Weather where you are

73 right now raining and supposed to for 3-4 more days I'm having a diseased very large tree taken down so this is gonna slow that down. Thought it was an Oak tree but it is a 150-180' tall Hickory tree. I'm gonna have a lot of good cooking wood Dont plan on ever having to buy any more cooking wood
It was sunny and 88/90 this weekend, and then in typical Idaho weather fashion, it's going from sunny 88 today to raining 59 by Saturday. haha
High in the mid-70’s, lows in the low-50’s, sunny yet a cool breeze off the Pacific. This is the norm for the rest of Summer.....absolutely perfect weather here in Santa Barbara :thumbup:

I don’t mind at all missing another Texas hot season :grin:
High in the mid-70’s, lows in the low-50’s, sunny yet a cool breeze off the Pacific. This is the norm for the rest of Summer.....absolutely perfect weather here in Santa Barbara :thumbup:

I don’t mind at all missing another Texas hot season :grin:

You don't have to rub it in. LOL!
Another rainy day here. I love living in the Sun Belt.:)
Approaching the 90’s by the weekend…ugh. Hate hot humid weather
In my old age, even though I was born here, I have grown to despise Texas.. 5 month summers of 115 heat indexes.
Not just that but nothing is the same. The neighborhoods I grew up in are now slums and dangerous.I used to go to Hendersons chicken at
Hall/Thomas and at Oakland and Hatcher. Both were safe as even with w a girl with me. I guess they knew I had to be a cop since i was the only
white boy in there eaten chicken gizzards and a breast sandwhich at 2AM!. :grin:
Been wet in the Hill Country but unseasonably cool and I will take that as the energy draining heat will show up soon enough.

This is post 411 about the weather proving everybody talks about it but nobody does anything about it.

High point this week? Not one person said "yeah, but we needed the rain". I hope the same people keep their traps shut about "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" when that gets here. Yes, stupid fool, it is 105, it is the heat. It's hot!
It's been bipolar here in Id-a-ho!! Mid 80s and sunny one day. The next day high 50s and raining. It's been flopping around like that for a couple weeks. Ha! Got to love it. It is suppose to be 95 by Wed and then we have another cooler front blowing in that will drop it back down high 70s.

I look forward to some consistency. :laugh:
We've had a very mild Spring in Dallas.
Looks like highs around 80 and lows in upper 60s for the next 10 days
Wet too.

Pretty day today though!
It's a delightful 62 F with plenty of sunshine, a light breeze and we're at our favorite sushi restaurant... What's not to love?
In my old age, even though I was born here, I have grown to despise Texas.. 5 month summers of 115 heat indexes.
Not just that but nothing is the same. The neighborhoods I grew up in are now slums and dangerous.I used to go to Hendersons chicken at
Hall/Thomas and at Oakland and Hatcher. Both were safe as even with w a girl with me. I guess they knew I had to be a cop since i was the only
white boy in there eaten chicken gizzards and a breast sandwhich at 2AM!. :grin:
Despise Texas?!
In my old age, even though I was born here, I have grown to despise Texas.. 5 month summers of 115 heat indexes.
Not just that but nothing is the same. The neighborhoods I grew up in are now slums and dangerous.I used to go to Hendersons chicken at
Hall/Thomas and at Oakland and Hatcher. Both were safe as even with w a girl with me. I guess they knew I had to be a cop since i was the only
white boy in there eaten chicken gizzards and a breast sandwhich at 2AM!. :grin:
Have to say I am with you when it comes to the Texas summer.

I foolish took my new wife to Texas in August one year to meet my parents. She threatened to leave me if I considered retiring in Texas... Hence, we are in NW Montana.
1:30AM CDT
90F Heat Index DFW
