What TV show would you like revived?

Props for mentioning "Wiseguy"... Amazing show.

To that I would have to add "Sopranos"... Yeah, I know, the main cast member isn't available. :(

Here are some others...

"Parking Wars"... Hey I enjoyed it!
"Corner Gas"
"Pete & Pete"... Yeah, the kids are like in their 30's now. LOL!
"Ren & Stimpy"

Corner Gas is a good one, mentioning it makes me want Red Green back too
Firefly for sure, I still carry a little anger over that one

The Chappelle Show
I don't know if he would still be as funny, but it was hilarious while it lasted

The Wire. Love to see he rebuild of Avon Barksdale and Marlo is still out there. Mike is there and Dookie could be the kingpin lol. Wouldn't be quite the same without Omar but the series would still be compelling with the cast left.
Firefly reminded me of another Summer Glau outing that was cancelled too early.

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Ended extremely unresolved.

Underrated show, IMO.

In my opinion, Lena Headey was a much better Sarah Connor than Linda Hamilton. I can picture Headey easily doing a remake of T2.
Firefly reminded me of another Summer Glau outing that was cancelled too early.

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Ended extremely unresolved.

Underrated show, IMO.

Good call. And Summer? Love her! Wouldn't she make just a *wonderful* new Buffy? :D
Good call. And Summer? Love her! Wouldn't she make just a *wonderful* new Buffy? :D

I'm guessing she would, but sadly I haven't watched Whedon's Buffy. It's on my list of things to watch though since I'm pretty sure I saw it on Netflix.
X-Files. (Only if Mulder is full time)

The Office (only if Michael is full time)

Soon enough...The Colbert Report (Since he's leaving for The Late Show :( )
Lie To Me
Lipstick Jungle
Flash Forward
The Event
I'm glad you reminded me of The Event. A whole PLANET pops into Earth orbit. So what does NBC do? Can the show. That still pisses me off.

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