What movies would you consider a Perfect 10 scale?

My lifelong 10/10 grade remains a tie between The Godfather and Citizen Kane. My personal grading system ranks how I see movies as they compare with them (the top of my scale) and the absolute worst movies (0/0 grade) I have ever seen, which were Bolero--which had only ONE redeeming quality :laugh: -- and The Kindred.
Nice choice.
Great to good.

My memory is not that great so there will be some I will leave out (old age, just so much room up inside the cranium).

My measuring stick is do I want to watch it over and over, have I watched it more than once, or it was good but I won't probably watch it again.

More than once and will watch it again (Great):
- Outlaw Josey Wales
- Gran Torino
- Unforgiven
- Dances With Wolves
- Lone Survivor
- American Sniper
- Friday Night Lights (Texas HS football, Permian is Tx HS legend -drama)
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Remember the Titans
- Book of Eli
- Man on Fire
- Saving Private Ryan
- Courageous
- Gladiator
- Hunt for Red October
(I am sure there are more)
(The "Good Movie" list is too long)

My favorite actors are Denzel Washington and Clint Eastwood.
Great/Good movies must elicit gut emotion or have humor without comedy, and a strong ending.
Not sure why you left out the original. It was an all time classic. Rocky II wasn’t very good in my opinion. Rocky lost its luster after the first one. The sequels were predictable.

Rocky III
While original Rocky movie began the origin of the Oscar Winner classic movie, and it's legendary cast, I like the faster pace of the sequels, and the searing villain
that is Clubber Lang ( Mr. T) is still one of the more polarizing, appealing movie villains of all time, imo. Even Apollo Creed, nor Drago, draws as much intrigue as
the infamous cocky, boasting Clubber. Epidemy of a mouthy movie bully villain.
Plus there's the stunning death of one of Rocky's beloved "family "..and how depressed/confused and the urgency to " rebound" to achieve revenge vs Clubber.

Rocky II also had a faster and more enjoyable pace than the original, while we saw another one and improved way of inspiring training by Rocky vs Creed rematch, as well
as a major near fatal crisis facing the Balboa family. We also see how the near loss by Creed had him much more inspired/motivated to "destroy" Rocky this time around.
There's a great climatic ending to this rematch too. And Rocky II features as exciting much boxing action than the first.

Some great choices listed so far let's add La Strada and Whatever happened to Baby Jane to the list
Bette Davis could have been just as successful or more in any era in my opinion. I think she could have given Meryl Streep a run for her money if they had started their careers in the same era and around the same age.

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