What if the Cowboys announced they do not care about playoff wins?


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I know this would never happen, but let’s pretend that during a news conference-Jerry and Stephen announce they do not care if they win a single other playoff game if they were guaranteed to be in the playoffs each season.

What would your reaction be to that statement?
Would your interest in the team change at all? Would you still spend money on the team? Throw rotten tomatoes/onions/feces at Jerry and Stephen if given the chance?

Happy Birthday Murica! And I’m sorry if my initial thread upset anyone’s sensibilities so early in the morning.


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Not getting to an NFCCG is both poor management and partially luck. Just dumb luck should have gotten us there by now. Look at the Lions, did they do anything special to get there?


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I know this would never happen, but let’s pretend that during a news conference-Jerry and Stephen announce they do not care if they win a single other playoff game if they were guaranteed to be in the playoffs each season.

What would your reaction be to that statement?
Would your interest in the team change at all? Would you still spend money on the team? Throw rotten tomatoes/onions/feces at Jerry and Stephen if given the chance?

Happy Birthday Murica! And I’m sorry if my initial thread upset anyone’s sensibilities so early in the morning.
I am going to be harsh.

my question would be when will Jerry and Stephen die (inevitable for all humans), and then we can perhaps start to change how we operate.


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I am going to be harsh.

my question would be when will Jerry and Stephen die (inevitable for all humans), and then we can perhaps start to change how we operate.
Not for a very long time. His son is not that old. What happened to Jerry? He used to go out and get those FAs. Some hit, some miss, you can't just quit on it altogether because of the misses. But we've seen the weirdness of Jerry early on.

Jerry had a problem paying Emmitt Smith after a SB win in the 1992 season. Emmitt wasn't holding out, he had no contract at all. They couldn't come to terms until week 3 of the 1993 season. Couldn't come to terms with a player that was the rushing leader and a huge part of why we won the SB. That's nuts.

Then after the 1993 season runs the coach out of town. A coach that just won two super bowls in a row. That's like the owner of the Chiefs firing Andy Reid!!! This is our owner, and GM.


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Even though hypothetical, this is a nonsense scenario. I sometimes really don't get some fans, or what's going on in their heads. Why is it interesting to think about this?

They care about play off wins. They crave play off success almost as much as being commercially successful. They just don't know how. And they won't hire a true GM.

That's the simple issue. But I have no reason to doubt Jerry's motivation.


Well-Known Member
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Even though hypothetical, this is a nonsense scenario. I sometimes really don't get some fans, or what's going on in their heads. Why is it interesting to think about this?

They care about play off wins. They crave play off success almost as much as being commercially successful. They just don't know how. And they won't hire a true GM.

That's the simple issue. But I have no reason to doubt Jerry's motivation.

You are not alone. There are plenty of others that cannot pretend. Or definitely do not want to even get close to it when it upsets their stream of rational thought and sensibilities.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I know this would never happen, but let’s pretend that during a news conference-Jerry and Stephen announce they do not care if they win a single other playoff game if they were guaranteed to be in the playoffs each season.

What would your reaction be to that statement?
Would your interest in the team change at all? Would you still spend money on the team? Throw rotten tomatoes/onions/feces at Jerry and Stephen if given the chance?

Happy Birthday Murica! And I’m sorry if my initial thread upset anyone’s sensibilities so early in the morning.
The question is moot. It would never happen.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Even though hypothetical, this is a nonsense scenario. I sometimes really don't get some fans, or what's going on in their heads. Why is it interesting to think about this?

They care about play off wins. They crave play off success almost as much as being commercially successful. They just don't know how. And they won't hire a true GM.

That's the simple issue. But I have no reason to doubt Jerry's motivation.