What happens if (or when) Moore and Garrett don't see eye to eye


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As the season progresses and it gets to a point that Moore and Garrett don't see eye to eye on the plays or game plan in general? Will Moore have the say so on game and halftime adjustments or will Garrett try to retain that power?

Jerry has made it abundantly clear that Garrett is to stay away. One would hope that the horrid Garrett finally gets fired.


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Moore works for Garrett. They know each other well and get along. Garrett just promoted Moore on his staff. The offensive coaches collaborate. It’s a shame it doesn’t fit the agenda, but it’s true.

Ok, now to what really happened as per the facts:

1. Garrett announces publicly in a press conference that "there will be no big changes to the coaching staff".
2. Jerry gets pissed and declares publicly that this is NOT the case and all but slaps Garrett to the curb
3. Garrett is asked the next day by the media to explain his comment of "no major changes" seeing as though Jerry just said the opposite
Garrett actually denies he even said it.
4. It is announced that Linehan is being let go.
5. Word is that Moore is being considered for the position
6. Moore is announced as the OC
7. Jerry comes out publicly saying that he wants Moore ideas and changes to the offense to be implemented "and if they aren't then come tell me about it" (Garrett stay out of the way and if your not, I will make sure you are)

The facts paint quite a different picture then your laughable claim that Garrett was all for the move and it was actually Garrett that promoted him. FAAAAAAAR from the truth.

Garrett was obviously perfectly happy to have Linehan stay as OC. IF he was actually lobbying for the change to Moore, there is NO way he comes out in the press conference saying that "no big changes were going to be made". Its quite obvious that Jerry and Stephen decide what they want done, and then tell their little puppet about it when they decide.

Now does Garrett like Moore? Im sure he does. Does Garrett get along with Moore? Im sure he does. But he would have to be a fool NOT to go along with Jerry. And Jones has made it abundantly clear that Garrett needs to stay out of the way of Moore.

Jerry also made it clear that Garrett is a "fall back guy" for advice and experience if need be. THATS IT!!!

So ONCE AGAIN your hero is kicked to the curb, farther away from the thing he is supposed be GREAT at, and it was clear the decision was Jones and Stephen and not Clappy the Clown.

Now you can commence with the insults about how I don't know what I am talking about and how I was not in the meetings. LOL


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JG is the HC he has final say if he don’t like what they are running he will tell Moore to change it. JG is Moore’s boss and does what JG wants just like most people do what their bosses say

Actually that's not true at all. And its been proven time and time again with Garrett that he is "not a boss like other bosses". Garrett has the least amount of control and say then any HC in the NFL. He's a puppet. Facts are stubborn things.

But at least IDGIT agree with you. LOL


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As the season progresses and it gets to a point that Moore and Garrett don't see eye to eye on the plays or game plan in general? Will Moore have the say so on game and halftime adjustments or will Garrett try to retain that power?

It doesn't matter, as Jerry is the one calling the plays.
I been told that many times so it had to be true.


Fattening up
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Ok, now to what really happened as per the facts:

1. Garrett announces publicly in a press conference that "there will be no big changes to the coaching staff".
2. Jerry gets pissed and declares publicly that this is NOT the case and all but slaps Garrett to the curb
3. Garrett is asked the next day by the media to explain his comment of "no major changes" seeing as though Jerry just said the opposite
Garrett actually denies he even said it.
4. It is announced that Linehan is being let go.
5. Word is that Moore is being considered for the position
6. Moore is announced as the OC
7. Jerry comes out publicly saying that he wants Moore ideas and changes to the offense to be implemented "and if they aren't then come tell me about it" (Garrett stay out of the way and if your not, I will make sure you are)

The facts paint quite a different picture then your laughable claim that Garrett was all for the move and it was actually Garrett that promoted him. FAAAAAAAR from the truth.

Garrett was obviously perfectly happy to have Linehan stay as OC. IF was actually lobbying for the change to Moore, there is NO way he comes out in the press conference saying that "no big changes were going to be made". Its quite obvious that Jerry and Stephen decide what they want done, and then tell their little puppet about it when they decide.

Now does Garrett like Moore? Im sure he does. Does Garrett get along with Moore? Im sure he does. But he would have to be a fool NOT to go along with Jerry. And Jones has made it abundantly clear that Garrett needs to stay out of the way of Moore.

Jerry also made it clear that Garrett is a "fall back guy" for advice and experience if need be. THATS IT!!!

So ONCE AGAIN your hero is kicked to the curb, farther away from the thing he is supposed be GREAT at, and it was clear the decision was Jones and Stephen and not Clappy the Clown.

Now you can commence with the insults about how I don't know what I am talking about and how I was not in the meetings. LOL

Oh yeah. I forgot the part where Garrett expected the team to let Linehan get to the Senior Bowl that next week to look for work the way teams often do before announcing they were parting ways, and Jerry didn’t want to do it. And all the stupid unnecessary overreacting and fabrication that needs to do along with that every time it’s mentioned. Thanks for bringing it up again for everybody.


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Jason is the boss. "Gameplans" will be a collaborative effort.

My biggest concern is if something isn't working immediately, they fall back into conservative ball.

Jerry is the boss, Garrett is the puppet that has been ordered to let Moore do his thing.


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Oh yeah. I forgot the part where Garrett expected the team to let Linehan get to the Senior Bowl that next week to look for work the way teams often do before announcing they were parting ways, and Jerry didn’t want to do it. And all the stupid unnecessary overreacting and fabrication that needs to do along with that every time it’s mentioned. Thanks for bringing it up again for everybody.

By the "TEAM" is expected to let Linehan go, you mean JERRY JONES is expected to let him go? LOL

Thanks for playing.

Garrett is your hero. "thanks for bringing that up again for EVERYBODY".


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Oh yeah. I forgot the part where Garrett expected the team to let Linehan get to the Senior Bowl that next week to look for work the way teams often do before announcing they were parting ways, and Jerry didn’t want to do it. And all the stupid unnecessary overreacting and fabrication that needs to do along with that every time it’s mentioned. Thanks for bringing it up again for everybody.

Once again the FACTS paint a different picture then your motherly view of the horrid Garrett:


Cowboys coach Jason Garrett made a rapid shift earlier this week when he went from suggesting that the team’s coaching staff would remain intact heading into the 2019 season to saying that no decisions had been made a short time later.

Based on what Cowboys owner Jerry Jones had to say on 105.3 The Fan on Tuesday, the second answer was the correct one. Jones said that anyone saying that they know the fate of offensive coordinator Scott Linehan and other members of the staff is wrong because “I don’t know this morning and I’m the last say.”


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Who has final word at any job....the employee or the boss? There's your answer.

And who is the boss in Dallas?

Jerry Jones. Here are the facts:

The Hall of Fame owner is so hellbent on seeing the infusion of new concepts into the playbook that he wants Moore to let him know if there's any resistance.

"I've said this to [Moore]: I want those new ideas," Jones said with a smile. "I want them fought for until the glass breaks. Squeal. Holler. If they're not being implemented, call me, but let's get in here and do the kinds of things we do to get the most out of a very talented roster.


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In most "normally" run organizations that would be true...........but in a Jerry Jones run organization "normal" rarely comes into play.....I've learned to expect the unexpected with Jerry.
I can't see JJ allowing Moore to outrule Jason considering Jason is fighting for his job.


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I can't see JJ allowing Moore to outrule Jason considering Jason is fighting for his job.

Then you haven't been reading or paying attention:

The Hall of Fame owner is so hellbent on seeing the infusion of new concepts into the playbook that he wants Moore to let him know if there's any resistance.

"I've said this to [Moore]: I want those new ideas," Jones said with a smile. "I want them fought for until the glass breaks. Squeal. Holler. If they're not being implemented, call me, but let's get in here and do the kinds of things we do to get the most out of a very talented roster.


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I heard that. JJ wants change. But will leave the same HC in place.

The message is very very clear from Jerry:

Garrett is currently still the HC, but hes on thin ice on the last year of his contract. The team is filled with talent and it has enough talent to compete for a championship and needs to do better than its doing under Garrett. The offense is boring and predictable and Linehan and Garrett's offense needs to go. We need a modern style offense that maximizes the talent we have. Moore is now going to run the offense and Garrett needs to stay out of the way for anything other then fatherly advice if need be.


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Then you haven't been reading or paying attention:

The Hall of Fame owner is so hellbent on seeing the infusion of new concepts into the playbook that he wants Moore to let him know if there's any resistance.

"I've said this to [Moore]: I want those new ideas," Jones said with a smile. "I want them fought for until the glass breaks. Squeal. Holler. If they're not being implemented, call me, but let's get in here and do the kinds of things we do to get the most out of a very talented roster.
How much Blue was on board?


Fattening up
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Once again the FACTS paint a different picture then your motherly view of the horrid Garrett:


Cowboys coach Jason Garrett made a rapid shift earlier this week when he went from suggesting that the team’s coaching staff would remain intact heading into the 2019 season to saying that no decisions had been made a short time later.

Based on what Cowboys owner Jerry Jones had to say on 105.3 The Fan on Tuesday, the second answer was the correct one. Jones said that anyone saying that they know the fate of offensive coordinator Scott Linehan and other members of the staff is wrong because “I don’t know this morning and I’m the last say.”

Here’s how it went down again in real life for anybody who doesn’t remember:


So, 3 days before the firing Jason was running interference Iike he always does with these things and Jerry was telegraphing that we’d be looking at replacements at the Senior Bowl. The Senior Bowl was about ten days after those comments above.

Three days later, the team announced they fired Linehan. However it went down, they decided not to wait the ten days to announce.

And then there were other rumors floating around that Linehan was on the outs much earlier in the season...that he was involved at all in the OL coaching change, for example. On top of rumors like this one that it was actually Garrett who spearheaded the change:

I don’t know how it all actually went down as we don’t have access to those details. I’m arguing, as I usually do, against drawing stupid conclusions that can’t be supported without them. I know you’re in the pro-stupid conclusions camp—and that’s fine—I just feel bad bursting your bubble here again when your opinions on this topic clearly give you so much comfort and joy, so I was trying to be nice.