Weather where you are

We've got two days of snow coming unless the weather man was lying to us.

Snow Ice Cream
A big bowl of snow
sweetened condensed milk

Portions vary so practice until it tastes like homemade ice cream
I was adding whiskey to mine, like an eggnog, and couldn't get the balance just right until I deleted the snow, sweetened condensed milk, sugar and vanilla.
It isn't often that it's colder in Dallas than in my NE Ohio neighborhood, but such is the case today. Currently 26 degrees.

But it appears our fun is set to begin: forecasting 9-12" of snow from tomorrow morning until Tuesday afternoon.
It isn't often that it's colder in Dallas than in my NE Ohio neighborhood, but such is the case today. Currently 26 degrees.

But it appears our fun is set to begin: forecasting 9-12" of snow from tomorrow morning until Tuesday afternoon.

26 sounds wonderful by comparison. We're not supposed to get above freezing until maybe Thursday.

I'm just an old Louisiana boy. 30's? Yeah. 20's? Okay. Teens? Experienced those temps here but not often.

Near ZERO degrees? And that is not counting wind chill. Freezing rain is falling now. Add sleet on top of that and I might flip completely out. :(
It isn't often that it's colder in Dallas than in my NE Ohio neighborhood, but such is the case today. Currently 26 degrees.

But it appears our fun is set to begin: forecasting 9-12" of snow from tomorrow morning until Tuesday afternoon.

Right now... it's warmer in Anchorage, Alaska than it is in Dallas. It's 19F there now. It's 11F in Dallas, and the HIGH for Dallas tomorrow is ... 11F!!!
Right now... it's warmer in Anchorage, Alaska than it is in Dallas. It's 19F there now. It's 11F in Dallas, and the HIGH for Dallas tomorrow is ... 11F!!!

That's really crazy, right now in Oklahoma its about 4F, they said don't be surprised if we break 70 sometime next week. present it's about 25 degrees and'll be about 20 degrees by morning supposedly!...
Minus 14 degrees Fahrenheit in Omaha. Sheesh! At least I don't have to drive to work. I'm staying inside with the work from home thing. Thank God for WFH.

And thank God for our animals. It's good to have an animal friend, a dog or a cat, to cuddle with in this weather.
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And snow it begins. Getting to work wasn't too tough, only 2-3 inches so far. Expecting at least half a foot later. I think I'd like to get back home before that hits.

I grew up driving in snow - drove a delivery car at 16 and we got more, not less, orders when it snowed. But the older I get the less thrilled I am about it.
5° here. I've lived in Chicago and Michigan, and I remember why I left the cold.
11 degrees -9 Windchill 1 1/2 foot of snow Have 6 to 8 foot ice cycles hanging off house In Idabel Oklahoma
The day I had to jump start my car, I suffered. I was bundled up well, but did not have adequate gloves. The jump start went fine, but afterwards, my hands were so cold that they hurt and I could barely move them. I left the car warming up while I stayed inside my apartment in pain from the cold in my hands. I mean, I was yelling in pain so bad that the neighbor lady checked on me to make sure I was all right. After about 20 to 30 minutes, I felt fine. It was pretty scary. I think if I hadn't stopped to warm up my hands, I could have gotten hypothermia in them.
Right now, it is 12 degrees just outside Dallas.

The power went out about 5 AM. It came back on just a few minutes ago.

I've lived in Dallas since 1962, and I've never seen it like this.
Thunder, lightening , high winds and heavy sleet that has put around two inches of ice on the roads. I live in south-central Mississippi. It seems like Armageddon to us.
It took me about six weeks to talk the wife into better tires for my new Ram 4x4. It came with those slick, little tread stock tires and that was no bueno. She wanted to go to OKC for two months in the winter and my reply was “we will need new tires for there”. Well, I got em, some big thread all-terrain made for snow and ice. Lets just say that I have the ‘I told you so’ in my back pocket :grin:

I drove around today looking for firewood, found none but pulled three cars out of the snow and jump started two others. The roads are littered with stranded cars........

We got a break in the snow but coming back worse the next two days. I might just have to drive around in it more and have some fun :thumbup:

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