Who cares?
I mean who cares if you, the self-appointed Thought Police at this site, don't want to see them. Don't want to read them. Are tired of them??
Get a grip, arrogant apostles of agnostic apidiatic antagonisms.
I try to read every post on this site, time permitting.
Some I like, some I don't.
But I don't do an eye-roll and try to denigrate a what a post says.
If you don't like it, skip it, Bluttos!
All of you are like little girls who can't stand for someone to have an opinion. To do a variation of what another post has stated.
Give it a rest you little chicken littles, you self-appointed ninnies whose only job is to drop in and spread your tired venom.
I say that, if you want to post something, post it!
If you don't like it, you are free to move on you little girls.
He's posting something I don't like! Ohhhh! This is a repost! Ohhh, I feel faint! I don't like this post! yada-yada-yada and so is your mutha.
Let the free flow of information and opinion flourish here!
Not for you to decide for all what is fit and what is not.
From sea to shining sea!
btw: every time you mindless Thought Police show up, all you are doing is bumping the post, making it more visible. So you are just doing it to yourselves, in case you don't know it, you little chicken littles.