I am crazy but I use to sleep in a tent in my back yard when it got really cold just to do it Small tent sleeping bag only sometimes a dog she also liked it22 degrees right now.
Over 500 people in homeless shelters across the city.
First responders are getting stuck and can not get to people to help themhttps://buffalonews.com/news/local/...cle_cb168f30-83c3-11ed-a557-0b3b6a4cc887.html
'The worst storm in our community's history': Day 2 of Buffalo blizzard brings suffering, rescues
9:00 A.M. On Sunday Erie County County Executive Mark Poloncarz said the travel ban will remain in effect due to more snow accumulating Saturday night. Also, that there are 26, 000 power outages in Erie County and 20,000 in Buffalo. He said the earliest power will be restored is Monday.
Poloncarz said there were four deaths overnight in Erie County from the winter storm, totaling seven deaths as of this morning.
44 hereA heat wave has hit the city today.
It's 47 degrees right now.
I think most people do stay in, but some people have to get out due to work or to check on other family members, especially vulnerable family members.What I don't understand is why people don't try to stay home during blizzards? I know I do. You can't tell me all of those people have to be on the road.
A few years back I was on a plow team on the New Jersey Turnpike. There are 6 trucks going from shoulder to shoulder across the highway traveling at around 25mph. I was somewhere in the middle. After a while I glanced at my mirror and I kid you not, there was a sea of vehicles behind us. This was around midnight.