Twitter: Werder Tweet: Garrett expected to be fired (no official word yet)


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What I'm trying (so far unsuccessfully seemingly) to get across is...

You're no better off without him than you are with him.

And to the degree that you feel some satisfaction about the situation because Red is removed, you are giving-in to the myth that things got a little better...

And, playing into Jerry's ploy for what feels like the 27th time.

We all have to center our attention on the virus itself that has been there all this time, as Troy just laid it out in recent days.

It's not good enough to say, "Yeah, yeah... well, we've heard all that before."

That you've heard it before doesn't reduce the degree of validity that it's true.

Don't you see that Jerry effectively has been able to dismiss public criticism because of people like you and me (I'm very guilty, and that's no false humility on my part) because, consciously or not, he's been the beneficiary of all the scorn directed at all the other people, including whoever has happened to be the head coach.

Jerry's only taken glancing blows.

He's never taken the full punch from us as a customer base. We have never been united in the assertion that it's all on Jerry.


It's time he took the full punch. It's time we gave it to him.


What I'm trying (so far unsuccessfully seemingly) to get across is...

You're no better off without him than you are with him.

And to the degree that you feel some satisfaction about the situation because Red is removed, you are giving-in to the myth that things got a little better...

And, playing into Jerry's ploy for what feels like the 27th time.

We all have to center our attention on the virus itself that has been there all this time, as Troy just laid it out in recent days.

It's not good enough to say, "Yeah, yeah... well, we've heard all that before."

That you've heard it before doesn't reduce the degree of validity that it's true.

Don't you see that Jerry effectively has been able to dismiss public criticism because of people like you and me (I'm very guilty, and that's no false humility on my part) because, consciously or not, he's been the beneficiary of all the scorn directed at all the other people, including whoever has happened to be the head coach.

Jerry's only taken glancing blows.

He's never taken the full punch from us as a customer base. We have never been united in the assertion that it's all on Jerry.


It's time he took the full punch. It's time we gave it to him.

It's Sisyphus situation the whole wanting Jerry to un Gm himself and waiting for it. To un jerry the cowboys. That's Sisyphus.

As far as JG being gone.... again like I said it's the broken clock thing.

That's how I'm dealing with it. You can have ur way of being Sisyphus about it that's fine. But I wont roll that rock. I want another gm too or no more jerry but that's not happening unfortunately. Nothing we can do about it.
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Jerry is going to own Wild Card weekend by milking for all its worth


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sounds like further fireworks from two distance battle ships firing from all kind of directions ...

.... one report saying firing imminent... another report saying there's a chance Garrett could be staying .....


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It's Sisyphus situation the whole wanting Jerry to un Gm himself and waiting for it. To un jerry the cowboys. That's Sisyphus.

You know, this productive discussion thing only works if both people engage each other's counterpoints.

If either one of us avoids responding to a counterpoint or counterpoints plural that the other person made, it just makes for a nothing sandwich... no meat, no substance.

Put another way, essentially, all I'm reading here is a re-wording of what you already said.

I suppose it makes you feel better, but it's not actually helpful.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Beheading! Now there's a word that has a nice Dark Ages feel to it.
"Hear ye, hear ye! In sports news, His Lordship, Sir Jerrah of ye ole Dallas Cowboys, has proclaimed that the knave, Jason Garrett, is to be lashed to a pillory for a fortnight and beheaded in a careful and respectful manner."
It was later discovered that Garrett was actually the dread pirate Roberts.


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Beheading! Now there's a word that has a nice Dark Ages feel to it.
"Hear ye, hear ye! In sports news, His Lordship, Sir Jerrah of ye ole Dallas Cowboys, has proclaimed that the knave, Jason Garrett, is to be lashed to a pillory for a fortnight and beheaded in a careful and respectful manner."
It was later discovered that Garrett was actually the dread pirate Roberts.