What ten handheld items would you pack for an apocylpse or disaster scenario

Darn...was hoping for a LA Noir theme.
Remington 870 12Ga
Berretta 92F
Fishing pole
Windup radio
First Aid Kit
Spyderco knife

***You probably noticed I didn't put down a cell phone. During a State national disaster, your cell phone won't work within the State you live in. It will work on out of State calls, if that State is not experiencing the same disaster. So, you should have an out-of-State contact that your family can call to obtain updates about yourself.***
Good list!
Now I think about it...doomsday?
Tons of cigs and coffee.
I mean who cares at that point.
Now I think about it...doomsday?
Tons of cigs and coffee.
I mean who cares at that point.
The shotgun is for taking people's whiskey.....but as Ice Cube said..."Sink or swim, ya gotta think to win."..so being stoned not gonna help
The shotgun is for taking people's whiskey.....but as Ice Cube said..."Sink or swim, ya gotta think to win."..so being stoned not gonna help
I’m not looking to survive in a doomsday scenario myself. I’d do all kinds of stuff and just chill on a beach somewhere and roast some weeniers and make s’mores. Loool. I can’t trust myself drinking. I’m a fun drunk. So i reeeealy get into trouble.
We had an investigation involving a female Law Officer who had two GSWs (one to the chest and one to the head). It appeared she shot herself in the heart, but as we know, you don't die immediately, thus she subsequently shot herself in the head to kill the pain.
Oh man, that sucks.
Well,first of all,,, I'd probably clad myself in a relatively Stout pair of boxer /briefs casing-liners and don a crew chiefs flight suit for fashionable apocalypse attire
( its got handy stash pockets out the ying-yang)with those new pair of danner combat boots ( thusly held in reserved response to the prayed to never happen occasion mind you) ,yard out my tac-vest/ bobbed off ar-15 out from under the bed w/3 bandoliers of the ss109 green tip or m193 55gr. Ball if I yard out that Korean casing-liner stashed within the inner moulded contours of the bathtub
( it's twice the shot placement rifle with that loading than any AR platform) my camelback hydration thingy&,bug-out ditty-bag ,a box of saltine crackers (or two) my best friend the cat( better add a couple cans of Tuna off the shelf for kitty meow-meow),,, a fresh "emergency use only" 1/2 gallon of James B. Beam hanging under the eves in one of those windproof glass paneled square candle lanterns and just go out and sit on my Harley & watch it unfold,,,:huh:,,, WHILE double-glugging BEAM!,,,IDK? ,,,I Used to think I had a plan,,But,,,SHEESE! IT'S A GOD GIVEN FACT I WON'T LIVE 4 MONTHS PAST 70 ,anyway
( lineage)o_O


completely disappear into that greyman ghost shuffle ,,,never to be seen long enough for any surviving witness's to report upon:rolleyes:


Good stuff. What type of filter. Like those life straws or something more robust. Also like your tactical tomahawk.
They have personal ones that you can carry. Yeah, like a straw in a way. You have to get right down toward the water. But it's great because it's so portable.
Good stuff. What type of filter. Like those life straws or something more robust. Also like your tactical tomahawk.
I'm bumping into yer' 'Prime Time ' ,,@Streetwise ,hope you don't mind,bro!;)
I think I've some kind of 'Teledyne'?
( hell ,,,I don't know without looking at it) backpacker pump with an inlet& discharge hose, think I dropped better than $80 on it, I gave it the visual inspection just a couple months back& a cold steel fusion Vietnam style tomahawk, although other than not being able to expeditiously utilize it as a hammer like the tomahawk,that cold steel bolo machete is a much more everyday useful Bushcraft kind of tool to 'di-di' with, if running fast& light( IMO)

* roughneck nailed it in the single weapon choice with .22lr firearm as you can hump be-coup ammo, can/ suppress the muzzle flash/ sound signature,3-4 30 mags fend off hostile cannibals if avoidance of an engagement is no longer optional ( yer' in for a world of hurt 10 days down the road after eating that 40 gr. Casing-liner, should you even live that long:eek:) and it's adequately effective in dropping medium sized game such as deer with it's proper employment as to range( 75 yards should be the iffy cut off distance)
& head or neck vertebrae shot placement ,,,sure you can hammer them in machinegun triggering with 15 RDS and see them succumb, but that's 14 RDS you've humped& sweated over that's done gone like last Tuesdays windy breezeo_O,,,many dudes are talking about yarding along a fishing pole,,,maybe if they wood screwed a zebco#33 fishing reel under there 10-22 forearm they'd be satisfied, cuz' a fishing pole isn't the sturdiest of a piece of Kit to go ride the river witho_O

* that fishing line would prove invaluable in snaring some of the smaller& over looked upon protein sources,get a book & study a figure 4 dead fall or small sapling spring snare ,,, yer' gone have to have something to look forward to,,,,er,,, like checking the trap-lineo_O
Coupla observations. Locimus stated hand held and some of you must have huuuuuuugggggge hands and if the connection is true will probably be used as breeding stock and before you get all excited, there will be some skanks surviving because that's what they do best. Super models will be the first to perish so you will be used to propagate the species to replenish the planet with the same creatures most likely responsible for the apocalyptic event.

Some of you are too damned serious about this and might be borderline survivalists because your lists are too well thought out. I think there's small closet, hidden from prying eyes, in your abode where those items are neatly stacked, because survivalists are neat freaks, along with the only two things that will survive along with roaches, Slim Jims and Spam. That orange crap that exudes form a Slim Jim when it gets warm could very well spark the next evolutionary stage.

A truthful answer for me would be I would take nothing. I would stay where I am and consume whatever liquor I had including the hooch I absconded with from the liquor stores because that's the first place I am heading. I would smoke as many of my cigars as I had time for and wait for the end. Because I do not care to live beyond this world we have now. It isn't perfect and a lot of it sucks but what would follow after an apocalyptic event would be something I would not want to witness.

Besides that, with all of the weapons your tribesmen are planning on taking, the chances of getting shot are pretty high.
What 10 items would you pack for an apocylpse or disaster scenario. These items need to be handheld devices such as : radios, laterns ect. If you choose a firearm, please specify the type.


1-M16-A2 rifle
3-Bowie knife
4-Iodine tablets
5-solar power radio
7-extra socks
8-hygene kit
10-one very petite but hot looking woman who can be handheld and carried.

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