What ten handheld items would you pack for an apocylpse or disaster scenario

Remington 700. 30-06
Bushmaster .223
Remington 870 12 GA
military grade tent
fishing pole
magnesium fire starter
large water containers
anti biotics\ aspirin
Humvee. camo
Good choices. Ammo is abundant for all three firearms

This sucka charges electronics too using fire power. Things like gps maybe your shuffle, phone, or radio
I’m trying Runwild...I really am...and thank you very much.
Joe King got me turned around a bit. He really did,although he doesn’t know it. It’s now or never for me,I’m at the crossroads here. I’m fighting for my life.
What nobody wants to admit is that weed is easy to give up. All you have to do is like being in control more.
What nobody wants to admit is that weed is easy to give up. All you have to do is like being in control more.
For me,it’s very mentally (and physically) addicting and something since a youth I’ve done. Go in these on/off again binges.
It’s everywhere here. You’d be hard pressed to not see someone here using it around you. The forms it comes in now? My gosh...I had no idea. But yes,one can quit...it’s more the temptations of it being all around you,and if your world is in a bad place (or great one) ...it’s such an easy escape. So,you see my problem. At least I don’t drink though,so I got that going for me.
One pistol
One bullet
One sign that reads, "Finally!"
Rat poison, to kill the ones that eat my body
An American flag, because....'Murica!
A note that reads, "I have A.I.D.S, so don't get any ideas!
A hand grenade to booby trap my boots
A picture of Kate Beckinsale
A spare bullet
A cell phone, with 9-1-1 at the ready, in case I miss
We had an investigation involving a female Law Officer who had two GSWs (one to the chest and one to the head). It appeared she shot herself in the heart, but as we know, you don't die immediately, thus she subsequently shot herself in the head to kill the pain.
We had an investigation involving a female Law Officer who had two GSWs (one to the chest and one to the head). It appeared she shot herself in the heart, but as we know, you don't die immediately, thus she subsequently shot herself in the head to kill the pain.
I knew it all along. You’re working homicide.
Remington 870 12Ga
Berretta 92F
Fishing pole
Windup radio
First Aid Kit
Spyderco knife

***You probably noticed I didn't put down a cell phone. During a State national disaster, your cell phone won't work within the State you live in. It will work on out of State calls, if that State is not experiencing the same disaster. So, you should have an out-of-State contact that your family can call to obtain updates about yourself.***

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