Nice choice.My lifelong 10/10 grade remains a tie between The Godfather and Citizen Kane. My personal grading system ranks how I see movies as they compare with them (the top of my scale) and the absolute worst movies (0/0 grade) I have ever seen, which were Bolero--which had only ONE redeeming quality-- and The Kindred.
Not sure why you left out the original. It was an all time classic. Rocky II wasn’t very good in my opinion. Rocky lost its luster after the first one. The sequels were predictable.
That's right ....... like the movies you want to like and do not worry about people who criticize you.
Not sure why you left out the original. It was an all time classic. Rocky II wasn’t very good in my opinion. Rocky lost its luster after the first one. The sequels were predictable.
The Long Kiss Goodnight is such an underrated and unknown movie! Sam Jackson got so torn up in that flick, and Geena Davis blew my mind with her ability to play such dichotomous roles. It's really a movie more people should have seen.
Bette Davis could have been just as successful or more in any era in my opinion. I think she could have given Meryl Streep a run for her money if they had started their careers in the same era and around the same age.Some great choices listed so far let's add La Strada and Whatever happened to Baby Jane to the list