What does Jason Garrett actually do?


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Why that’s easy

Claps and spits rhythmically
Awkwardly slaps players on their behind
Unsuccessfully to high five players
Does crazy eyes during press conferences
Tries to open locked doors during offensive and defensive team meetings after being ‘accidentally’ locked out by OC and DC
Bends over for anyone named Jones (that was an honest mistake with Julius)

It’s a pretty full plate


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It's still the same plays. It doesn't mean we run them but they are there. Since the beginning of the league. So again the entire NFL runs the exact same place they just disguise them innovate them. Stop it. Again don't be so tunnel vision.

No, it's the same formations. You're getting the two things confused. When you change the routes it's a completely different play. You could have a thousand plays out of one formation. Every team adds brand new, never seen before plays to their playbooks every few years. There are potentially an infinite number of plays you could come up with from only a half dozen formations.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Philly has about a dozen plays in their playbook that are variances of 12's formation where the two TE's run corner routes 30 yards downfield. That opens up the middle for slants by the WR's or a deep post by Desean Jackson.

What use would Dallas EVER have for that play? When was the last time you saw Jason Witten sprinting 30 yards downfield and more than an ILB bother following him? 2009?
What and you think Philadelphia dream those plays up out of thin air. They've been used before.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No, it's the same formations. You're getting the two things confused. When you change the routes it's a completely different play. You could have a thousand plays out of one formation. Every team adds brand new, never seen before plays to their playbooks every year. There are potentially an infinite number of plays you could come up with from only a half dozen formations.
No my cowboy brother you got them confused. You chose not to understand. You chose not open up your mind and think about the statement. That's cold tunnel vision


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No, it's the same formations. You're getting the two things confused. When you change the routes it's a completely different play. You could have a thousand plays out of one formation. Every team adds brand new, never seen before plays to their playbooks every few years. There are potentially an infinite number of plays you could come up with from only a half dozen formations.
You tell me one play that you think that I haven't seen before and I'll tell you who ran it at some point in time


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What and you think Philadelphia dream those plays up out of thin air. They've been used before.

No no, you didn't say that. You literally said EVERY team has that play in their playbook, which is horribly misinformed. Don't move the goalposts now.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No, it's the same formations. You're getting the two things confused. When you change the routes it's a completely different play. You could have a thousand plays out of one formation. Every team adds brand new, never seen before plays to their playbooks every few years. There are potentially an infinite number of plays you could come up with from only a half dozen formations.
You keep thinking that.


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You tell me one play that you think that I haven't seen before and I'll tell you who ran it at some point in time


If all I need is 1 then that's all I need.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
So one last time. The entire NFL runs the exact same plays since the beginning of the NFL they just disguise them innovate them and change them up. They bring the new Wrinkle in now and then. That hasn't been seen before in a while. Read it comprehended think about it and don't put things that aren't there in your brain . It may take 10 years before they run a play that you haven't seen before but they still run it.


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The entire NFL runs exactly the same plays. It's how you disguise them when to bring the wrinkles in that they haven't seen in awhile.

No I never use the word Playbook. So

Oh my mistake, they don't just have them written down, you say they actually run the same plays? So when did Dallas run the double TE corner route play last year?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I’m not a Garrett fan at all, but here are some positive and negative things he has done as HC:

  • I believe he has been a big influence on Jerry and Stephen to get younger and put more emphasis on good drafting, player development, and building around that concept.
  • He has established a somewhat stable culture that has kept the players focused and playing hard, although the end results haven’t been that great.
  • He’s been loyal to this organization despite working for the biggest micro-manager in pro sports.
  • He has zero creativity and adaptability which are huge qualities for a HC to win in the playoffs. He stays married to game plans and philosophies even when they are getting killed.
  • He is a very poor situation and time manager. All you have to do is look at the GB playoff loss in Jan 2017. He gets scared about taking chances when he’s in FG range to tie instead of trying to boldly win in the last minute.
  • He is one of the most boring, uninspiring leaders I’ve ever seen. Most successful NFL HCs have some kind of “it factor”, whether charisma and guts like Doug Peterson or Pete Carrol, or genius attention to detail like Bill Belichick and Andy Reid. IMO, Garrett has none of those qualities.
  • I fear that the biggest negative with Garrett is the NFL historical trends that show if a HC doesn’t win big in his first 5 years, it isn’t going to happen. Hopefully, Garrett can overcome history but do you see him as that kind of coach? Sadly, I don’t.
In answer to the original question, what does Garrett actually do? He provides Jerry with just enough success (although not in playoffs) to allow him to keep his all time favorite puppet in place. Jerry desperately wants this relationship to work. Garrett doesn’t threaten Jerry’s fragile football guru ego and also allows him to play with his billion dollar toy like few if any other HCs would allow.


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So one last time. The entire NFL runs the exact same plays since the beginning of the NFL they just disguise them innovate them and change them up. They bring the new Wrinkle in now and then. That hasn't been seen before in a while. Read it comprehended think about it and don't put things that aren't there in your brain . It may take 10 years before they run a play that you haven't seen before but they still run it.

If you change them they're not the same play.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Do you remember a guy named George Seifert. He was script his first 20 plays and not change
When did people become so tunnel vision . some people . is not everybody and then when you explain things to them . o You're backpedaling. When they never stepped on the pedal to go forward in the first place


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Oh my mistake, they don't just have them written down, you say they actually run the same plays? So when did Dallas run the double TE corner route play last year?
There you go thinking just about last year. The Cowboys have been around for 60 years. Maybe you didn't know that


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There you go thinking just about last year. The Cowboys have been around for 60 years. Maybe you didn't know that

You said to present you with 1 single play to flip your whole argument. I've presented you with a play run a few years ago That I guarantee was not run before or since. Prove your point. Tell me when it was run prior to that.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Yes I do, because they were different plays before. Now we're on the same page.
Do you understand what the word innovation disguise means. It's making a play look different but it's actually the same freaking play two or three receivers running down the field. Stop it will you please. Open your brain up it's starting to hurt


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Do you understand what the word innovation disguise means. It's making a plague look different but it's actually the same freaking plate two or three receivers running down the field. Stop it will you please. Open your brain up it's starting to hurt

It means changing a preexisting play. if it's changed through innovation and disguise, it's not the same play.