Weather where you are

Power went out here around 5. Came back on just a few minutes ago.
4 degrees right now. Power went out around midnight. Came back on a few minutes ago.
The day I had to jump start my car, I suffered. I was bundled up well, but did not have adequate gloves. The jump start went fine, but afterwards, my hands were so cold that they hurt and I could barely move them. I left the car warming up while I stayed inside my apartment in pain from the cold in my hands. I mean, I was yelling in pain so bad that the neighbor lady checked on me to make sure I was all right. After about 20 to 30 minutes, I felt fine. It was pretty scary. I think if I hadn't stopped to warm up my hands, I could have gotten hypothermia in them.

I think you mean frostbite, not hypothermia in your hands.
Power went out about 7:30. Came back on a few minutes ago.
We've had a few blackouts in Omaha. The company where I work lost power for about 30 minutes. I wasn't on the premises, but I telecommute into my PC there, so I wasn't able to do my job for a while due to being disconnected.

Omaha runs on a nuclear power plant just north of town, which I would think would be very resilient to the weather. (Note: Please don't discuss the politics of nuclear power -- I'm just stating the power type as a fact.) I got a call from Omaha Public Power this morning, asking to conserve power.
Cold as hell, been without power since 7 last night.
Just came back on but cuts out after a few minutes. Thanks, green energy.
lines at the stations that have fuel.. most don't and probably won't for a while
Was 44 deg here in CT today. One thing you need to understand it the jet stream. Its the shape of a sign wave and when it dips in the middle of the country its usually warmer in the east. For instance on our coldest days, Alaska will be warm and vise versa due to the shape of the sign wave.
Looks like that monster storm is going to hit the northeast on Thursday. Another 3 day weekend for me.
Power back on. 18 degrees. Looks like a batch of snow is headed right for us. As if we don't have enough already.
It is snowing again Me likey Went to the liquor store grocery store and dispensary today so I'm set for at least 2 weeks on all necessities Bring on the snow and cold Should get 6-10 inches or more of new snow
The weekend thaw coming to Texas will be so welcome. It's been below zero all week and almost everything has been closed except essential services. I was lucky enough to have groceries delivered just before the winter storm hit so I have been able to ride it out. My pipes are frozen but I will manage until this weekend. Stay warm everyone!

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