What have you done / stopped spending / stopped watching to impact as a fan

Unlike many on here, I think more fans not continuing their season ticket will hurt Jerry. The less merchandise and less season ticket he sells does affect his pockets. You’re right, one person can’t make much impact but when a majority of a section canceled, it will cause some type of disruption. This was already starting last year and 5 more left this year. This is one section, multiple that and the ripple has started. Most are disappointed in not only Jerry, but the players like Dak. Mind you, this was before his record breaking contract
Well, I have to admit, that I did order a Dak and CD jersey, one to wash my Jeep with and the other one to dry it off with, so I'm good to go.
Hahahaha, hopefully your neighbor didn't intercept it from the mailman.
Last year I bought a washer and dryer from Best Buy. Delivery was set for a Saturday. I cleared my schedule and on the designated Saturday I got a text saying the driver was 10 minutes away. He never came. I called the 800 number and argued with a half dozen people over the course of a few hours before finding out that the washer and dryer were "damaged" and couldn't be delivered. I was told it would take a month to reorder and redeliver. I was irate, canceled my order, and swore that I would never shop at Best Buy again. I haven't set foot in that store since, canceled my store credit card, and think bad things about them whenever I see the store. Sadly, the Best Buy store is still there and full of people. I had no impact on them whatsoever. The same holds true for the Dallas Cowboys. The franchise makes the NFL a lot of money so not buying a shirt or a ticket isn't really going to hurt them.
I didn't buy much Cowboy stuff in 2024, just a Lamb jersey, the 250.00 Nike Cowboys running shoes and a Tommy Bahama Cowboy jersey (oh and a Bland jersey for my son last xmas).
Hahahaha, hopefully your neighbor didn't intercept it from the mailman.
They can have them, I ordered them from china. But I have my mind on Bobble Head Dak thing I saw on eBay. It's pretty cheap,

But I want to mess around with the head on Dak...back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

I want to see if I can get any perspective on what is going with his head!

Ohhh, and I want a Jerry Bobble Dumb Azz Head thing too...I want to see his head bobble around and around and around so I could slap the crap of his head!
It’s not the same anymore. Who killed the world? This team used to be fun. I don’t care if they play or not now. Thanks Jerry
They can have them, I ordered them from china. But I have my mind on Bobble Head Dak thing I saw on eBay. It's pretty cheap,

But I want to mess around with the head on Dak...back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

I want to see if I can get any perspective on what is going with his head!

Ohhh, and I want a Jerry Bobble Dumb Azz Head thing too...I want to see his head bobble around and around and around so I could slap the crap of his head!
I'd rather have a Jerry voodoo doll and a lot of pins
Last year I bought a washer and dryer from Best Buy. Delivery was set for a Saturday. I cleared my schedule and on the designated Saturday I got a text saying the driver was 10 minutes away. He never came. I called the 800 number and argued with a half dozen people over the course of a few hours before finding out that the washer and dryer were "damaged" and couldn't be delivered. I was told it would take a month to reorder and redeliver. I was irate, canceled my order, and swore that I would never shop at Best Buy again. I haven't set foot in that store since, canceled my store credit card, and think bad things about them whenever I see the store. Sadly, the Best Buy store is still there and full of people. I had no impact on them whatsoever. The same holds true for the Dallas Cowboys. The franchise makes the NFL a lot of money so not buying a shirt or a ticket isn't really going to hurt them.
You did make an impact. They have less dollars because they lost your business. It does matter to them. You aren't going to change the world overnight, but the momentum builds and eventually you become thousands, millions.
Haven’t spent a dime on merch since 2007. Last bought a game ticket in 2018 and it will probably be my last.

Having seen games at all 3 venues the Cowboys have played, AT&T is by far my least favorite. It’s more like a shopping mall with a football field in the middle. The building itself is nice and the sight lines are good. But the experience of being there is not great. Parking is the worst. Traffic is horrible. And worst, it just doesn’t feel like a true home field advantage at all.

When people laugh about fans not buying merch or going to games because of the way the NFL revenue streams insulate people like Jerry, I still feel good about my choice to not buy anything Cowboys related until changes are made at the top. It may never make a difference. But it makes a difference for me.
Haven’t spent a dime on merch since 2007. Last bought a game ticket in 2018 and it will probably be my last.

Having seen games at all 3 venues the Cowboys have played, AT&T is by far my least favorite. It’s more like a shopping mall with a football field in the middle. The building itself is nice and the sight lines are good. But the experience of being there is not great. Parking is the worst. Traffic is horrible. And worst, it just doesn’t feel like a true home field advantage at all.

When people laugh about fans not buying merch or going to games because of the way the NFL revenue streams insulate people like Jerry, I still feel good about my choice to not buy anything Cowboys related until changes are made at the top. It may never make a difference. But it makes a difference for me.
Isn't it sad that our team has come to this? lol. Damn, I wish I was a rich fool and make money off of monkeys and donkeys like me, and you. I actually sit in my garage and play tunes and then go check the score later...the Cowboys are boring....

Just like right now responding to your post...I'm hurting in my mind. I have my Fender stat plugged into my Blues driver pedal...into a Fender Amp. The blues just hurt...just look at the Star. Them chords hurt...

A7...D7...A7...D7...A7...E7...D7. lol (for guitar players only).
As fans, we always talk about the need for change and the reality that Jerry Jones will never change unless he feels a devaluation to his 10B asset, a slowing of its growth or some other metric that he monitors. That being the case, I pose the question as to what you have done over the past couple of years to spend less, watch less, impact, etc. as a fan....

For Me

- No new Jersey - Have not bought a new Jersey in over 5 years, kids are simply handing theirs down and I have only bought 1 new childs jersey in the last 2 seasons for my 10 year old

- No Sunday Ticket - Did not pay for Sunday ticket this year (first time ever)

- Not going to a local game - Not going to my local game this year (Charlotte vs Dallas) - I am not wasting money to watch two of the worst teams in the NFL

- Have bypassed watching 2 games so far this year on local tv

Reality is that its going to take an army of fans to finally have had enough, tune out, stop buying things and show enough disinterest to get the financial message across and even then it still might not be enough to change the approach.

What have you give up / changed / done?
I have stopped traveling to any games. I live in RI. Every few seasons I would go to Dallas for a game, I have stopped that.
When they come up to NY or NE I have stopped going.

I have not bought any merchandising in a while.

Didn't buy Sunday ticket this year for the first time in probably 20 years.

Not staying up for any primetime games.

Sunday used to be appointment TV for me for the Cowboys, that's no longer the case.

After that beatdown by GB and then watching the two Jones idiots this off season do nothing and keep a lame duck coach finally broke me.

These two clowns clearly showed they are not in it to win it. After that I can't waste my time and money on their garbage product they try to sell. This was the first season I could care less. I used to watch every game even in the Campo years, this off season really did it for me.
My cutoff was 2006. Last time I went to a game, and last time I bought any swag. None since. I should have done this in 2001 after the infamous John in Plano call to the Ticket when Jerry was on.

I also have had a policy the last three years of pirate streaming every game even though I can get them locally. I don't want Jerry to even get advertising revenue shares from my eyeballs.

What's the backstory on this?
I'm at the lowest point I've ever been. I don't buy any Cowboys merch anymore, and the few lingering shirts/sweaters/hats I have I never wear out. I mean, why would I? It's not like I would feel proud wearing a laughing stock for a logo these days.

I still watch every game, but I no longer have any care. I used to get stoked for games. A SNF game? Hell yes!! Let's go. This last Sunday? I turned it on with a 'meh' attitude, and, it went exactly how I thought it would. I used to be hooting and hollering at the game and now I just sit there and watch it quietly, but mostly laugh this season. I used to let losses bum me out on Sundays. My wife came into the mancave when we were getting rolled by Detroit, looked at the score, looked at me and had a weird look. I asked her, "what's up?" She asked, "You're not mad?" I told her nope. Do not care anymore. She walked out with a surprised look and said "wow, that team really does have you down".

On one hand, the apathy is fantastic because it doesn't bother me or ruin my day. On the other hand, I absolutely hate Jerry Jones for putting me in this position. I want to have passion for my team. I still want to root for them, but the Cowboys I loved just don’t feel like they’re there anymore.

It's been much more exciting watching my Boise State Broncos and Ashton Jeanty this season.
Never had a chance to get this off my chest but this topic gives the right setting for this confession.

I've never, and I mean this honestly, never purchased any, ANY Cowboys gear (been a fan since the 80's) in my Life. I did buy a Dallas Stars Jersey in the mid-90's, but that's it. The 1 or 2 Cowboys ball caps I had were gifts from my parents (and I didn't really wear them) and the one Cowboys Starter jacket (like Jimmy Johnson wore) that I wore for a Winter was one that I found abandoned at the Junior High Bleachers. I just plain didn't care to wear Professional Team stuff. I've always seen it as me becoming a walking billboard for some organization. Not only would I not get paid to carry their advertisement, I'd actually have to pay to acquire the billboard material.

But...I came *this* close to buying a Cowboy's Jersey this year after Game 1 because the player shares my Last name and had also made an impact in that game. But I procrastinated and by the time we got blasted by the Saints, I'd changed my mind. This team doesn't deserve my support. From the Front Office down to the players, they've proven to be a just a Country Club that the fans pay for. We're suckers.

They'll get nothing from me.
Funny, I still have my 90s Dallas Cowboys Starter jacket. Sitting in the closet behind me. Have had it since the 90s. Just can't part with it for some reason. It's classic! :laugh:
It’s good to see people getting the message.
I’ve stopped buying merchandise, tickets and watching cowboys games.
I will look at the box scores on Monday and chuckle.
I’m through with lining Jerry’s pockets, cause that’s all he cares about.
If more and more fans stop listening to Jerry’s bs, watching games etc… then the media will not make anything that Jerry says the flavor of the day.
When that happens and this team is not on everyone’s lips day in and day out.
Jerry or his idiot son will do what it takes to make this team relevant again.

Until then, I’m committed to reading how some fans speculate on what is wrong with this team and fixing this team… they just don’t get it that Jerry doesn’t care and the more people speculate the more you are falling into Jerry’s trap.

Stop caring… you’ll feel better

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