Weather where you are

Dealing with TS Alberto down here....3 inches of rain so far.....supposed to rain til Monday. Looking like at least 7 to 9 inches....the first 4 inches will soak in quickly, the rest will accumulate....luckily it's raining in spurts. Allows it to soak in and the rest to run into drainage ditches. Hopefully, no flooding
I know it's Hot outside. But we can get through....

It's been absolutely sweltering in Boise this July. We're going into our second week with temps going above 100. It was 105 yesterday and suppose to be 106 today. Hey, we cool down to 95 by next week though. Haha

Also, the smoke here (from all the forest fires out west) is just brutal. It's really bad today.
It's been absolutely sweltering in Boise this July. We're going into our second week with temps going above 100. It was 105 yesterday and suppose to be 106 today. Hey, we cool down to 95 by next week though. Haha

Also, the smoke here (from all the forest fires out west) is just brutal. It's really bad today.
Very similar situation in the Flathead Lake area of MT, only not quite as hot.... in the mid-90's and guess whose A/C decided to crap out
Been in the high 60s (c.20c) and rain showers for the past 3-4 weeks. Overcast and raining right now.
The Montana heat wave from the past couple of weeks has broken (at least for now) following a day of rain - nighttime temperatures around 50 and daytime around 75.

The best thing about the rain, however, is that it cleared a bit of the wildfire smoke
Smoke, smoke, and smoke. That's been my weather. Being where Boise is geographical, we get some smoke from forest fires usually every summer, but it's short-lived. Not this year. It pretty much feels like the entire summer has been under a layer of smoke. Everybody around here is over it.

We at least finally dipped under the 100s to a cool crisp mid 90s. :laugh:
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75-degrees, San Harbor Beach, Nevada
I visited Tahoe a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. It's a cool area. Would like to return with my jet skis in tow sometime.

We stayed down towards Stateline. That place made me laugh how the casinos literally start a foot over the Nevada border.

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