What is your bail?

DallasCowpoke;2686976 said:
1) Smoked pot -- $10
You mean like in the last 24 hrs?

2) Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk --$50
I was a Lifeguard at a Fraternal Order Of The Eagles during the summer of my 16-18 years. What do you think?

3) Cheated on your significant other -- $10
Girlfriend/s, yes. Wife, never!

4) Been in love with two people or more at the same time -- $50
Do I count myself in this scenario?

5) Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25
Heck yes... beats pouring beer on your right hand so you have something drunk to take home.

6) Went streaking -- $5

7) Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15

8) Kissed a co-worker-- $ 20
Yeaaaaa, but he was into it too!

9)Kissed your boss --$50
See above.

10) Been arrested -- $5

11) Spent time in jail -- $15
Redundant, see above

12) Peed in the pool -- $0.50
It's My pool. I'll pee where I damn well please!

13) Played spin the bottle -- $5
Ok, this 1's just silly!

14) Done something you regret -- $20
See #s 8 & 9.

15) Slept with your best friend >-- $20
Again, see above.

16) Been in love with a stripper -- $20

17) Went skinny dipping -- $5
Of course. Ties in w/ #s 6 & 7.

18) Been slapped-- $5
Yeaaaaa, by the stripper who I told I didn't "love".

19) Slapped someone-- $5
Noooooo, 'cus I'm not gay!

20) Beat up someone -- $20
Check........ Oh wait... you said "up"! Never mind.

21) Been jumped -- $10
See #15.

22) Ever had sex at church -- $25
Asked and answered.

23) Dated someone you met on My Space -- $25

24) Cheated on test -- $50
Of course.

25) Vandalized something -- $20

26) Slept with someone in your parents' bed -- $100
Yea. But only because mom refused to leave us alone and move to the couch!

27) Crossed dressed -- $10
See #21.

28) Given money to stripper -- $25

29) Flirted with an officer to get out of a ticket-- $30
Yea. But he STILL gave me the ticket.

30) Been in love with a stripper -- $20
Not after she took my fifty bucks, no!

31) Kissed some one who's name you didn't know --$10
Well, there was this girl on a Chanel #5 ad, in my sister's Harper's Bazaar magazine.

32) Hit on some one of the same sex while at work-- $15
Asked and answered.

33) Ever drive drunk -- $20

34) Used toys while having sex -- $30
Yup. And I really wish that girl would of given me that Hot Wheel back!

35) Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- $20

36) Had sex in a pool -- $20
See #s 6, 7 & 17.

37) mast rbated -- $10
Ummm?... Be right back......

38) Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close
friend --$20

39) Done oral -- $5, 40) Got oral -- $5, 41) Done / got oral in a car while it was moving-- $25, 42), Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you-- $40
Check X 4

43) Stole something -- $10

44) Slept with someone who has been in jail -- $25
Again, does "yourself" count?

45) Made a dirty home video -- $15
No. But I'm currently mulling over a few scripts.

46) Plan on making a dirty home video in the near future --$30
See above.

47) Had a threesome -- $50
Well, I had this wiener-dog once, who liked to watch.

48) Had sex in a public place-- $20
Yes. But mom was out of town at the time, and nobody was using her bed, soooo.

49) Been in the same room while someone was having sex -- $25
Well DUH! I mean it gets monotonous when you're ALWAYS the only one present!

50) Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars --$20

51) Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20

52) Kissed a teacher while you were still a student--$25
Yes. But only because Coach Allred was VERY persuasive!

53) Lied to your mate -- $5

54) Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- $25
No way. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


$795.50 - coulda been worse. It was a "Sarge friendly" list.

ScipioCowboy;2690372 said:

Should a person admit his score if it barely surpassed $70?

Uh, nothing to see here - move along.

bbgun;2690267 said:
Your "Prude of the Year" award will be arriving shortly.

I was a quiet child, kind of a loner.......Now, I'm making up for lost time!
Sarge;2690378 said:
Uh, nothing to see here - move along.



It's somewhere between 70 and 85. There's some - shall I say - confusion regarding what precisely constitutes an infraction.;)

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