News: 'We're so far away': The Cowboys are in a fight against time, mediocrity


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If Gregory's drug problem (weed) is a bad thing, then I too am a bad seed. He was using it for his mental disorder, not just because he liked smoking it. As for impact players, no one here is saying that. They just give us more options at DE with their speed and ability. Gregory would have been a top 5 pick if not for his off the field stuff. Let's wait until at least after training camp before moaning about why Tapper/Gregory should be listed as viable young players with talent. Peace.

Who said bad seed?

Hard to debate anyone who sets up strawman arguments.

See it would seem to me the smart position here would be to wait until after training camp and seeing what Tapper and Gregory have before listing them as viable young players in the same sentence as Elliott and Prescott.

But that’s just me, I guess.


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Who said bad seed?

Hard to debate anyone who sets up strawman arguments.

See it would seem to me the smart position here would be to wait until after training camp and seeing what Tapper and Gregory have before listing them as viable young players in the same sentence as Elliott and Prescott.

But that’s just me, I guess.

You said he HAD a drug problem. The problem was his mental illness and how he handled it. Hard to debate anyone who sets up strawman arguments.

Again, LVE is a viable young player, as are the other rookies we drafted. Same goes with Tapper/Gregory. The have no more real NFL experience in games than the rookies do.

But that's just me, I guess.


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It's a process of tossing stuff onto the wall and seeing what sticks...:)

You're alright...:starspin:

He was on my ignore until he posted a couple of good postings...back to his ignore.
Thanks my fellow vet.


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Time and mediocrity are winning.
Exactly! All that money spent on offense has this team out of balance. And the clock is ticking because they finally have some good defensive players that are going to want get paid too. Can't pay everyone and then afford to have quality backups.


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The cowboys are not far away. They are right there. The cowboys are who gets in their way.


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You said he HAD a drug problem. The problem was his mental illness and how he handled it. Hard to debate anyone who sets up strawman arguments.

Again, LVE is a viable young player, as are the other rookies we drafted. Same goes with Tapper/Gregory. The have no more real NFL experience in games than the rookies do.

But that's just me, I guess.

Yes, he had a drug problem. It's a factual statement. Good people have drug problems all the time, for various reasons - they get hurt and get addicted to pain killers, or they lose a job and turn to alcohol, or in Gregory's case he has some mental issues he was trying to fix with weed. That doesn't make one a bad seed.

That was you making the giant leap in logic there, drug problem = bad seed, so you could try to one up the debate. So if you are going to do that, what's the point in trying to have a legitimate conversation with you?

PS - Do you even know what strawman argument means? Because your usage above would indicate you do not.

waving monkey

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This team’s leaders seem to indicate every year that we are “a year or two away”. The Jones boys and Garrett have been preaching patience since 2011. This fan base has every right to tell the Jones cartel and their powerless HC that we expect better than the mediocrity we have we have had to watch for two decades plus.

I don't disagree with the way your saying that. Homers are ready to win too.I dont think Jones is preaching patience however. If his reputation is true [the circus barker] that would be hard to sell. " Step right in Ladies and Gentleman, the show is about to began relatively soon maybe not this year but get your seats early cause". That dog dont hunt. It could be your thinking about me and a few other homers who like the methodical approach after years of flying by the seat of their pants.

Also the argument at times is set off but lazy redundant knuckleheads that regurgitate old tired platitudes
that need to be called out for the sake of freshness.
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You said he HAD a drug problem. The problem was his mental illness and how he handled it. Hard to debate anyone who sets up strawman arguments.

Again, LVE is a viable young player, as are the other rookies we drafted. Same goes with Tapper/Gregory. The have no more real NFL experience in games than the rookies do.

But that's just me, I guess.
Tapper and Gregory have track records. One has a track record of being unable to stay off drugs. The other has a track record of being unable to stay healthy.

LVE does not have a track record yet. He just got drafted and he's only had a few practices.

Some choose to ignore the track records of the first 2 and say they are like rookies. Wipe the slate clean you might say.

Others including myself choose not to ignore their past and say they cannot be counted on. And if the team is counting on either of them to do anything, it's a big mistake. Any positive contribution by either of them should be considered an unexpected bonus.

If 2 years from now LVE hasn't been on the field because of drug issues or constant injuries, he will be in the same boat as Tapper and Gregory are in now. But for the moment, I see him as contributing almost right away. If not as a starter, then certainly in certain packages and special teams.

I have no such expectations of the first 2.


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Tapper and Gregory have track records. One has a track record of being unable to stay off drugs. The other has a track record of being unable to stay healthy.

LVE does not have a track record yet. He just got drafted and he's only had a few practices.

Some choose to ignore the track records of the first 2 and say they are like rookies. Wipe the slate clean you might say.

Others including myself choose not to ignore their past and say they cannot be counted on. And if the team is counting on either of them to do anything, it's a big mistake. Any positive contribution by either of them should be considered an unexpected bonus.

If 2 years from now LVE hasn't been on the field because of drug issues or constant injuries, he will be in the same boat as Tapper and Gregory are in now. But for the moment, I see him as contributing almost right away. If not as a starter, then certainly in certain packages and special teams.

I have no such expectations of the first 2.

Pretty much.

And for the record, I am not closing the book on either Gregory or Tapper. I've argued with people on this board that have wanted to cut Gregory. There's no downside to cutting him. Let him come to camp, show what he has, and hope you get lucky and the time away from football hasn't sapped his skill set. It certainly is possible he could end up being a good player for us.

But at this point, I don't see how one can put either in the same class as established guys like Elliott or Prescott or even a rookie like LVE at this point. Both Gregory and Tapper have way better odds of not making the 53 than say a guy like LVE or Charlton. Hence, why I can't list those two as almost core players here like the others name they were listed with.