What is wrong with tanking?


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That quitter is the only reason why we have seen a super bowl under Jerry.
Jimmy’s team didn’t quit
They just didn’t have the talent to win
He did fix that shortly after that season


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That quitter is the only reason why we have seen a super bowl under Jerry.
He quit on us too, his ego was more important. If he knew his place in the totem pole we could have won 5 superbowls.


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He quit on us too, his ego was more important. If he knew his place in the totem pole we could have won 5 superbowls.
Or maybe Jerry should have made like all the other multiple super bowl winning owners and shut his pie hole. Sans his boy Al Davis.


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Because fans don't want to pay Cowboy ticket prices to watch a 2 win team with no hope but "maybe we will draft someone good" I could not imagine being a fan of the process Sixers or the Jets in recent years.


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Or maybe Jerry should have made like all the other multiple super bowl winning owners and shut his pie hole. Sans his boy Al Davis.
He's the owner, he can do what he wants. He signed Jimmy's checks and Jimmy got a big head. Jimmy lost 68 to 7 on his last game in Miami with an owner that shut his pie hole!


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Exactly WHO is "tanking?"

You think these guys in their walk years arent trying their very best?

I admit that's highly questionable at times... but they are.

No player or coach is ever "tanking," even if the front office is secretly rooting for something else.

Good case in point is Miami last year. FO tried to "tank" but players and coaches were having none of it (got Tua anyway lol).

Jerry isnt trying to tank but we can continue to think that way. Gives him yet another excuse.
I've been saying this for years, there's almost no such thing. Ok maybe a trade doesnt get made or a player is put on IR a bit quicker than he otherwise would have been, but the idea that anyone is trying to lose is kind of silly


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So we have a 12 year veteran who has played his heart out during his whole career. This is his last season. Things aren't going well for the team but he remembers his rookie season as an undrafted O-lineman. He worked his butt off.

His line-coach, who he now remembers fondly, was a relentless perfectionist constantly demanded 100% effort in everything he did. He'll never forget his HC's favorite phrases, "Never quit!", "Give it everything you got", "Don't steal from yourself". When he became a starter in his 3rd season the GM congratulated him, telling him, "You never quit. You never gave up. No matter how bleak the circumstances, you always played as if each play was the one that was going to win the game. That's why you are a starter."

Today, 9 years later, his HC informed him that he was no longer the starter. "Things aren't looking good this season and we have to look to the future so I'm replacing you with _____" That's his backup, a guy with a future but not there yet. Everybody on the team knows that he is a better player today than his replacement.

He wonders....

"Take it one game at a time?....but now it's looking to the future?"

"Never quit?....but you quit the season, coach. So did the entire staff as well as management. You all quit"

"How does losing by fielding a team less talented than what you can...how does that establish a winning tradition?"

"Before you made this decision, did you inform all the loyal fans, season ticket holders, kids that look up to this team as an example of good sportsmanship?"....Did you tell them, "Sometimes it's better to quit today so we can pad our chances for success in the future?"

"All the lessons we learn from team sports.....starting from T-ball as a five year old to today.....the entire reason sports are part of the educational process.....has it all been nothing but a lie?"

A fair question, wouldn't you agree?

America's Cowboy

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Ethics in football went out the door around the time plastic helmets replaced leather helmets.

So, I say this: What's ethical about freezing a kicker? Or stashing healthy players on the injured unable to perform list?
Or coaches blowing smoke about their intended draftee and then choosing another?
What is ethical about fans making it impossible for the opposing QB to hear his cadence or a feigned injury to stop a clock? Or announcers breathlessly promoting an upcoming game between a 9-1 team against a 1-9 team?
Or deflated balls, stolen signals and sweetheart deals by municipalities to attract and keep NFL teams?

This proud rude boy from Leeds long ago gave up thinking there were ethics in professional NFL?

Me? I think of tanking as a strategic plan to make a football team better.
If you think tanking for 2021 is wrong, then I don't want to be right. So then go ahead enjoying your 8-8 seasons and the upcoming 3-13 season.

Holla and brings me a dollah!
Or holla and just owe me a dollar!
What is wrong with winning?


1st Round Pick
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You don’t quit.. You just put your players in position to fail.

Our players quit a long time ago. I don’t need to see them show up now when they tanked the season. More Ls the better.


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It establishes a losing culture. Once you ask someone to tank you cannot ask that same person to come back and play hard. Tanking will always end up undermining management.

First, you don't ask someone to tank. You just play your younger players. It happens in the NBA without establishing a losing culture.
The Mavs even did it and now they have a better team.
I'm not saying the team should do it or not, but if failing to win a meaningless game would gain you a VERY meaningful draft, it's food for thought.
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You don't ask someone to tank. You just play your younger players. It happens in the NBA without establishing a losing culture.
The Mavs even did it and now they have a better team.

Agree with this. Tbh I think its possible we lose out anyways without trying to tank


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I’m as ignorant as the rest of us. But I’m not a loser and I’m not a quitter.

No ones saying quit. Throw in Denucci. Get the young guys some time. Are you really this dense? lol Doesn't make you a loser. It's called the greater good. While some are still celebrating those crap wins from 2010 that amounted to absolutely nothing. That's the problem. If this team wasn't stupid they'd be in better position a long time ago. And we wouldn't have to be talking about tanking. The problem here is there are a lot of holes to fill and a stupid front office. They'll never win that way!


Junior College Transfer
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Once that happens management is undermined. Players know when they are not being supported and they are not going to put it all on the line for someone who does not reciprocate.

Again, tanking is not blatant. It's done with nuance, old boy, with insertions and "resting" of players. also, game plans and play selection.
Who is to say this happens? Or promise a wise guy you'll not score more than 13? Nuance, old chap, nuance!