Weather where you are

It's that time of year in Boise where it's cold in the morning, but by afternoon, you're shedding off your jacket as it's 70-80. Enjoy it while I can. I'm not a fan of winter, however, I hope we get pounded with snow this year. The rivers and reservoirs could really use the water.
I noticed that Farmer's Almanac is predicting a La Nina event for this winter and spring. Hope so as it would likely mean heavier snow and colder temperatures than normal in the northwest (I live near Glacier National Park in MT).
I noticed that Farmer's Almanac is predicting a La Nina event for this winter and spring. Hope so as it would likely mean heavier snow and colder temperatures than normal in the northwest (I live near Glacier National Park in MT).
Beautiful country you're in. I really need to take a trip through the park. I've never technically been. I've been to and around Kalispell but I've never actually taken the time to drive deep into the National Park. I hear it's breathtaking.
Beautiful country you're in. I really need to take a trip through the park. I've never technically been. I've been to and around Kalispell but I've never actually taken the time to drive deep into the National Park. I hear it's breathtaking.
The Going To The Sun Road is spectacular and well worth the time and effort.
It’s getting cool. Was down to 0 last night.

Fall is definitely taking hold here in Southern Ontario…
Early November in Southern Ontsrio and the sun is shining and mild...
Interesting temperature chart this morning:

The sun is out but cold in southern Ontario…only 5 more month of this, but usually without the sun…argh.
84 in the Hill Country today but only 60 tomorrow. Then a bounce back toward 80 during the week.

We don't use the phrase "Seasons's Greetings" down here because most have forgotten what a season is. We get Almost Summer, Summer and Hell. Unless the polar vortex decides it needs to take a trip south so after that in February, I am not complaining.
Odd weather we're having. Two weeks before Christmas, and near record highs in the mid-80s.
Well, we're a balmy 25F with lot's of sunshine. Changes tomorrow with more snow and a wee bit colder.
Southern Ontario 48 degrees and sunny. It can stay like this till March. I got a rare chance to wash my Jeep in December in Canada without freezing…lol

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