Weather where you are

25F Wind Chill this morning at 32.8671 N Latitude...

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Dropping down into the 30s in the morning in the Bay Area. Tahoe should be getting hit with some snow but they aren’t allowing outsiders in from what I understand which is a bummer because my son really wants to go sledding for the first time, lol.
We are expecting anywhere from 12 to 24 inches of snow in the next 24 hours or so...
I heard the NE was going to get hammered this week.
wow...12-24 inches in 24 hrs. :omg:

I almost went to grad school in Ithaca, NY. But no thanks.....those winters are nasty.
Chapel Hill was SO much nicer!

It's 37 right now in Dallas--which is cold for here. No wind or precip. though, so not bad outside really.
Went for a walk in the hills earlier, highest summit was just over 2000 feet. Majority of the time I was in the cloud but lifted as I was approaching the 3rd and last one so got some views after a couple of hours looking at grey
Over a 2 day period we got about 8 inches of snow here in Oklahoma, what we got Tuesday is now going to hit the Northeast only with a lot more snow. Stay safe!
My company decided yesterday to shut down for today, which is very unusual, but it's the right thing. So I'm sitting in my living room, looking out the window and waiting for the last of the white pieces of Hell to finish falling. Then I'll go out and see just how much it is. Looks like about 10" deep right now, but it's been windy, so I might be seeing drifts, or I might be seeing the low spots. Whatever the case, I don't want to start snow throwing and shoveling until the wind dies down.
My company decided yesterday to shut down for today, which is very unusual, but it's the right thing. So I'm sitting in my living room, looking out the window and waiting for the last of the white pieces of Hell to finish falling. Then I'll go out and see just how much it is. Looks like about 10" deep right now, but it's been windy, so I might be seeing drifts, or I might be seeing the low spots. Whatever the case, I don't want to start snow throwing and shoveling until the wind dies down.
Good luck and stay warm. I saw reports of 2+ feet of snow in parts of NY and PA... That's a lot of snow.
Wind Chill 27F.... no wonder I had to turn my space heater on under my computer desk!
With the wind chill we are around 18 degrees here in Oklahoma, they are saying it may be 7 or so days before we get over freezing again.

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