What to do with Prescott and this contract


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Let him walk. We aren't winning a SB with him as the QB unless the D vastly improves so no need to waste Good Money on an average player.


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My God!!!! You cant even remember what you say an hour ago.

HERE is YOUR post:

Always think you have to belittle people to make your point. Buzz off if you can’t be more cordial. Tough internet bully.

Of course no one sits a QB in Cap era 2 or 3 years.
“ no one” were NOT my words. I said “most” don’t sit their QB. You have misinterpreted me again. Shocking. Lol


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I would never pass up a good QB even if I have one and he is young. Personally, I would be QB university. DRAFT em, GROOM them, trade them or start them. And keep them coming.

And to your point...…..if they don't work out, cut and keep going.

I would probably do the same thing with RB's, especially if I had a great Oline. Make them look good behind our line for a few years, then trade them.

But that's just me.
is there a team in the nfl that does as you suggest, and just keep drafting qbs every year or other year as you describe?


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I don't see how that has anything to do with planning ahead, drafting, and attempting to groom our next QB.
my comment was in response to someone saying if Dak not gotten it done in 4 years, they would walk away from him. I brought up QBs that took a while to win it... I mentioned Dan Fouts because he never won it.... would you walk away from Dan Fouts after 6 or 7 years because he , "Hadnt gotten it done?"


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Personally, I am disappointed that he is all about the money. I guess in reality, I cant blame him for that, but I thought this process would be different. He is clearly trying to maximize EVERY dollar he can get now and in the future.

That being said, what do we do about his demands? Its pretty clear now that he will either accept the 35 million for 4 years or wants that 45 million tagged on for the 5th year. I think at the end of the day, if that 5th year came around, most of us would be more than happy to have paid that extra 10 million for another year. Dak will continue to improve and with MM I have a feeling this team is really going to take off. By then, Dak will be right outside the top 5 if not in there by that time.

Most likely Cooper and Zeke will be let go after another two years. That would free up 35 million.

Still, its a lot to ask for. I think we either do one of two things:

-Just go with the 4 year deal at 35 million per and start drafting and grooming a young QB for 4 years from now. And hopefully look to trade Dak and get something for him. This is NOT a bad plan. Especially if we devote the time to finding that young replacement and he is ready once the contract is up.

-Give into that 5th year, but simply pay him 45 million for that 5th year and don't make it guaranteed. So if we really want to keep him and we are in some kind of SB run then we have an option. If we can get them to agree to that.

I don't see any way that we should give in to this 5th year for 45 million. My only concern is Jerry. Will he take too long to groom a new guy or not do it at all?

45 really isnt going to be alot in 5 years for a QB


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is there a team in the nfl that does as you suggest, and just keep drafting qbs every year or other year as you describe?
No, he gave 3 examples which of course isn’t the norm across the league . Especially in Cap era.

But he’s hanging his hat on his 3 examples. Lol

And if you don’t agree or provide any pushback then we are all dumb. Typical internet bully and or troll type.


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Nobody blindly sits a QB for 2 or 3 years. LOL

There is that little part called...…..EVALUATION. Chances are, you aren't going to hit right away. But if you start now, you have a couple tries to find the right guy. Whenever the a young kid is ready, you can decide what to do. Either trade the incumbent, goto the young kid, whatever.

Does that make it more clear for you or do you need more help understanding?
I need more help in understanding. How about you give me 3 or 4 examples of teams doing this. pLEASE DONT BRING UP rODGERS AS HE WAS DRAFTED TO BE the starter AND A 1ST WAS USED ON HIM.

The pack did not draft Rodgers to see if he would or could be the guy. They knew he was the guy from the day they used a 1st on him.
So sure, give me 3 examples of teams doing as you have suggested to help me understand.

Ok, Jimmy G.. there is your 1st... now give me a couple more. Oh. I assume the pats continued this genius move and have their stud chomping to get in there right now since Brady is now gone.


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Personally, I am disappointed that he is all about the money. I guess in reality, I cant blame him for that, but I thought this process would be different. He is clearly trying to maximize EVERY dollar he can get now and in the future.

That being said, what do we do about his demands? Its pretty clear now that he will either accept the 35 million for 4 years or wants that 45 million tagged on for the 5th year. I think at the end of the day, if that 5th year came around, most of us would be more than happy to have paid that extra 10 million for another year. Dak will continue to improve and with MM I have a feeling this team is really going to take off. By then, Dak will be right outside the top 5 if not in there by that time.

Most likely Cooper and Zeke will be let go after another two years. That would free up 35 million.

Still, its a lot to ask for. I think we either do one of two things:

-Just go with the 4 year deal at 35 million per and start drafting and grooming a young QB for 4 years from now. And hopefully look to trade Dak and get something for him. This is NOT a bad plan. Especially if we devote the time to finding that young replacement and he is ready once the contract is up.

-Give into that 5th year, but simply pay him 45 million for that 5th year and don't make it guaranteed. So if we really want to keep him and we are in some kind of SB run then we have an option. If we can get them to agree to that.

I don't see any way that we should give in to this 5th year for 45 million. My only concern is Jerry. Will he take too long to groom a new guy or not do it at all?

Pretty sure I said exactly this in a post yesterday.


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McCarthy wont last more than 2 years here if Dalton is our starting QB
If Fat Mikey doesn’t have any more success than Garrett did probably won’t last anyway.

I’ll give him 2 years to reach a championship game or he’s done. We can be frustrated with any HC.


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No, its just like he said...…..just pointing out the obvious. You say dumb things you get called out for being dumb. That's the way it works on here. No different for me or anyone else.

And he completely nailed you on your "revert to Jerry" when you get in trouble.

How long did Garrappolo sit? Cooper rush? How long will Denucci sit? Romo?

So draft a guy, check him out for one year then play him or cut him? You remain clueless at best.
ok, Jimmy G was always gonna be the MAIN one. But seriously? Cooper Rush is an example? uhm, nah.
Romo was an undrafted FA... NEVER in a million years did they think they were grooming him to be anything other than a camp body.

There is always an example of some dude that ended up being a STARTER.... but Ill wait for these examples. Cooper Rush? bahahahahahahahhah


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If Fat Mikey doesn’t have any more success than Garrett did probably won’t last anyway.

I’ll give him 2 years to reach a championship game or he’s done. We can be frustrated with any HC.
Wont sniff that with Dalton as his starter. Thats setting him up to fail


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Many of you nice folks around here just love to point out when someone else is wrong, so allow me to accommodate and ask for just that. Please tell me what I'm missing....

I cannot see why this 5th year is an issue.

The last year of a contract cant be guaranteed without the entire thing being guaranteed, which no contract ever is.

Around the time of this 5th year, the whole thing would need to be revisited anyway. They would be looking at an extension, or looking to cut ties.

Or they could tag him THEN, and theres your 5th year.

The only thing that possibly makes sense is Jerry getting emotionally involved again and doesnt want to cut him in four years.

If you dont pay the guy what he wants at the time the whole BFF thing Jerry wants with the players is moot anyway.

Make it 80M. The player will never see it. Doesnt matter. Either cut or sign an extension.

And really, if the guy STILL hasn't won within the next four years, do they really want to keep going at even higher numbers....and if he HAS won by then, it's going to cost big time anyway.

I just cant understand. I'd appreciate if someone would point out what I've got to be overlooking.


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If Dak holds equal responsibility to any other player on offense than why pay him more? Why are QBs paid more than any other position if their responsibility isn’t any greater then other players?

Romo had the same issue. Highest rated QB in the 4th quarter and all that. In the end it meant nothing and this fan base was quick to kick him to the curb at the first opportunity.

The minute Dak signs this deal he will be the offense. There will be no more excuses. Any offensive woes will be thrown at his feet and rightfully so because you don’t get a massive raise without a massive increase in responsibility.

I understand your view on Dak and I respect it but I’ll not get behind making him the highest paid QB. Never.

LOL...……..no, only QB challenged fans kicked him to the curb. Romo was good enough as is Dak.

Most were football savvy enough to realize that Romo never had the coaching or defense to go all the way.

Dak being paid the highest is simply a temporary issue. In 2 years he will be the 5th highest paid QB and dropping.

That's just the way new contracts work in the NFL. Im surprised you don't understand this.

But lets be honest here, you never applauded Dak and his 1m salary the first 4 years. Never a peep about it. Again, your agenda is showing.


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“ no one” were NOT my words. I said “most” don’t sit their QB. You have misinterpreted me again. Shocking. Lol

LOL...…...clown...…...I posted your EXACT quote.

Case is closed...……..you are simply a total and complete liar. Even when faced with your own words you lie about it.

Hands down the biggest troll on here. Worst poster on the site.


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my comment was in response to someone saying if Dak not gotten it done in 4 years, they would walk away from him. I brought up QBs that took a while to win it... I mentioned Dan Fouts because he never won it.... would you walk away from Dan Fouts after 6 or 7 years because he , "Hadnt gotten it done?"

You are really good at saying things no one ever says and making an argument out of it. Lets just save some time and move on.

If you aren't into the process of "grooming and drafting QB's" I could care less.


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LOL, such a weird come to Jesus post for the CowboyRoy troll. From screaming at the top of his lungs every day for two years that Dak will be signed any day now, to crying in his beer that Dak is greedy and could possibly be traded. It's shocking how little dignity the weirdos on here actually have...


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Jerry made ANOTHER HUGE mistake by not signing him last year. One of many, and now he's literally paying the price for it. He will sign him for a lot of money, we will all move on except for a few of those Romo panty wearers.


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Given current economic conditions, the team should estimate what the salary cap will look in 2021.

They also should guess their cash flow in 2020.

Advertising and stadium revenues decimated by current realities would impact the viability of signing an expensive quarterback contract.