What is the Cowboys destiny this year?


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Jerry says he’s looked in the mirror and sees a different team . “When you win a game like this, it changes you,” Jones said after Dallas’ fourth straight victory.

Jerry is basically promoting his product. These are the same eyes that thought Weeden threw a beautiful ball, Manziel could be a star and most recently our offense was like the Rams.

Now fans have raised the bar. All of a sudden we should be playing for a championship. And we wonder why fans can be one so distraught when we come up short.

This is still the same team that struggles putting up points which come the playoffs is going to be our nemesis as we face tougher teams.

One great game against Saints doesn’t validate a team but it does provide hope we can contend.

It provides hope we’re moving in the right direction. It provides hope we’ve finally built a potentially championship caliber defense . And it builds hope our coaching staff isn’t as bad as we thought after watching one of the premier HC make several gaffs to cost them a better opportunity to win.

I’m excited as anyone we might be on the brink of something special but I caution to stay humble as it’s only been a few weeks since we were 3-5 with the graves dug for this team and staff.

This is our biggest game coming up. They always get bigger as the season closes and in contention. This is the defending SB Chumps who appear finally to have awoken in time for the divisional showdown.

The good news is even if we stub our toe here the seasons not done. Egirls have a brutal closing schedule. I still think 9-7 can win this division.

Anything more than that will surpass my expectations and most experts heading into the season.

And winning this week will almost seal our fate barring a collapse following. A division title would be celebrated as a success with hopefully momentum heading to the playoffs fulfilling our destiny this season with more hope moving forward.


The Godfather
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I think it's a pretty simple road with a fork ahead. In one direction, we keep winning, finish out strong, and go deep in the playoffs, maybe even a Super Bowl.

If that is the case, then Jerry is prescient, he's seen this before, and the Saints game will be viewed as a watershed moment in this franchise's history in which the tide was turned to the positive.

In the other direction, we blow our momentum, lose a few games we shouldn't, limp into the playoffs or miss them entirely, and we wind up with yet another disappointing season, mired in mediocrity.

What's cool is that each week that goes by, we'll get to see more clearly which direction we took when we reached the crossroads.


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a win against the eagles pout us in the payoffs and a division win but that it..destiny? no one knows id like them to us this season lesson digging out of whole as a launching point to finally change the attitude and get us to at least 2 playoff wins..1990/1991 cowboys team similarity's where the building and waiting and the process starts to pay off and using 2016 as a lesson that maybe that was just a fluke but this is the team that gets us off the bubble..


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I think it's a pretty simple road with a fork ahead. In one direction, we keep winning, finish out strong, and go deep in the playoffs, maybe even a Super Bowl.

If that is the case, then Jerry is prescient, he's seen this before, and the Saints game will be viewed as a watershed moment in this franchise's history in which the tide was turned to the positive.

In the other direction, we blow our momentum, lose a few games we shouldn't, limp into the playoffs or miss them entirely, and we wind up with yet another disappointing season, mired in mediocrity.

What's cool is that each week that goes by, we'll get to see more clearly which direction we took when we reached the crossroads.

Like Yogi Berra used to say, "when you get to a fork in the road, take it!"


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I’ve seen a lot of hot Novembers turn into cold Decembers. Don’t let that happen. Beat the Eagles.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
And what if Garrett and company blows it. What will Jerry see in that mirror?
I hope he sees Garrett and Linehan walking out the door with bags packed.

This team is young, learning to win, and how to build upon that. Garrett does seem to do a good job and keeping them focused, although not always prepared after a bye week. Though this extra 3 days does not count as a bye. Just a few extra days to heal.
I think he will have them ready.

This team is different since the Titans game. Cooper, Su'a-filo, Colombo / Houck. Give credit to them for making these changes. however it took an injury to Williams to have them make the change, but they seen it and stuck with it.


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Best case is 1991. Unexpected success from a young team most thought was a year or two away still which leads to greater expectations for the next 5-8 years. Worst case is continued inconsistency down the stretch missing the playoffs or one and done like always. Going to be entertaining to watch, I know that for sure.


Cowboys Diehard
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This team got my attention when they started their run. First, it was Philly, then came Atlanta, Washington and New Orleans. That was like a cool drink of water to a man dying of thirst. Next up, Philly, Indy, Tampa Bay and the Giants. Philly and Indy may likely be the most challenging of that last four on our schedule, unless I miss my guess. Suddenly this version of the Cowboys has caught my undivided attention and likely should continue to do so for another month, at least. If the playoffs enter into that picture as well, I'd call it "a little bit of heaven." Hey, but that's just me, I guess! ;)
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So I keep hearing about Linehan needing to be fired. I personally have no feeling about this one way or the other. He isn’t a very imaginative play caller anyway. If say he does leave who is out there for the Cowboys? I don’t see many OCs - keep seeing Mike McCarthy but he wasn’t able to do anything with the kid who replaced Aaron Rodgers last year when Rodgers got hurt. Who else is out there?


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Jerry says he’s looked in the mirror and sees a different team . “When you win a game like this, it changes you,” Jones said after Dallas’ fourth straight victory.

Jerry is basically promoting his product. These are the same eyes that thought Weeden threw a beautiful ball, Manziel could be a star and most recently our offense was like the Rams.

Now fans have raised the bar. All of a sudden we should be playing for a championship. And we wonder why fans can be one so distraught when we come up short.

This is still the same team that struggles putting up points which come the playoffs is going to be our nemesis as we face tougher teams.

One great game against Saints doesn’t validate a team but it does provide hope we can contend.

It provides hope we’re moving in the right direction. It provides hope we’ve finally built a potentially championship caliber defense . And it builds hope our coaching staff isn’t as bad as we thought after watching one of the premier HC make several gaffs to cost them a better opportunity to win.

I’m excited as anyone we might be on the brink of something special but I caution to stay humble as it’s only been a few weeks since we were 3-5 with the graves dug for this team and staff.

This is our biggest game coming up. They always get bigger as the season closes and in contention. This is the defending SB Chumps who appear finally to have awoken in time for the divisional showdown.

The good news is even if we stub our toe here the seasons not done. Egirls have a brutal closing schedule. I still think 9-7 can win this division.

Anything more than that will surpass my expectations and most experts heading into the season.

And winning this week will almost seal our fate barring a collapse following. A division title would be celebrated as a success with hopefully momentum heading to the playoffs fulfilling our destiny this season with more hope moving forward.
I remember our first championship in the nineties. Everyone was saying we are too young and inexperienced to go deep in the playoffs! I hope this is a repeat of that very young team in the nineties. Go Cowboys