What Makes Romo So Great?


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Trying to figure this one out.

Really guys... since this guy has come into the game as a starter he's been so hyped. I've been trying to figure out just why a guy with 2 all-pro recievers, one being argueably the greatest in the game, and practically one of the top TE's in the game... how hard is it to be a good quaterback on an offense like this? Of course you would say "see drew bledsoe"

I'm just trying to figure out what makes him so great that he is mentioned in the same sentence as Manning, Brady, Brees, ect let alone ranked in the top 5. Do you think he would be so successful in New Orleans? How is he rated higher than Brees?

Someone please help me understand. True, I havent watched many Dallas games, but from what i've seen a your WRs would make Aaron Brooks look great.

Hope to play you guys in the NFC Championship Game!!!!
Texas is the greatest state in the Union!

What others are saying about this... http://www.saintsreport.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6673


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how about your 1st 3 games as a starter in the NFL all on the road, was 2 out of 3, and is 5-1 as a starter, out dueling Peyton Manning, leads the league in passer rating, and also factor in the "moxie"


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I posted this in another forum, in regards to Shockey's comments about Romo being very average....it's not an exact answer, since it's not meant for your post, but it kind of summarizes my feelings about Romo. In short - you'd have to watch him to appreciate him. Wait til sunday.

Honestly, I don't care what Shockey (a very average TE - and a moronic blowhard, to boot) or anyone else has to say about Romo. Here's a guy who in his first six starts has gone toe to toe with #1 draft picks, possibly the best QB of all time, first rounders, pro-bowlers, etc. and beat - or had his team in position to beat - all of them.

Romo's stats (which are fantastic) don't even tell the story about how good he has been. You cannot appreciate it unless you've watched him, or watched him play your team. He's as clutch as they come. With him, our third down conversion pct. is ridiculous, and we've gone from one of the worst, to second best in the NFL. If you need a third down conversion, there isn't more of a sure-thing than Romo to Crayton or Romo to Witten. The down and distance is irrelevant. Other teams on 2nd and more than 10, third and 13, are running draw plays. We're throwing. Romo is buying himself an extra second, and he's converting. If we need a last minute drive - it's not even a question of whether we're going to get in position. He just had his worst game as a starter, wherein he threw one pick early (the Terry Glenn one is what it is, I guess) completed sixty percent of his passes, and lead his team to victory against a desperate team on the road, shaking off his rocky start and finishing incredibly.

I'll take any of that, any day.

He's turned a franchise around, from mediocrity. He's a true leader, everyone loves him, and everyone looks up to him. He's 5-1 as a starter, betrayed only by our dreadful special teams. He's leading his team and spreading the ball around, making reads and throwing darts while his run game struggles late in the season. He evades sacks, not a speedy guy, but elusive and terribly hard to bring down. The threat of that elusiveness caused RW McQuarters to pull up on a sure sack, so Romo could convert yet another third down.

It doesn't matter what anyone says. Romo is playing like the league's best QB right now. The stats are fantastic and they don't tell the whole tale. This might not continue, and I don't care about that either. For a franchise that has endured Quincy, Hutch, Stoerner, Leaf, Banks, Vinny, and Bledsoe, he's a breath of fresh air, and an undeniable winner. The haters will hate, and the doubters will doubt, and the retards will spout their "very average QB" garbage - but we know better. And this fan could care less what they think.


Lucky Devil
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His poise, his ability to see the field and get rid of the ball quickly to the right guy, his pocket presence, not dwelling on mistakes, his positive attitude, his accuracy and his ability to garner the respect of his teammates.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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SaintsFanMan;1210518 said:
Trying to figure this one out.

Really guys... since this guy has come into the game as a starter he's been so hyped. I've been trying to figure out just why a guy with 2 all-pro recievers, one being argueably the greatest in the game, and practically one of the top TE's in the game... how hard is it to be a good quaterback on an offense like this? Of course you would say "see drew bledsoe"

I'm just trying to figure out what makes him so great that he is mentioned in the same sentence as Manning, Brady, Brees, ect let alone ranked in the top 5. Do you think he would be so successful in New Orleans? How is he rated higher than Brees?

Someone please help me understand. True, I havent watched many Dallas games, but from what i've seen a your WRs would make Aaron Brooks look great.

Hope to play you guys in the NFC Championship Game!!!!
Texas is the greatest state in the Union!

Dude, if you can not see for yourself what a good QB Romo is you have lost all credibility with me.

Even though I cheer for Dallas, I can recognize and appreciate talent on any other team because I have been watching football for 45 yrs.

With what Romo has done over the past 6 weeks you must be the only NFL football watcher in America to have to ask this question.


No Quarter
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very smart
cool under pressure
energetic leader
knows the system inside and out
reads a D pre-snap and looks off receivers
quick release
accurate (in pocket and on the run)
good arm - can make all the throws
great pocket awareness

our WRs have little to do with it.


Active Member
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SaintsFanMan;1210518 said:
Trying to figure this one out.

Really guys... since this guy has come into the game as a starter he's been so hyped. I've been trying to figure out just why a guy with 2 all-pro recievers, one being argueably the greatest in the game, and practically one of the top TE's in the game... how hard is it to be a good quaterback on an offense like this? Of course you would say "see drew bledsoe"

I'm just trying to figure out what makes him so great that he is mentioned in the same sentence as Manning, Brady, Brees, ect let alone ranked in the top 5. Do you think he would be so successful in New Orleans? How is he rated higher than Brees?

Someone please help me understand. True, I havent watched many Dallas games, but from what i've seen a your WRs would make Aaron Brooks look great.

Hope to play you guys in the NFC Championship Game!!!!
Texas is the greatest state in the Union!

First, Aaron Brooks would not look great playing with Jerry Rice on one side, and Steve Smith on the other. Every GREAT QB has great players around him wouldn't you agree. What about Phillip Rivers he has the best running back, and the best TE in football, Peyton Manning for Heavens sake has players all around him, Drew Brees has quality players around him as well. Would Romo be able to do as well in NO? Without a doubt. He has poise, is a leader, and typically makes good decisions. He looks off receivers, and is elusive enough. He throws a great ball on the run. So, to even insinuate that Aaron Brooks would be as successful as Romo is absurd.


...Abbey someone
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Escapability. Great foot work in the pocket.

Great at reading the entire field.

Very accurate..even on the run.

Cagey, even though he's a puppy at this stage of his career.

Fast release..probably the quickest in the NFL today.

Studies hard. Works hard. Very good tutor in Parcells.


Play making ability.

And you answered your own question. Bledsoe was NOT good at all with the same cast.

BTW, welcome to the Zone.


...Abbey someone
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chinch;1210527 said:
very smart
cool under pressure
energetic leader
knows the system inside and out
reads a D pre-snap and looks off receivers
quick release
accurate (in pocket and on the run)
good arm - can make all the throws
great pocket awareness

our WRs have little to do with it.

Well said...I posted just about the same stuff.



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SaintsFanMan;1210532 said:
Sounds like he's overdue for a bad game.:laugh1:

He took care of that against the Giants.

And still led his team to victory. Your safeties are in trouble. ;)


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WV Cowboy;1210526 said:
Dude, if you can not see for yourself what a good QB Romo is you have lost all credibility with me.

Even though I cheer for Dallas, I can recognize and appreciate talent on any other team because I have been watching football for 45 yrs.

With what Romo has done over the past 6 weeks you must be the only NFL football watcher in America to have to ask this question.

Don't miss understand me. I haven't seen him play much and was wondering what was going on.

But answer this question Dallas fans... do you think he could have done what Drew Brees has done in New Orleans? That's a tough one. Sounds like Brees would have been crowned king in Dallas.


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Check the ESPN highlights and see the throw he made to Witten with less than 1 minute in a tie game on the road against a tough division opponent with the division lead and a favorable playoff seed on the line. Now imagine expecting that play everytime he drops back and actually getting a play like that about 70% of the time the team is facing 3rd and long. Thats what Tony Romo has brought to us for the past 6 games. He's not Drew Brees yet and may never be, but we love him, your boy Payton loves him, and he deserves every bit of the hype he has received. Most likely you will see what all the hype is about on Sunday Night. You guys may win, but you should expect and better be prepared for Romo to surprise the crap out of you!


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SaintsFanMan;1210518 said:
Trying to figure this one out.

Really guys... since this guy has come into the game as a starter he's been so hyped. I've been trying to figure out just why a guy with 2 all-pro recievers, one being argueably the greatest in the game, and practically one of the top TE's in the game... how hard is it to be a good quaterback on an offense like this? Of

Your question is somewhat flawed.... you see Romo evenly distributes the ball to everyone OR at the very least gets it to first open man.... so the quality of talent receivers the ball is not where its at necessarily.... IT ALWAYS starts with the QB... you know that


Rising Star
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SaintsFanMan;1210532 said:
Sounds like he's overdue for a bad game.:laugh1:

Unfortunately for Saints fans he just had his bad game vs the Giants.


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SaintsFanMan;1210545 said:
Don't miss understand me. I haven't seen him play much and was wondering what was going on.

But answer this question Dallas fans... do you think he could have done what Drew Brees has done in New Orleans? That's a tough one. Sounds like Brees would have been crowned king in Dallas.
Undoubtedly. It's not like Romo is just lobbing up bombs to wide open receivers. He's making reads, picking apart a defense, and he doesn't even have Reggie Bush to dump it to, or anyone as talented as Deuce in the backfield. He hits the open man, and finds him better than anyone. Let's not pretend Brees has done his thing without talent surrounding him. Colston is a freak, Horn is always there and henderson has always had talent, even if suck*** Brooks could never take advantage of it.


Star Power
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SaintsFanMan;1210545 said:
Don't miss understand me. I haven't seen him play much and was wondering what was going on.

But answer this question Dallas fans... do you think he could have done what Drew Brees has done in New Orleans? That's a tough one. Sounds like Brees would have been crowned king in Dallas.

This is a hypothetical question that really can have no answer.

Brees has been playing great. But, so has Romo. His worst QB rating as a starter was this week, and he still made a clutch throw to put the Cowboys in position to win the game, which they eventually did. In other words, he played great when it mattered.

Would it make you feel better to know that Sean Payton, your coach, wanted Romo as his QB in NO, but BP refused to trade him? Instead he gave advice to him to go after Brees.


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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Romo may have great receivers, but our oline isn't great. Plus the team has put him in very bad positions with penalties and he just seems to just get it done.


No Quarter
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Juke99;1210535 said:
Well said...I posted just about the same stuff.

it's nice to able to type such things about one of our own QBs :)