We're winning the SB next year


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Make no mistake about it. I know I know. The other day I was fuming and I know some people will call me delusional but there’s no way this story has a sad ending. I could sit here and complain all year or I can try to look at the positives. We’re winning the sb next year…… if we get rid of Dak.

This roster is loaded
Lowest I.Q. post of the year.


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Besides that getting rid of the only competent qb on the roster doesn't make us better.

You walk away from Dak because you don't believe he can take you across the finish line. Then you rebuild. Not because he's so bad everyone else is an automatic upgrade.

It's trash like this why we have so many disingenuous conversations about him.


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I’ll be the “ some people” : that call you delusional although Im pretty sure it’s not some but most.
Honestly this is one of the most ridiculous takes I’ve ever seen online in regards to cowboys .
‘they won’t be better next year, This year everyone was healthy and cowboys had an undefeated record at home. Everything was lined up to at a minumum reach the conference championship . This run back won’t even end close to the runway they had this year, choker team will choke again.
He says the same 2 year old toddler take every year. I think he does it purely for clicks.


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Make no mistake about it. I know I know. The other day I was fuming and I know some people will call me delusional but there’s no way this story has a sad ending. I could sit here and complain all year or I can try to look at the positives. We’re winning the sb next year…… if we get rid of Dak.

This roster is loaded
You do you, I keep my relaxed scepticism.


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Make no mistake about it. I know I know. The other day I was fuming and I know some people will call me delusional but there’s no way this story has a sad ending. I could sit here and complain all year or I can try to look at the positives. We’re winning the sb next year…… if we get rid of Dak.

This roster is loaded
:facepalm: :huh:


Well-Known Member
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Make no mistake about it. I know I know. The other day I was fuming and I know some people will call me delusional but there’s no way this story has a sad ending. I could sit here and complain all year or I can try to look at the positives. We’re winning the sb next year…… if we get rid of Dak.

This roster is loaded
You are the soft targets Jerry loves.


Well-Known Member
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Make no mistake about it. I know I know. The other day I was fuming and I know some people will call me delusional but there’s no way this story has a sad ending. I could sit here and complain all year or I can try to look at the positives. We’re winning the sb next year…… if we get rid of Dak.

This roster is loaded
I do agree.

Problem will how our roster will look next season. We are going to lose some important players. Lets see if and how we replace them.

But anyways... Dak is going nowhere, so as you already stated the strength of our roster becomes irrelevant.