What historical event fascinates you the most?


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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For several reasons.....The Tet Offensive.
WHEW! ,,,Nixon reinstituted operation " LINEBACKER" after that chi-com furnished fandango casing-liner* massive B-52 saturation bombing of known NVA& VC staging A.O.'s ,international boarders be damned*,,,uncle HO himself said that another 30-45 days of that bombing & they themselves would've freely capitulated, Charlie shot his wad in that crap-shoot& came up short ,,,

* we had an oil well out on a farm called the
" Alllison #8"
and when their son came home from Vietnam he went to work for the Company, I'd be out in the shop when that 'pulling unit' crew would come in some times, Steve still wore those white cotton G.I. boxer skivvies,,,:lmao:
He showed me all his shrapnel scars& told me some real fresh stories.
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And why were the more critical pieces of the armada not there? I think they thought they would strike a more crippling blow because their failure led to Midway where the results leaned on luck as much as planning. As did a lot of the war in Europe. When we examine the fine line of defeat/victory in WWII, it is fascinating how much luck played into it. Guessing right turned out to be as important as strategy.
Yeah, I remember even in WW1 w/ the Bismark. That ship was obliterating everything, they couldn't harm it. And then some errant missile hit their rudder.

Thing is, WWII was the first technology war. That can even out the playing field in so many ways.


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1960's British Invasion Rock Music. I absolutely love concerts...would have loved to be a young person and see the like of the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Who and on and on in their prime ...:)


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That's what has always fascinated me the most about it. If he did allow it to happen, how he must have struggled with that decision and how many on the inside took that to the grave with them?

The difference between his decision and Johnson's to go all in on Vietnam was FDR and Eisenhower knew the war would come to us if we didn't go to it. But in both cases, the military was ready to get it on and the rest of the country was not..until Pearl.
There was no sure way to know at the time where the attack would happen. So, what we really have is guesswork. And since Pearl Harbor did not make the most sense, it would be easy to see FDR ignoring the signs and the telegram from Churchill. And the telegram was not fact, if it did point toward Pearl Harbor being the objective.


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When the Cowboys won 3 Super Bowls in the mid-90s. :D

Ok, ok, I will be serious. Dallas_Cowboys50 mentioned the Titanic and that one has always intrigued me as well. Something about it.

I watched a great documentary that had a really solid theory about how the Titanic hit the glacier. Basically, the Glacier was "invisible". It was documented that the sky was extremely clear and the air very cold that night. Those two together formed a mirage, or what they refer to as a cold water mirage, when it's hard to define where the sky ends and the sea starts. It creates a refraction of the horizon. The sky and the reflection of the sky in the ocean water blended together and essentially cloaked the iceberg. They couldn't easily spot the iceberg until it was right on top of them and by then it was too late.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Gotta say whomever designed Germany's uniforms in WWII...


I mean that just screams "We're the baddies".
Very appropriate for the Blue Oyster though...


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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They did put out some of the sharpest looking uniforms for a military ( IMO)
I love those spare magazine leather flap pistol holsters with a Russian Makarov pistol stuffed in it, it's slick,compact,lightweight& outta' the way and always handy while mounted up on Horseback or Harley.

* I was about 13 y.o. and an old WW11veteran/ oilfield worker loaned me his .32 acp **** stamped pistol rig to 'clean' ,,,I had to work on my mom pretty hard to buy me a box of bullets for it,,,,but it was totally flawless in function when I 'scored'those projo's,,,lol,,,pretty sure it was cleaner before he'd loaned it to me than when he'd gotten it back
Perfect for the leather bar!


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Perfect for the leather bar!
If that's similar to the 'tack' shed where you rack yer' saddle & hang yer' bridal,,,I can COPY:thumbup:

otherwise,when you go 'packin' heat into a watering hole yer deserving of 10 fold of what yer' angling foro_O



Offseason mode... sleepy time
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If that's similar to the 'tack' shed where you rack yer' saddle & hang yer' bridal,,,I can COPY:thumbup:

otherwise,when you go 'packin' heat into a watering hole yer deserving of 10 fold of what yer' angling foro_O

Who said I'm "angling" for anything? You? Only you. Right:
I merely stated the appropriateness of the conflagration.