Image: What is Jaylon Smith doing on this play?


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Cant read plays or does so to late
Takes horrible angles
Looks for others to take make the initial hit
Is "afraid" to get hurt aka soft

Has a football IQ of a pumpkin

Dude rather look "fresh" then play football


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He is 100% more concerned about his own health than playing football. What happens here is Jaylon reads the play and knows there should be someone assigned to block him. Then, he realizes he's in the wide open so if he just holds his ground, he won't be blindsided.

This is Jaylon Smith in a nutshell. A human flesh rocket without a fuse and a limp detonator. His game is built on physicality and he's Charmin soft.
It sure seems like he is doing his best to avoid contact a lot of the time. The whole defense is really bad, but I can't imagine how anyone can defend his play this year. At this point, I think they need to start benching a lot of high paid players including this guy..... tired of this half *** effort. What would happen if they put Gifford or Benard in there? They give up 49....oh wait....


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It sure seems like he is doing his best to avoid contact a lot of the time. The whole defense is really bad, but I can't imagine how anyone can defend his play this year. At this point, I think they need to start benching a lot of high paid players including this guy..... tired of this half *** effort. What would happen if they put Gifford or Benard in there? They give up 49....oh wait....

Yea but we need that clear eye swag; check out his glasses in the pro shop, they give you Ray Charles vision.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Is this what it is? I initially thought he was just dumb and slow to diagnose plays. But I'm starting to think something more nefarious is going on here.
There is. He's avoiding contact. He got paid and now he wants to stay healthy.

And when he is trying to make a play he can't move. It's like his leg got worse again.

He seriously needs to be benched, contract and "fame" be damned, for a "lesser talent" who will spill his guts out there and play like a linebacker. JS is emblematic of everything wrong with the culture of this franchise..


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Well if the Cowboys playbook is too hard for him, I'm sure learning the other teams play book or reading their plays won't be any easier.


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I'm not sure he played as well think in 2018. I think a lot the issues we're seeing now were there in 2018 but LVE's sensational rookie play camouflage a bunch of them.
Yup, I was very skeptical of him when people were praising, and this is coming from someone who believed in time he'd make a full recovery


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Jaylon is the main issue with this defense his play or lack of play put pressure on everyone else.

There was a play that Hill blew up the line on a sweep and all Jaylon had to do was fil the gap and he would have the tackle. Instead he’s spinning around and his back ends up against the line of scrimmage and the back picks up a nice gain. This has been a huge issue. He takes bad angles, doesn’t fill the GAP, he sucks at the point of attack, and he can’t diagnose a play to save his life.

The guy is always freelancing and it’s putting pressure on everyone else to make the play he should be making. We are playing 10 on 11 with him out there.

Like I said in another thread, I'm not sure has the agility ( damage from drop-foot issue ) to take the angles he should take.


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The bothersome part here is either the staff isnt capable of seeing what fans see, or Jerry is insisting that the guy he paid be playing, or the staff doesnt want to test Jerry by making him look bad.

ONE of them is absolutely true, and a huge problem here.


Safety third
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It's been obvious for some time that he avoids the play. Reacts to the wrong direction so he can pursue instead of attack.

In all seriousness, the best course of action for this franchise is to set the tone by cutting this guy today, cap hit be damned. I can't imagine being in the meeting room and watching that replayed. That is team destroying stuff right there. Worse than anything TO ever did.


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I'm guessing that was his gap responsibility. There are a lot of long runs that occur because RBs cut back into an empty gap.

I don't know. Just trying to give him the the benefit of the doubt for once.


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I wasn't thrilled about this pick in 2016 and I feel the same way 4 years later

Yup, Cowboys weren't, and haven't been, in the position of being able to take a chance on an injured or troubled player in years.

But they do it anyway, because Jerry thinks he's the smartest man in football, or (and I'm just being nice here) maybe he really wants to help people, felt sorry for Jaylon's injury and wanted to give him a shot at the NFL, for goodness knows few if any other teams would have....