What have you done / stopped spending / stopped watching to impact as a fan

I’m cutting off games before halftime these days.
This season, if a Cowboys game is on, I generally have it on as background noise that will occasionally catch my attention. I came into the season not expecting a playoff team. And I'm OK with that. More disappointed that we resigned Dak and CeeDee. What a waste of resources!
Had a conversation with one of my boys from college I ran into just before the season started. I was beyond shocked when he told me he was tapping out. He's put all gear in the attic, is not taking his annual road trip, and stated he was just going to watch football as a fan of the sport this year. This is from one of the most ardent Boys fans I know. He just said "I can't do it anymore." I know my org is horrible, but I was shocked that he was driven to that point. I don't blame you guys for feeling this way. It's been tough to support my brother and my friends who are fans all of these years.
yeah, a lot of the diehards going that route...when jerry dies i am sure many will come back, but there are going to be some lean years ahead (ala late AL Davis raiders years)
As fans, we always talk about the need for change and the reality that Jerry Jones will never change unless he feels a devaluation to his 10B asset, a slowing of its growth or some other metric that he monitors. That being the case, I pose the question as to what you have done over the past couple of years to spend less, watch less, impact, etc. as a fan....

For Me

- No new Jersey - Have not bought a new Jersey in over 5 years, kids are simply handing theirs down and I have only bought 1 new childs jersey in the last 2 seasons for my 10 year old

- No Sunday Ticket - Did not pay for Sunday ticket this year (first time ever)

- Not going to a local game - Not going to my local game this year (Charlotte vs Dallas) - I am not wasting money to watch two of the worst teams in the NFL

- Have bypassed watching 2 games so far this year on local tv

Reality is that its going to take an army of fans to finally have had enough, tune out, stop buying things and show enough disinterest to get the financial message across and even then it still might not be enough to change the approach.

What have you give up / changed / done?
I have done all 4. I saw the Cleveland game, the Saints game and the Lions game. I was fully prepared for a bad season but when Jerry signed Dak to an extension right before the kickoff of the first game, I really checked out as a fan, at least for the next 5 seasons. I will watch if it is on free TV in my area and i have no plans but other than that, I am not going out of my watch to these guys. I refuse to stay up and watch primetime games too.
As fans, we always talk about the need for change and the reality that Jerry Jones will never change unless he feels a devaluation to his 10B asset, a slowing of its growth or some other metric that he monitors. That being the case, I pose the question as to what you have done over the past couple of years to spend less, watch less, impact, etc. as a fan....

For Me

- No new Jersey - Have not bought a new Jersey in over 5 years, kids are simply handing theirs down and I have only bought 1 new childs jersey in the last 2 seasons for my 10 year old

- No Sunday Ticket - Did not pay for Sunday ticket this year (first time ever)

- Not going to a local game - Not going to my local game this year (Charlotte vs Dallas) - I am not wasting money to watch two of the worst teams in the NFL

- Have bypassed watching 2 games so far this year on local tv

Reality is that its going to take an army of fans to finally have had enough, tune out, stop buying things and show enough disinterest to get the financial message across and even then it still might not be enough to change the approach.

What have you give up / changed / done?
There will be know impact, even the most ignorant of fans will still spend mad cash on merchandise, and season ticket holders that might have been die hards, they sell out to any fan from anywhere.
Culture is based on leadership and respect mutually between the players and coaches/staff and while it totally disgusts me to say it IMHO this franchise has neither.
My cutoff was 2006. Last time I went to a game, and last time I bought any swag. None since. I should have done this in 2001 after the infamous John in Plano call to the Ticket when Jerry was on.

I also have had a policy the last three years of pirate streaming every game even though I can get them locally. I don't want Jerry to even get advertising revenue shares from my eyeballs.
For me…. When I watch the Cowboys on TV I now blindfold myself…. Hey, can’t just quit cold turkey. It’s a process.
Threw out all my gear years ago. Jumped ship the minute Dak was signed. It had been a long time coming but that was enough for me to just say screw the Cowboys, Jerry and Dak. I cheer against them every week. I am loving this drama.
...canl someone let me know, if I should get Dak dark Jersey or White? .....;)
I live in Maryland, no cable, and haven't bought gear since my 90s starter jacket (which I kinda miss, ngl).
I bought this Cowboys t-shirt in May 2008 at the Texas Stadium pro shop (when Reebok was the sponsor).

I said (jokingly) that I wouldn't buy another piece of Cowboys merch until they go to the Super Bowl.

After a few years, I was determined to stick to that.

This is the 16th Season with that old shirt. It's worn out and ragged. It's thin. I ONLY wear it on game days and, well... it doesn't fit very well anymore hehe

*sigh* I'm keeping the promise though... no more merch.


- Several posters here

I took a tour of AT&T Stadium 11 years ago and that is the last time Jerry has gotten one cent from me.
Unfortunately it's pretty hard to significantly impact teams these days. The TV contracts keep them fat and happy regardless if you watch them or not.

Ticket sales are also tough to impact because fans of other teams just buy them up and flood the stadium with opposing colors. The money still comes in. For Jerry, that's all that matters.

So really, merchandise is the only real area the fans can impact Jerry's wallet. I have bought 2 jerseys in my life, Emmitt and Ware...couple coffee mugs over the years. Definitely won't be buying anything else until Jerry is gone, but I don't feel I'll be making a big dent by pulling my funding lol
After 10 years, I sold my PSL's and remaining tickets. I actually profited around 2k, which is more than I got offered last season, when they were doing much better. Like @jazzcat22 says, it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm no longer financially-tied to an organization that doesn't give two F's about me, or winning. I can't NOT support the Cowboys, but the Jones are building a stronger and stronger case.
I recently donated all my Cowboys tee shirts, some never worn, and other misc Cowboys gear, to a veterans site. I also took the front Cowboys plate off my truck. I haven't spent any $$ on Cowboys gear in years and l've told people not to buy me ANY Cowboys stuff for Christmas. I do still have some Cowboys coffee cups that l use. But l don't go out in public in anything Cowboys. When it no longer bothers you to watch your team choke every week, you know it's time to find other things to do on game days.
Have not watched a single snap since the Saints game. Knew right then this team was a fraud. Far as I’m concerned the rest of the year is all about getting a higher pick
As fans, we always talk about the need for change and the reality that Jerry Jones will never change unless he feels a devaluation to his 10B asset, a slowing of its growth or some other metric that he monitors. That being the case, I pose the question as to what you have done over the past couple of years to spend less, watch less, impact, etc. as a fan....

For Me

- No new Jersey - Have not bought a new Jersey in over 5 years, kids are simply handing theirs down and I have only bought 1 new childs jersey in the last 2 seasons for my 10 year old

- No Sunday Ticket - Did not pay for Sunday ticket this year (first time ever)

- Not going to a local game - Not going to my local game this year (Charlotte vs Dallas) - I am not wasting money to watch two of the worst teams in the NFL

- Have bypassed watching 2 games so far this year on local tv

Reality is that its going to take an army of fans to finally have had enough, tune out, stop buying things and show enough disinterest to get the financial message across and even then it still might not be enough to change the approach.

What have you give up / changed / done?
Well, I have to admit, that I did order a Dak and CD jersey, one to wash my Jeep with and the other one to dry it off with, so I'm good to go.
I was wearing Cowboys jerseys in the Jimmy era but too young to know. So I truly became a real fan during the Campo era. This is the first season in my life, despite ONLY knowing losing and mediocrity, that I said enough is enough. I stopped spending money on them in 2020, but now I don't let them affect my mood either. I don't get excited, I don't get sad. I know how this season is going to end.
First, a little context:

My wife actually joined me Sunday evening to watch the game (and she has no interest in football).

About half way through the 1st quarter, I asked her if she would like to watch reruns of Grey's Anatomy. GA is our go-to show to watch when it's bitterly cold or we're snowed-in. It was neither too cold nor was it snowing.

We had a nice meal, shared a couple glasses of wine and, I didn't check the game progress or score until the next morning.

In nearly 50 years watching the Cowboys, I have never, ever "walked-away" from a game. So, I am struggling to find relevance in this season.

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