow, you are still whining? Give it up, pal. No one here cares about your crying. Like I said, NYC, take it to mommy.


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What a highly stimulating conversation - kudos.
Learn how to take scrutiny rather than declaring war when it happens and you might actually get stimulating conversation from this poster. All I did was disagree with your opinion and even tried to exit the conversation with grace offering you my prayers. But you can't stand scrutiny of your words so you had to cry about it. The futility of this conversation is your fault. So please, for Pete's sake, let it end. Move on. Please!


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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
We haven't been for 30 years.

And will be going on 40 soon


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They only screwed it up is an opinion of everyone. Fans and media. Depending on how they look at it.
I have mine and I will stick by it.

The refs got it correct as to how Detroit tried to circumvent the rules and situation. The refs made the right call.
Dallas defense lined up according to that call.

To me this was all on Detroit.
What really matters is that Detroit marched down the field like a knife cutting through butter, and scored a TD with no time left.
And, we didn't score enough points to eliminate the possibility of that scenario burning us.


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Super Bowl? We have trouble with playoff games. Much less make it to the big game lol.


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RUN...THE...DAMN...FOOTBALL. And everybody looks like a genius. It's amazing that the blueprint for championships was laid down in the 90s and yet the organization and coaching repeatedly FAILS to acknowledge it. There will be no championships in Dallas until they do.

Purdy did NOT look great against the Packers...but he had a running game. Love looked great until he only had a minute left, which meant he could no longer rely on Jones to help him move the ball. The same weakness that showed on the All-22 was the reason why he threw the final INT. Worst in the league when running out of the pocket. Game...over.

CJ Stroud...the new "Hall Of Famer" could only engineer THREE whole points on offense against the Ravens. Houston ran for 38 yards. The Ravens? 229.


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What's there to look forward to? Real question.
We have to have something to look forward to.. even the smallest amount of hope eh.. if we have no hope then we are all stuffed.

I subscribe to the fixes a lot of people have on here.. run the ball/stop the run.

We have to hope that the FO gets some players to be able to fix those things.. IMO

Maybe a great run game and a great defence will help Dak get us all to the promised land.. because I don't see anyone else being the QB of the Cowboys for a while.

I feel your pain mate.

PA Cowboy Fan

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RUN...THE...DAMN...FOOTBALL. And everybody looks like a genius. It's amazing that the blueprint for championships was laid down in the 90s and yet the organization and coaching repeatedly FAILS to acknowledge it. There will be no championships in Dallas until they do.

Purdy did NOT look great against the Packers...but he had a running game. Love looked great until he only had a minute left, which meant he could no longer rely on Jones to help him move the ball. The same weakness that showed on the All-22 was the reason why he threw the final INT. Worst in the league when running out of the pocket. Game...over.

CJ Stroud...the new "Hall Of Famer" could only engineer THREE whole points on offense against the Ravens. Houston ran for 38 yards. The Ravens? 229.
The Cowboys weren't concerned with the running game. Didn't try to upgrade the RBs...They thought Pollard could do it coming off an injury although he's never been a lead back. The backups were awful. Some thought we would run the ball more with McCarthy taking over the playcalling but he put it all in Dak's hands again. They can beat the scrubs doing that. Can't do that against great teams.


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We are no where's close to making it to the big game. Lets look at 2023 season. We beat 1 team with a winning record. I wont count Detroit, we got lucky. Dak is not our guy. He cant win a big game. Just like Romo. We win during the season and choke at playoff time. Things need to change starting from Jerry Jones. Looking forward to another unfulfilled season!!!!
Huh? Dallas beat 4 teams with winning records.

Detroit, Philly, Rams, Seattle.