We are raising a generation of deluded narcissists

TheCount;4956827 said:
Watching an older generation talk about the younger generation is always amusing. Didn't people say the same thing about the youths in the 60's?

I wonder if unequivocally claiming your generation is better than the one following it also qualifies are narcissism? :laugh2:

I have yet to ever hear an older generation say, "Man, these young whipper snappers are better than we ever were." It's always, "You call that dancing?! Back in my day, we had some REAL dancers!"

true, what is the worst generation?

the one right after you.
Romo 2 Austin;4957719 said:
My peers favorite songs include-

"Young and Gettin' it" - Meek Mill ft. Kirko Bangz
"No Worries" - Lil Wayne
"Birthday Song" - 2 Chainz
"Bandz a make 'er dance" - Juicy J
"Pop That" - French Montana

Don't think I pulled out random poor examples of popular songs, all are or have recently been high ranking songs on Billboard.

We have a generation of people that glorifies money, laziness and not "hatin'" on them.

"I just want the money you can keep the (derogatory term)'s cause i'm young and im gettin it." - This is not exactly what you want your son or daughter listening to and saying that's me.

"I got money all in my pocket and my audemars on shine, i'm just living my life, i'm just young and im gettin it"... - That's wonderful.

Constructive criticism or not being in agreement is "hatin" = excuse to dismiss it even if its true. It just a very childish way of looking at things.
TheCount;4957450 said:
Oh really? Are you suggesting that previous generations of athletes have not said and done stupid things? That's rich.

You take one quote and that quote defines an entire generation. Where's my Staple's Easy Button when I need it?

Yup, bunch of sissies out there.

Are you blaming 18 year old college freshmen for a collapsing, indebted economy?

That's a completely reasonable conclusion.

This thread is high hilarity. Especially since the accusers aren't even pragmatic about their conclusions.

Yeah, that's what I said.
He can Count, but he sure can't read.
WPBCowboysFan;4957726 said:
Constructive criticism or not being in agreement is "hatin" = excuse to dismiss it even if its true. It just a very childish way of looking at things.

Exactly right.
Galian Beast;4957732 said:
I'm not sure why, I've challenged myself to do just the same.

considering the convos we've had in the past I'd challenge you to look harder
WV Cowboy;4956734 said:
Entitlement is a major problem.

Work ethic is lacking.

Manners are lacking, compassion, respect, humility are all lacking.

and boom, boom, boom, boom


Plenty of great kids out there, but on average all of that is lacking in many ways, some things worse than others.
WPBCowboysFan;4957596 said:
Its not all on the parents. Its society. More specifically its a society that creates a scenario where parents aren't exactly free to raise their kids how they see fit.

Parents cant discipline their kids w/o the fear of the "authorities" sticking their noses where they dont belong. Kids know that they can report their parents for abuse. So parents are in tough place in regards to discipline. Kids dont learn to respect authority.

The entitlement attitude is a huge problem. Its not the parents, its society overall. Once again, parents are at a real disadvantage here.

As far as the mess from the previous generation, blame the govt, not the parents.

Parents have plenty to be blamed for, but not most of which you mentioned.

It's all the same people though. The "society" and the govt that you blame are just collections of the same people who I referred to as parents. Over 80 percent of American adults have a biological child. They shape culture by what they buy, government by who they vote for, and children by how they parent. "Parents" are not some magical group separate from the rest of society.

To say that the parents are innocent and society is guilty is to spread blame around, not to move it to a different group.

I'm not blaming parents for everything, but I find discussions about the failings of an entire generation suspect. My point was never that one generation is way worse than another. It was to point out that acting like each generation is a unique entity in a vacuum is pointless. Each generation is in some ways responsible for the character of the next and for the problems that the next generation faces.
Doomsday101;4957541 said:
Their physcial ablity has nothing to do with anything. I have not said they are weak physically but mentally yes. People can't even talk these days without someone getting offended we live in a PC world with thin skin people who have been babied.

People act as if they are owed something in this life your not, you want go earn it if you can't earn it on your own too damn bad

Yeah, the entire PC movement really hurt this country.
Also a lot of this should be on parents. There are parents out there that have no business being in the position. But our society says marrying and having kids is the way of life, without questioning if you really want or can have a child. And in turn, we're left with kids that aren't properly disciplined and get their views and opinions from shoddy sources
FiveRings;4957881 said:
Also a lot of this should be on parents. There are parents out there that have no business being in the position. But our society says marrying and having kids is the way of life, without questioning if you really want or can have a child. And in turn, we're left with kids that aren't properly disciplined and get their views and opinions from shoddy sources

This post certainly explains a lot . . . . . . . .
What about narcissism in those who have made a career out of forum posting?
Illini88228;4957151 said:
Then it's the old people's fault.

I'm always amazed when these inter-generational bashing things come out that commentator's always ignore their own generation's role. "Kids today" are the product of their parent's choices. If my generation is really the worst in American history. It really means your generation are the worst parents in American history.

I didn't decide that it wasn't okay to be outside without supervision. You chose to be afraid of every shadow. I didn't decide that every injury warranted a trip to the emergency room, you decided that I was "sensitive." To blame a person for their parents is stupid. That holds true whether it's one kid or a generation of kids. Maybe if you had taken the time to understand the technology you were creating and exposing your kids to, you wouldn't be stuck now trying to explain in retrospect what went wrong.

The fact of the matter is older generation's selfish short-sightedness has left my generation with the biggest mess to clean up since the Great Depression. You spent money you didn't have. You let infrastructure and schools collapse. And, you surrendered the responsibility of raising your kids to gadgets and social institutions which you decided had to coddle us.

So, honestly, I couldn't care less if you think I'm narcissistic. From what I can tell, your generation drove the world into the ditch. Sorry if I don't want your help backing out.

This is a very enlightening post. Seems to confirm the original thoughts expressed in the article. Thank you.

The "it's not my fault" syndrome. I do agree there are many parents that have done a poor job. The wussification of America and the out of control government are tied together. The same losers are responsible for both.

The same people that tell me I am not allowed to discipline my kid are the same ones supporting and encouraging the Occupy losers. The same D-bags that have been incapable of passing a budget in years are the same ones that cry about fairness and punish achievement.

You are correct that some people have driven this country into the ditch. You just need to be clear about who did it.
tupperware;4958631 said:
What about narcissism in those who have made a career out of forum posting?
Anybody who makes a career out of speaking...bloggers, journalists, writers, teachers, public speakers, etc.... have to be egotistical in some sense. The whole premise of that field is that "I have something to say, and you need to hear it." That doesn't mean that those people have to be narcissistic all the time, but having a strong sense of self and a bit of an ego is necessary to thrive in those areas.
WV Cowboy;4956734 said:
Entitlement is a major problem.

Work ethic is lacking.

Manners are lacking, compassion, respect, humility are all lacking.

This is caused by poor parenting. Every parent wants their kids to have a better life than they had. The problem is that parents try to give them that life instead of having the kids earn it. Another thing that causes this is parents thinking their kids are special. No, their kids are average kids. Quit telling them they are special and teach them tp be special. Raise them with manners and respect for others. Make them earn the special label. These kids think they are special and they expect the world to treat them that way without them earning anything. This is the "me" generation and it is not a good thing. It is a generation of selfish, lazy, disrespectfull know-it-alls that thinks the world owes them something.
JBond;4958883 said:
This is a very enlightening post. Seems to confirm the original thoughts expressed in the article. Thank you.

The "it's not my fault" syndrome. I do agree there are many parents that have done a poor job. The wussification of America and the out of control government are tied together. The same losers are responsible for both.

The same people that tell me I am not allowed to discipline my kid are the same ones supporting and encouraging the Occupy losers. The same D-bags that have been incapable of passing a budget in years are the same ones that cry about fairness and punish achievement.

You are correct that some people have driven this country into the ditch. You just need to be clear about who did it.

You're missing the point.

"Then it's the old people's fault" is a deliberate overstatement. The point is that each generation impacts the next. The failings of one cultivate the failings in the next.

If you think the world has gone to crap, and you think "kids today" are terrible. Then you have no one to blame but your own generation. Mine just got here.
Illini88228;4959018 said:
You're missing the point.

"Then it's the old people's fault" is a deliberate overstatement. The point is that each generation impacts the next. The failings of one cultivate the failings in the next.

If you think the world has gone to crap, and you think "kids today" are terrible. Then you have no one to blame but your own generation. Mine just got here.

Thanks for responding. I do not believe today's kids are terrible. It's not all or nothing. Not all kids are terrible, but a lot of them have no idea what it takes to be successful in life because they they do not face consequences for their actions. Many parents are quick to blame poor teachers for poor grades etc. Everyone gets a trophy and on and on.

The lack of personal responsibility is appalling in this country and much of it is generational. Just look at the amount we spend on handouts. That number is skyrocketing for a reason. Things are not improving, they are getting dramatically worse.

So, assuming you are a young guy based on your original post, what do you propose to to get us back on track?
Let me ask you guys who are so delusional here something that might clear things up?

Education was brought up for example. What states have the best education in the country? It certainly isn't the liberal PC states right?
Galian Beast;4959117 said:
Let me ask you guys who are so delusional here something that might clear things up?

Education was brought up for example. What states have the best education in the country? It certainly isn't the liberal PC states right?

You know that you are opening a can of political worms. Why go there?
There are too many angles this sort of discussion can ricochet off in to and just degrade into a situation where people get offended and it just ends up in argument.

It becomes a generational blame fest and personal aspects of the problem are focused on and argued against.

Anyone can blame movie's, music, video games, parents singuarly and each aspect comes with a compelling counter argument.

If someone blames the prior generation, they're correct. Up to a point. If someone blames entertainment, they're correct. Up to a point. If someone blames education they're correct, up to a point. The point is all of these things are not working independently, all together they form to distract, divide and eventually conquer.

An honest evaluation will see everyone offended, with no exceptions. Me, you, our parents, etc. But part of this generations problem is it's reluctance to accept being offended.

No one can argue against where we sit as a nation: highly divided, losing influence, losing money, losing the original purpose of education and losing our peace. That's not the condition of an ascending civilization.

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