What Made You A Cowboys Fan?

Spent summers at my aunt's house in Garland, TX in the 70s. Met Staubach and Landry at some event as a kid. Hooked.

Back then, it was odd for a kid living between Cleveland and Pittsburgh to be a Cowboys fan. Took a lot of heat when the Steelers won two SBs over the Cowboys, which is why I hate that team (and its fan base). Dad was a Browns fan, so he didn't care for that bunch either. :thumbdown:
Numerous things that aligned like the Stars on their helmets. :D

I 1st started liking them when I was 8 years old, and the ice bowl. I have 3 older brothers, all they could do was go on about the Packers and Bart Star. So being the youngest I had to always be different. Go against the grain. Maybe I partly felt bad for the way they lost it too.
But I told them, GB will be has beens and the cowboys are the team the future.

So over the next year or so I started wanting to watch them. I also liked the Rams because of their helmets at the time, but migrated more toward the Cowboys. In an art class, we had to make something from stitching yarn through a burlap type material. I started doing the Rams, but I looked t it and thought...I don't like it, why am I doing this. So I gave it to a friend and I started making the Cowboys. My friend to this day is still a Rams fan.

So my mom started buying me cowboys t-shirts, and a cowboys helmet and such for Christmas, birthdays, and just when I needed t-shirts to run around in.

So by 5th grade I was officially a full blown Dallas Cowboys fan. Though it was the ice bowl that got me on the right path.
I never wavered once except that day in art class, but soon realized my allegiance.
Fan since the 60's. New team, struggling, Bob Hayes, then the Landry years, Jimmy J coming in.

Lived in Texas for awhile so got to see them live, and caught the " silver and blue flu" forever...

Go Cowboys

P.S. Born and raised in Philly, and never a real Eagles fan , although I did listen to their Championship win on the Radio......
Watching highlights of what I assume were playoff or Superbowl games in the late 70s. Cowboys used to feature a lot.
As weird as this may sound, watching the movie "Little Giants." I saw Ed O'Neill hand out those awesome Cowboys jerseys, started watching on Sundays at 10 years old, and I was hooked.
as a young 13 yr old kid moving back to Canada from Germany in 1976 someone gave me a Cowboys shirt and that was it i was an instant fan. Funny thing it wasn't even a Dallas Cowboys shirt it just said Cowboys on it and it wasn't even blue and silver hahaha
Several things but I suppose The Originals were cool looking uniforms and Bob Hayes smoking my dad's giant defense
I grew up in a family that had several Cowboys fans in it, so as soon as I was old enough to really get into football I started to become as fan as a kid. And have been a fan of theirs ever since! :thumbup:
My older brother was a fan. He’s ten years older than me is I idolized him as a kid. We grew up south of Pittsburgh and he became a fan to jerk around his friends.
About 5 or 6 growing up just outside of DC. Skins never appealed to me. Over the hill gang, Riggins, burg/gold etc. I fell in awe of Tony Dorsett but it was also Thrill Hill, Pearson, Springs, Cosby, Manster, Walls, Too Tall. The aura of the team, Landry, ...the look...the feel. It was a wrap from day one.

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