Weather where you are

I can handle some snow in a dry cold but this wet stuff covering everything in ice is a whole different game. I don’t know how to drive in it :angry:

I believe there are a couple of chances for ice/snow in the next 7 days but at least for now they look minimal. Hopefully today was the worst when it comes to driving conditions but it is supposed to be even colder over the weekend.
It's even colder here today than in Minneapolis. And I had to jump start my car yesterday. Holy Hypothermia, maybe I should move back to Texas.

Edit: And that's Fahrenheit, not that wimpy Celsius.
Temp in a steady decline right through Monday with more snow forecast. I am just west of Austin and we got a dusting just recently for the first one since I've been here going on 5 years. It hit the mid 80's late last week going to 17 next Monday.
It is still warm here in Northeast Louisiana but a computer weather model forecasted it may eventually get colder here than Presque Isle, Maine.

Just why the heck would it get colder here than somewhere that sits practically in Canada???
About 17 right now in Oklahoma, they are predicting we may get close to ZERO sat/sunday night.
It is still warm here in Northeast Louisiana but a computer weather model forecasted it may eventually get colder here than Presque Isle, Maine.

Just why the heck would it get colder here than somewhere that sits practically in Canada???

I believe{?] the polar mass of air is basically coming right down the middle plains of the US with the east/west sides of the country more mild.
It's even colder here today than in Minneapolis. And I had to jump start my car yesterday. Holy Hypothermia, maybe I should move back to Texas.

Edit: And that's Fahrenheit, not that wimpy Celsius.
My brother and sister in law live in Charter Oaks, Iowa
cold cold cold
Back to back arctic air coming south.
Think its cold now...wait till Sunday/Monday

I bet you approach -20
It is still warm here in Northeast Louisiana but a computer weather model forecasted it may eventually get colder here than Presque Isle, Maine.

Just why the heck would it get colder here than somewhere that sits practically in Canada???
Happens all the time on the west coast. Vancouver is often way warmer than ok City, for example.

It's just a stronger than usual polar vortex. We get a dozen a year, but some, if there's no high pressure to block them, can go a lot further south than others.
28 degrees and colder than a bill collector's heart.
Last week the low was 34.
This week the low has been in the mid 60's with humidity.

Got to love Florida.
Colder that a witch's butt on a well diggers brass bra in Siberia.

Why don't they name Polar Vortex's?

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