What more can Dak do to win some over?


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You don’t know my IQ but I’m 100000000% sure I graduated from a better college than you so somebody with a better track record than you disagrees de

There's a 0% chance of that LMAO

You can't even write cohesive sentences, I mean look at your last two posts. Nobody with any intelligence writes those. Community college isn't that impressive my dude.


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Nah. I’m clearly a smart person that’s definitely smarter than you in any provable metric but continue on worrying about why people don’t love Dak de

Word. de. Lollllll moron. Typing too fast with emotions and can’t control yourself. Clown. Carryon


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Same nightmare over and over.....Packers playoff game....Ram playoff game.....last weeks game....and then he does what he does best score in Garbage time padding his stats for his homers here.

P.S. Remember it's everyone's fault except Dak's.....if you're real Cowboys fan that is?
Just like the Romo era.
Never his fault.


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There's a 0% chance of that LMAO

You can't even write cohesive sentences, I mean look at your last two posts. Nobody with any intelligence writes those. Community college isn't that impressive my dude.
There’s a 1000000% chance of that but I understand when you’re looking for friends online like yourself you doubt those better than you. Community college must represent your lineage not mine de


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Sorry for the last few post but folks worrying about why someone don’t like another grown man is strange to me. I’m gone though


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Glad I make you online dudes mad. Weirdo worried about why they don’t love Dak. Stay stressed de

nah you’re just an insecure buffoon projecting. I’m laughing at you while playing board games with my kids, happy as a clam. You aren’t able to differentiate between a talking point and a position.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Was having a conversation with a friend, and we just wound up wondering out loud what more is there he can do? (other than win sb's etc)

Guys been practically on fire since Amari arrived, he's near the top in almost all statistical categories, (not just volume numbers) he's still running when need be, and he's attacking the middle of the field, and deep, when that was the biggest complaint. He's thrown plenty of beautiful strikes this year so far... so what else can he do? Honest question.
Proof---for me the issue that brings hesitancy are some of his flawed throwing mechanics...particularly he either does not transfer weight from back to front foot enough...or quick enough...or not at all...this one issue is the cause for most of his inaccurate throws...i do like how he has let if fly a lot more this year...yes he has had too many interceptions...but he will curtail that...if you watch Daks wind up delivery throwing motion you will see it is slow...this too causes defenses a jump
toward defending the receiver he is throwing to...these are what cause me concern the most...i believe Dak is an overall winner and leader and he improves on his deficiencies so he has and will get better


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Enjoy your weekend!
Corso--- first hope you have a good weekend...second...what is your view concerning cowboys when they play Eagles next week?...are you confident they will win?....nor not....and how might you describe the match-up personnel
wise with Eagles?


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Proof---for me the issue that brings hesitancy are some of his flawed throwing mechanics...particularly he either does not transfer weight from back to front foot enough...or quick enough...or not at all...this one issue is the cause for most of his inaccurate throws...i do like how he has let if fly a lot more this year...yes he has had too many interceptions...but he will curtail that...if you watch Daks wind up delivery throwing motion you will see it is slow...this too causes defenses a jump
toward defending the receiver he is throwing to...these are what cause me concern the most...i believe Dak is an overall winner and leader and he improves on his deficiencies so he has and will get better

here’s hoping. I’ve been on the fence for a while but I certainly want him to be the guy