What Made You A Cowboys Fan?

When I was little (like 1st or 2nd grade), I thought the uniforms looked cool. The rest is history. lol
When I used to play sandlot football and I used to be called Tony Dorsett. I went to see who he played for and I was then a Cowboys fan...1977
Growing up in the 70's I was a fan of the NFL in general, OJ Simpson, joe Montana, Mean joe Green, Dan marino, Tony Dorsett, John Elway. I went to Dallas to stay with my aunt when I was 18 and decided to just pick a team, it was 1989 they went 1-15, then all hell broke loose:) Plus my cousin looks exactly like Troy Aikman. I lived in DC in the years they won all the Super Bowls, hated them then too. John Riggins was the only Commander I ever liked.
great replies in this thread.
native Texan. Sunday consisted of rushing home from church and gathering around one tv in the living room. The excitement level of my father and uncles was through the roof when the cowboys first started to get competitive in the mid 60's. Went to the cotton bowl in 66 and watched dandy don and bob hayes destroy the eagles. Was hooked. Those early years were marred with crushing defeats. There will never be a better feeling than when we finally broke thru in VI. Bob Lilly smoking that cigar in the locker room is still my favorite all time victory celebration. Been to playoff games in the cotton bowl, texas stadium, and the Taj mahal. I've had passing interests in the Rangers and cheered for the Mavs, but really only have one team and that is and always will be the cowboys.
In 1972, I played little league football in Georgia in a league that represented Prof Teams and full uniforms. I played for the Cowboys as my father signed me up for that team.

The allstar team was the Road Runners with grreen shirts and yellow helmets with the cartoon roadrunner on it.

Also my father like Bob Hayes, the fastest man on the planet.
My dad grew up in the 1970s in southern Indiana(near the Kentucky border) so the choices were Cowboys, Steelers, Packers or Bears. He picked the Cowboys because of Roger. So I grew up liking what dad liked. The Ware, Witten and Romo era started a couple of years after I became a teenager and really got interested in football.
When I was little (like 1st or 2nd grade), I thought the uniforms looked cool. The rest is history. lol

Same. The star, plus the Trio of Aikman, Smith and Irvin were fun to watch.
Also helped my dad/his family too were fans.
Our consistently winning ways of yesteryear when we were actually able to string together multiple winning seasons.
My father and uncle were lifelong Cowboys fans since their inception.

My dad was the pessimistic sort of fan - as soon as there was a costly turnover, he'd walk out of the room telling everyone he'd never watch another Cowboys game again (he'd come back 5 minutes later :laugh:).

My uncle was the eternal optimist. He thought the 'Boys were going to the Super Bowl every single year.

So I guess I really had no choice in the matter! I was watching Cowboys games by the time I was 4-5 but I really started following them closely after my dad took me to Austin to watch an Oilers-Cowboys scrimmage in July of 1994. I was able to get Troy and Emmitt's autographs and talked with Moose for like 5 minutes.

And ever since then, my fandom has become more and more of an unhealthy addiction haha.
This thread pops up several times per year

***when I saw Roger Staubach with one of his come-from-behind wins when I was a child living in syracuse, NY...switched from OJ SImpson and the bills to America's Team

however, I think the REAL question at this point is what will stop people from being a cowboys fan (nothing for me, I will wallow in mediocrity with the team)? Garrett? the jones family?

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