WFAA Blog: It's Dangerous to Support the Cowboys in Philly

Canadian BoyzFan

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theebs;2525610 said:

Buffalo is a much tougher stadium to go into.

Philly fans are jerks and will throw beer at you, but in the new building they are not bad at all.

Never been to Philly. I can tell you though after Folk kicked the winner (twice) to beat the Bills I was affraid. Several Cowboy fans were attacked for no reason. I endured some abuse during the game but was sure to try and show the people sitting around us that I wasn't an "idiot fan". I high fived them when the Bills scored but also cheered just as loudly when the Cowboys scored.

We remained in our seats until the fights had stopped and security was near by. On the way out of the stadium my friend and I stayed close and I hid my Cowboys gear.


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Canadian BoyzFan;2525795 said:
I high fived them when the Bills scored but also cheered just as loudly when the Cowboys scored.

How Canadian of you.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Canadian BoyzFan;2525795 said:
Never been to Philly. I can tell you though after Folk kicked the winner (twice) to beat the Bills I was affraid. Several Cowboy fans were attacked for no reason. I endured some abuse during the game but was sure to try and show the people sitting around us that I wasn't an "idiot fan". I high fived them when the Bills scored but also cheered just as loudly when the Cowboys scored.

We remained in our seats until the fights had stopped and security was near by. On the way out of the stadium my friend and I stayed close and I hid my Cowboys gear.
Poor Buffalo fans. Super Bowl. XXVII. Super Bowl XXVIII. Boo Hoo Hoo. Violence is the best deodorant. Poor Buffalo fans.


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ilovejerry;2525787 said:
Sorry Buddy I must digress, Philly takes the CAKE !!! By far been to every staduim and that is by far the sickest of all time worse then the Boston Garden to Canadien fans...Philly just sucks.....

Hey man Send me your address, I have your program sitting on my desk!!


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Canadian BoyzFan;2525795 said:
Never been to Philly. I can tell you though after Folk kicked the winner (twice) to beat the Bills I was affraid. Several Cowboy fans were attacked for no reason. I endured some abuse during the game but was sure to try and show the people sitting around us that I wasn't an "idiot fan". I high fived them when the Bills scored but also cheered just as loudly when the Cowboys scored.

We remained in our seats until the fights had stopped and security was near by. On the way out of the stadium my friend and I stayed close and I hid my Cowboys gear.

I saw Dallas at the vet twice. Its mostly talk and a few beer showers and a ton of ball breaking.

I have been to dozens of games at rich stadium. in 98 Wade phillips bills blew a lead and gave up a huge 98 yard touchdown to the jets to blow the division. There were fights everywhere. 60 people were arrested. It was about as dumb as it could get.

I actually saw a row of bills fans grab a bunch of guys out of a box and beat the snot out of them.

In 02 it was the same thing with the raiders game. There were fights everywhere after the bills lost. I never understand the people there.

But let me use babe laufenbergs breakdowns of the two cities.

Philadelphia is a football town that likes to drink.

Buffalo is a drinking town that likes football!


Mick Green 58
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WoodysGirl;2525656 said:
You were at Texas Stadium. You were at your house. This guy's experience was in Philly at the Linc.

And yeah, Hos, I thought it was a very descriptive story.

The Eagles fans took over that stadium in 2004 and there were some fights that broke out.

Again, I believe it is how you carry yourself.

We were completely surrounded by Eagles fans and they were all cool with us.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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WoodysGirl;2525607 said:
I wasn't totally insane....I put on a jacket over the Ware jersey as I walked out of the stadium.

I never spoke to my Philly friend after that day ever again.

Sad, but true.

Welcome to Philadelphia.

There is sooo much truth to this story. Let me share one. My story is more brief and devoid of much of the drama experienced by this Cowboys fan but it was definitely an experience.. lemme tell ya...

I would be considered an imposing figure by most. I'm an athletic 300lb 6'3" guy that plays football (albeit on the minor league level). Just want to setup the story... Ok. So I have ties to the NFL. It's in my immediate family.

I'll never forget the experience. On Saturday, November 22nd, 2003 I flew into Philadelphia to meet up with one of my good friends who happens to be a Iggles fan that lives in Cali. He and I decided to meet up in Philly since his Iggles were playing my little brother's team on that Sunday. The weekend was great. My brother was able to secure us some tickets that where in the corner of the end zone about 20 rows up from the field. I was able to run down to the tunnel entrance before the game and hi 5 my bro as he and the rest of the team made their way onto the field.

It was a very cold day wintry day and it all began when Mark and I hopped in our rental and headed to the game. He warned me of Philly fans but I was my usual "whatever" self...

The Linc had just recently been finished and the Vet still stood just a block or two away. As we entered the parking lot the tailgating was ridiculous. There were so many Philly fans out there in the cold chumming it up with each other. On this day I wore something neutral while my buddy wore a McFlabb jersey. I was a Cowboys fan in hostile territory but on this day I was there to support my brother. I remember the boisterous fans as we walked from the car to the Linc. They were very festive but for the most part ok. I would imagine things may have been different if I had worn something in support of the Boys or the Saints... The atmosphere in the stadium was electric. By the 3rd quarter I was in desperate need of a hurl bag after hearing chant after chant of E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!

The Eagles won that day and my experience at the Linc, added to the rest of my time in Philly, was memorable. They have some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen rooting a team on and they aren't afraid to get in your face about it. The best part of the trip was turning around and noticing Stevie Wonder in attendance flanked by two bodyguards. He was sitting in the last row against the wall just three rows up from me.

I remember looking over at the Vet as we walked towards the Linc and thinking "That's where they booed Michael when he went down hard onto the green painted concrete". This thought only served to heighten my demeanor and keep me on my toes at all times. In the end, I simply enjoyed a great game of football in a ridiculously loud atmosphere.


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5Countem5;2525734 said:

Have no desire to watch a game there.
You and me both. 20 years ago, I would have gone there looking for a :fight: , but I am to old for that now.:geezer:
I am happy watching the game in the comforts of my own home.


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I'm about to leave my house in Philly right NOW with my Cowboys hat on. :laugh2:


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theebs;2525610 said:

Buffalo is a much tougher stadium to go into.

Philly fans are jerks and will throw beer at you, but in the new building they are not bad at all.

Buffalo isnt so bad. The fans are passionate but you can make fun of them. I havent been to Philly (for the reasons noted). My most memorable experience was in '97 when Dallas openned in Pittsburgh. I had guys surrounding me cursing. I guess that is what you get for wearing an Emmitt jersey.


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SilberBlau;2525717 said:
booohoooo, so they used some unprintable language, big deal. thats why its called their house and that might even explain the word rivalry. If you can't deal with it, stay home.

Really, well if you have children you would understand..I dont think its approprite to curse and use abusive language in front of children, maybe you do but I dont. That has nothing to do with being a rival its abou class and tact. I have never expereince this at any other arena or venue but Philly


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lewpac;2525746 said:
The most interesting part of your detailed and correct assessment of the matter is your observation regarding HOW Eagle fans view Cowboy fans in general. They've concluded that Cowboy fans are "uppity" or rich and arrogant, with a sense of entitlement. Something to that effects. In general, THEY feel that WE feel that WE'RE better than them in as a "class" of citizenry.
I was born and raised in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton PA., and lived there the first 19 years of my life (1960-1979). Few kids recall HOW they became a fan of a given team at the age of four years old, but thankfully, by Gods grace and mercy, I somehow latched onto the Cowboys in 1964. Life in PA as a Cowboy fan was "no disco", because I had to not only deal with the Beagle bottom feeder Phans, but also Giant and Steeler folk as well. It was rough.
But I tell you this because, being from there, the above stated mindset, in general, is the "default" position of the vast majority. Not only as football fans or sports fans et. al., but most people just walk around pissed off, nothing nice to say about anyone, and resentful and bitter toward ANYONE who even smells of "success". It's that good ole' "steel worker/coal miner/union" mindset that see's the world in negative terms from the time it wakes up in the morning. They're just LOOKING for something to complain about. It's "psychology 101"..............put everyone and everything around you DOWN so as to make yourself feel better about your self-inflicted crappy lot in life.
In my house, my neighborhood, my community, schools, etc.............everywhere you go and everyone you meet.........nothing nice to say about anyone or anything. Life basically SUCKS, so therefore YOU'RE LIFE must suck too.
Take it to Lincoln Financial Stadium, or over on the IGGLPHANS forum, and you see that they're just simply applying their general disposition toward EVERYTHING toward the sports they follow.
I got the shock of my life when, in 1979 I moved to Houston. I was literally stunned and shocked to actually be in a community that celebrated success. People who settle for the mediocrity that this life offers to those without drive and dreams and daring to make something of themselves. I, of course still have a lot of family in PA., and nothing has really changed. I am now the source of much angst and consternation, bitterness, jealousy and scorn, simply because I ended up in Hawaii these last 22 years. As if I moved to Hawaii just to get under someone else's skin or something!!
But that's the way they see it up there. I'm all "uppity" and arrogant, rich and "better than them" simply because I had a little nuggets to chase a dream or two.
Of course they utterly despise the Cowboys, and viciously HATE Cowboy fans. Because the Cowboy/Eagle saga is a micro-ism, a window into the overall nasty disposition of the Philly populace in general. "We suck". "You win, and we can have that because WE can't win." "So therefore, we must assualt you, besmirch you, and call you every gutter-sniping, bottom feeding maggot name we could think off". "Maybe we will even physically assault you, because your success is pissing us off............."

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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SilberBlau;2525717 said:
booohoooo, so they used some unprintable language, big deal. thats why its called their house and that might even explain the word rivalry. If you can't deal with it, stay home.

Yeah, you strike me as the kind of guy who'd take his hostility out on a defenseless little girl, then look around for a buddy to high-five...


Junior College Transfer
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Oh, wow.
A manufactured letter painting a composite view. This has e-mail chain letter stuff written all over it.
But entertaining.
And, heh, while I was reading it I thot a girl had written it. And it was a man?

he/she should sample the ouvre of the Raiders fans and environs before making a decsion about toughest stadiums.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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lewpac;2525746 said:
The most interesting part of your detailed and correct assessment of the matter is your observation regarding HOW Eagle fans view Cowboy fans in general. They've concluded that Cowboy fans are "uppity" or rich and arrogant, with a sense of entitlement. Something to that effects. In general, THEY feel that WE feel that WE'RE better than them in as a "class" of citizenry.

It would seem they're right... I took my cousin with me to a game at Texas Stadium, and he was in full Skins regalia... he took a lot of grief for it, but it was good-natured grief... no profanity, just a lot of booing and "Skins are goin' down" trash talking...

It was a LITTLE worse after the game, even though we won I thought I was gonna have to fight a coupla drunk Cowboys fans who got on him some (and I was in full Cowboys regalia)...

Yeah, comparing my Texas Stadium experience with the author's Philthydelphia experience, I'd say that Cowboys fans are better, classier than Iggles fans...


Junior College Transfer
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silverbear;2526298 said:
It would seem they're right... I took my cousin with me to a game at Texas Stadium, and he was in full Skins regalia... he took a lot of grief for it, but it was good-natured grief... no profanity, just a lot of booing and "Skins are goin' down" trash talking...

It was a LITTLE worse after the game, even though we won I thought I was gonna have to fight a coupla drunk Cowboys fans who got on him some (and I was in full Cowboys regalia)...

Yeah, comparing my Texas Stadium experience with the author's Philthydelphia experience, I'd say that Cowboys fans are better, classier than Iggles fans...

So the kid should have been wearing COWBOYS regalia. Duh! What kind of care provider are you?
I have no simpathie for yew.

Don Corleone

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My first (and only) encounter with a large group of Eagle fans was in early 1981 when they flocked to the Louisiana Superdome for Super Bowl 15, which they lost to the Raiders.

Having grown up in New Orleans, Saints fans wore bags over their heads, but you never see them disrespect the other teams fans in such a way as Philly fans. Any jokes made are simply lighthearted, and opposing team's fans are always treated with good hospitality at the end of the or lose.

My dad I went to the Superdome on the day of the game to check out some of the pregame activities. No, we didn't have tickets to the game. My dad is a Saints fan, and they went though some rough years back in those days. He made the mistake of wearing his Saints hat, which was the only hat he owned at the time, to the pregame festivities. I was 7 years old at the time. A group of Eagle fans walked up to us while we were minding our own business, and they started giving my dad flack about the Saints. He didn't say much other than "leave us alone". One of them threw a hot dog at my dad, and another poured beer on him. At the time, my dad was jacked up and nothing but muscle...and always had a short temper. He grabbed the one that poured the beer on him at the neck and squeezed as hard as he could. Just seconds later, the NOPD officers had to separate the two.

The last thing my dad said to them was, "I hope you guys spend lots of money here and go home miserable, with a loss!"


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I've never been to Philly, so I can't compare, but I have been to Oakland and I was wearing my Dallas gear from head to toe......

I had a guy with tattoos on his face and arms tell me he was going to murder me like the Raiders were going to murder Dallas. I think I am alive today because Dallas lost that game. It was a few years ago when Bledsoe threw a bomb to Glenn to set up a chance to score from like the 5 yard line and we ended up losing.

Walking out of that stadium, I took so much verbal abuse, it got to the point that if I could have fought someone one on one I would have umped at the chance.

They are nasty out there in Oakland.......nothing is off limits.